New Terms of Reference





1.                  To consider and make recommendations on the scale of the Council’s involvement/support for all of the services encompassed within the Cultural and Leisure Service Unit.


2.                  To monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the agreed procurement approaches to the “other” services.


3.                  To monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the new organisational arrangements for Cultural and Leisure Services in delivering its services in an economic, effective and efficient manner.


4.                  To develop the business plan for the development of a Health and Fitness facility at the Westridge Centre as part of the project to co-locate Cultural, Leisure and Tourism services at the centre.


5.                  To performance manage the implementation of the business plan for the delivery of the Register Office function to Northwood House (as recommended by the Board as its preferred procurement model).


6.                  To re-name the Board as the Cultural and Leisure Services Project Board.


7.                  That the Board make its final report to the Executive by the end of March 2005.