Present :

Mr D T Yates (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr J H Fleming, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr R C Richards, Mr D G Williams

Portfolio Holders :

Mrs M A Jarman, Mrs B Lawson, Mr H Rees

Also Present (non-voting) :

Miss H L Humby, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr A J Mundy


THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 26 November 2001 be confirmed.


Interests were declared in the following matters:
Mrs M J Lloyd had an interest in Minute 17 as an organiser of events in East Cowes during Cowes Week.
Mr D T Yates had an interest in Minute 16 (b) - Development Control and Support Section Service Plan and Performance Indicators


(a) Appointment to an Outside Body
The Strategic Director advised of the need to appoint two Council representatives to sit on the Cowes Town Waterfront Trust. Details had been circulated to all members and five nominations had been received. It fell to the Select Committee to give consideration for two suitable representatives to be recommended to the Executive. The Chairman read out a letter from the Trust which gave details of the skills that they would like the representatives to have although members were advised that they were not bound to follow them if they chose not to.
THAT the Executive be recommended to appoint Cllrs R Barry and C Hancock as the Council representatives to sit on Cowes Town Waterfront Trust, for the life of the Council.
(b) Development Control and Support Section Service Plan and Performance Indicators
(The Chairman declared an interest the following item of business and vacated the Chair. The Vice-Chairman, Mr J Fleming, took the Chair).
The Development Control Manager presented his report on the service plan for Development Control and the Support Administration Service. The Development Control Manager outlined the achievements of the past year including the appointment of new staff, the production of a Code of Practice for members and officers and the production of a Charter for Development Control. Areas for improvement were also highlighted, in particular the improvement in reception and advice service for Development Control related enquiries and the development of a more efficient and effective services call handling service. The importance of continuous training for members and of Learning Passports for staff were noted. Members were advised that a new initiative in the foreseeable future would be public speaking at Development Control meetings and this would have a significant impact on resources and officer time. The Chairman of the Development Control Committee gave a brief report to members on her recent visit to New Forest District Council to view how public speaking was dealt with at Development Control meetings.
The Committee were informed that the recent Green Paper for consultation on the planning process would also have a large impact on the Development Control Section in the future. This included a 65% target for dealing with major applications within eight weeks (figures showed that this was met only in 15% of current major applications). Performance Indicators would also show the need for greater delegation to officers not withstanding the recently introduced delegation procedures. The Development Control Manager advised the Committee of bench-marking statistics which showed the Development Control Section compared favourably to others in terms of cost per head of population.
With greater consultation expected in the future members understood that future meetings of the Development Control Committee were likely to be longer than at present. The issues concerned with the Planning Department being located away from County Hall were also noted.
(i) THAT a report on the Green Paper be brought to a future meeting for comment.
(ii) THAT a report by the Development Control Manager be brought to a future meeting of the Committee outlining the options regarding possible start times for future Development Control meetings.
(iii) THAT bench-marketing statistics be incorporated into future service plans.


Consideration was given to the delivery of the programme of entertainments and events staged to support the shore based activities for Cowes Week . The Council had historically provided an evening entertainments programme at Northwood House Marquee and a day time street theatre programme, café bar and tented village and other facilities on The Parade.
In respect of the Northwood House marquee, members were advised that the level of income currently achieved through ticket sales, sponsorship and franchises, was not enough to offset the considerable infrastructural costs that continued to rise through inflation, additional health and safety measures and licensing requirements. Members were advised that the Northwood House entertainment programme could not be delivered within the existing allocation of budget and maintain the existing programme, quality, pricing policy and private hire rate charged.
Therefore it was proposed to alter the form of the entertainments programme to expand the entertainments taking place on the Parade to include an evening programme and improvement of facilities, which would take the entertainments programme to the heart of Cowes. An outline was given of the style and type of events planned. This programme could be delivered within existing budgets by transferring the allocation for the Northwood House programme.
A number of issues arose and were discussed including the future of the Ocean World Crew Ball and the Isle of Wight Radio night if the existing marquee arrangements were not continued and the possible need to relocate the Chairmans' Reception from the marquee to inside the house itself. Members also discussed the potential to deliver an alternative programme, with a different mix of entertainments of events, but still to incorporate the key events.
Members believed in view of the range of issues raised that they required further information regarding the entertainments programme at Northwood House Marquee before making a recommendation to the Executive.
With regard to the Parade proposals for the usual day-time programme Members considered the proposals to slightly extend the 'tented village' and include an element of retail to be included on the Parade with the café bar facility. Liaison with Cowes Week Sponsorship Limited and Cowes Business Association was essential to make this a success. Members were advised the Parade would have a maximum of 20 units for the extensive street theatre programme which would be extended into the town for 2002.
It was reported that the tented village would be self funding with no additional cost to the Council. Sponsorship had been secured which together with the retail unit income would cover the cost of the additional street theatre and entertainment required
Concern was expressed over crowd safety and control in regard to numbers of people accessing the Parade during Firework night, which had been highlighted by the risk assessment carried out last year. This has been the subject of further discussion with the Police and Members were advised that restriction of numbers accessing the Parade in future years would be essential. Consideration was given to the relocation of the barge which could improve viewing in other areas and help to ease the Parade issue.
Members were updated as to the consultation that had taken place with Cowes Week Sponsorship Limited, Cowes Business Association and Cowes Town Council and were informed that further consultation would be required in relation to the Ocean World Crew Ball and the Isle of Wight Radio night.
(i) THAT a report be brought to the next meeting of the Select Committee giving further details of the Northwood House marquee.
(ii) THAT the Executive be recommended to approve the provision of an extended 'tented village' with a retail element where appropriate be supported and the hire fees as outlined in the report be approved.
(iii) THAT any profits generated from the hire of units within the tented village be invested to further enhance the event.


Councillor J H Fleming gave a brief report to members of the recent conference he had attended. This had been organised by ASLAC who were an advisory service run by CIPFA and Price Waterhouse Coopers which assisted local authorities with public-private partnerships. The conference detailed how to create a leisure related trust, as the most appropriate vehicle for securing the development of leisure provision. Members were informed that it was an interesting and worthwhile conference.
THAT the report be noted.


Members received a presentation from the Mr Adam Wallace, Senior Countryside Officer with the Countryside Agency on Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The aims of declaring land as AONB were outlined and a brief history was given. He explained the role the Countryside Agency played in the AONB process and gave details of the way in which AONB's were now funded. Members were informed of the criteria and procedure in relation to declaring an area of land as an AONB. The Chairman thanked Mr Wallace for an interesting and informative presentation.
THAT the presentation be noted.