REVENUE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY as at end of November 2004
Service Expenditure   Income   Net Variance  
  To Date Budget   To Date Budget   To Date Budget   Comments
  £000 £000 % £000 £000 % £000 £000 £000  
Planning App/Enforcement 551.7 846.1 65.2% -508.0 -730.0 69.6% 43.7 116.1 72.4 Budget on target to date.
Planning Policy 1422.5 1688.8 84.2% -620.4 -685.8 90.5% 802.1 1003.0 200.9 Budget on target to date.
Archaeology 114.5 138.7 82.6% -2.4 -1.0 240.0% 112.1 137.7 25.6 Budget on target to date.
Economic Development 236.7 307.3 77.0% -1.5 -15.0 10.0% 235.2 292.3 57.1 Budget on target to date.
Sport Recreation and Leisure Events 2942.3 3805.2 77.3% -1,824.4 -2,171.5 84.0% 1117.9 1633.7 515.8 Operating within net budget but pressure has now been placed on income targets for leisure facilities by introduction of parking charges - too early to quantify but will require close monitoring.
Public parks & open spaces 941.9 1314.1 71.7% -223.6 -155.0 144.3% 718.3 1159.1 440.8 Budget on target to date.
Countryside Management 324.7 485.6 66.9% -55.5 -170.9 32.5% 269.2 314.7 45.5 1 post made redundant and recharge made for time spent advising Development Control. A further £3,000 has been saved from the equipment budget to meet the £40,000 headroom savings. Grants are claimed quarterly in arrears. Budget on Target to date.
Seasonal Facilities & other 153.4 216.6 70.8% -366.4 -339.7 107.9% -213.0 -123.1 89.9 Budget on target to date.
Events, Marketing & Tourism 1693.9 2685.3 63.1% -1,277.3 -1,285.6 99.4% 416.6 1399.7 983.1 Budget on target to date.
      #DIV/0!     #DIV/0!        
Totals 8382 11488 73.0% -4,880 -5,555 87.8% 3502 5933 2431