Present :


Councillors Ivan Bulwer, Brian Mosdell, Susan Scoccia




43.             ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN




Councillor Ivan Bulwer was elected Chairman for the day.




There were no declarations of interest made at this stage.


45.             URGENT BUSINESS


There were no urgent items of business for consideration.




Consideration was given to Paper A1 – A2, the reports of the Head of Consumer Protection, providing details of Applications for the Conversion and Variation of a Premises Licence, received during the transitional period, in accordance with Schedule 8, paragraph 2(2) and Schedule 8, paragraph 7(1)(b) of the Licensing Act 2003.


Details of any proposed additional steps to promote the licensing objectives were set out in the reports of the Head of Consumer Protection, circulated with the agenda. 


The Sub Committee followed the agreed procedure, which had been previously circulated to all parties prior to the meeting.  After the hearing of each application in turn, the Sub Committee presented the following decisions and the reasons for that decision.




THAT upon receiving the reports of the Licensing section, oral and written evidence from the interested parties and/or responsible authorities and having regard to the Guidance issued under s182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and the Isle of Wight Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy 2004 – 2007, the applications be determined as detailed below:



Decision Ref



Application for a Conversion and Variation of the Premises Licence for the New Inn, Shalfleet



Provision of Regulated Entertainment

Hours of Licensable Activities











Indoor Sporting Events

10:00 hours – 24:00 hours each day

10:00 hours New Year’s Eve – 24:00 hours New Year’s Day


Boxing or Wrestling



Live Music



Recorded music



Performances of Dance



Anything similar to (e) (f) (g) above

10:00 hours – 24:00 hours each day

10:00 hours New Year’s Eve – 24:00 hours New Year’s Day





Provision of Entertainment Facilities






making music






entertainment similar to (i) & (j) above






Late Night Refreshment

23:00 hours – 00:30 hours each day

10:00 hours New Year’s Eve – 24:00 hours New Year’s Day





Supply of Alcohol

10:00 hours – 24:00 hours each day

10:00 hours New Year’s Eve – 24:00 hours New Year’s Day





Other Times Premises Proposed To Be Open To The Public

10:00 hours – 00:30 hours each day

10:00 hours New Year’s Eve – 24:00 hours New Year’s Day




Interested Parties/ Responsible authorities

Mr Mark MacDonald (Applicant)

Mr Young (Objector)


Additional Representations:



Comments :



Reasons for Decision:

The reasons were provided in the report to promote the four Licensing objectives, in accordance with the Isle of Wight Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and of the s182 Guidance of the Licensing Act 2003.

The Sub Committee had regard to the Human Rights Act 1998, and in particular Article 1 of the First Protocol, Article 8 and Article 6.  The Sub Committee considered their decision to be proportionate and necessary for the promotion of all the four licensing objectives under the Licensing Act 2003. The Sub Committee did not consider that any additional conditions were necessary to further the licensing objectives.


The Sub Committee noted that the applicant and interested parties had a right of appeal to the Magistrates Court if they were dissatisfied with the decision and any such appeal must be made within 21 days.



THAT the grant of a Variation and Conversion of a Premises Licence for The New Inn, Shalfleet, Isle of Wight be approved, in accordance with the application, subject only to those conditions proposed by the applicant within the operating schedule and to the mandatory conditions specified in s19 of the Licensing Act.


 Conditions :

No additional conditions.



Decision Ref



Application for a Conversion and Variation of a Premises Licence for The Royal Yacht, Squadron, Cowes




Provision of Regulated Entertainment

Hours of Licensable Activities











Indoor Sporting Events



Boxing or Wrestling



Live Music

10:00 hours – 02:00 hours


Recorded music

10:00 hours – 02:00 hours


Performances of Dance

10:00 hours – 02:00 hours


Anything similar to (e) (f) (g) above

10:00 hours – 02:00 hours





Provision of Entertainment Facilities






making music

10:00 hours – 02:00 hours



10:00 hours – 02:00 hours


entertainment similar to (i) & (j) above

10:00 hours – 02:00 hours





Late Night Refreshment

23:00 hours – 02:00 hours





Supply of Alcohol

10:00 hours – 02:00 hours





Other Times Premises Proposed To Be Open To The Public

10:00 hours – 02:30 hours





Interested Parties / Responsible Authorities

Mr Stephen Orchard (Applicant)

Additional Representations:


Comments :


Reasons for Decision:

The reasons were provided in the report to promote the Licensing objective regarding the   Prevention of public nuisance, in particular and in accordance with the Isle of Wight Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and to the Guidance issued under s182 of the Licensing Act 2003.

To prevent public nuisance by limiting disturbance to local residents.


The Sub Committee had regard to the Human Rights Act 1998, and in particular Article 1 of the First Protocol, Article 8 and Article 6.  The Sub Committee considered their decision to be proportionate and necessary for the promotion of the four licensing objectives under the Licensing Act 2003.


The Sub Committee advised the applicant and objectors that they had a right of appeal to the Magistrates Court if they were dissatisfied with the decision, and that any such appeal had to be made within 21 days.


THAT the grant of a Variation and Conversion of a Premises Licence for The Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes, Isle of Wight be approved, in accordance with the application, subject to those conditions proposed by the applicant within the operating schedule, to the mandatory conditions specified in s19 of the Licensing Act and subject to the following conditions listed below:


  1. The sale of liquor shall be restricted to 1 am except during Cowes week, and 10 unspecified days.
  2. The playing of live and recorded music shall be restricted to 12 midnight except during Cowes Week and 10 unspecified days
  3. Seven days advance notice shall be given to the licensing authority in respect of the 10 unspecified days
  4. All doors and window are to be kept closed after 11 pm each day to prevent public nuisance by limiting disturbance to local residents.









Present :


Councillors George Cameron, Barbara Foster and William Burt




It was noted that Councillor Burt was in attendance as a nominated substitute for Councillor Scoccia.


47.             ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN




Councillor Cameron was elected Chairman for the day.




There were no declarations of interest made at this stage.


49.             URGENT BUSINESS


There were no urgent items of business for consideration.




Consideration was given to Papers A1 – A2, the reports of the Head of Consumer Protection. Paper A1 provided details of an Application for the Conversion of a Premises Licence, received during the transitional period, in accordance with Schedule 8, paragraph 2(2) of the Licensing Act 2003 and for a simultaneous variation of the licence under Schedule 8, paragraph 7(1)(b) of the Licensing Act 2003. Paper A2 detailed an application for the conversion of a Club Premises Certificate during the transitional period under Schedule 8 paragraph 14(2) of the Licensing Act 2003 and for a variation of the Club Premises Certificate during the transitional period under Schedule 8 paragraph 19(1) of the Licensing Act 2003.


Details of any proposed additional steps to promote the licensing objectives were set out in the reports of the Head of Consumer Protection, circulated with the agenda. 


The Sub Committee followed the agreed procedure, which had been previously circulated to all parties prior to the meeting.  After the hearing of each application in turn, the Sub Committee presented the following decisions and the reasons for that decision.




THAT upon receiving the reports of the Licensing section, oral and written evidence from the Applicant, interested parties and responsible authorities and having regard to the Guidance issued under s182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and the Isle of Wight Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy 2004 – 2007, the applications be determined as detailed below:


Decision Ref



Application for conversion and variation of premises licence – Central Tap Bars (previously Hunters Rest) 64 High Street, Ventnor, Isle of Wight



Provision of Regulated Entertainment

Hours of Licensable Activities






All days 10:00 hours to 03:00 hours (premises have been approached by some actors enquiring about the use of the premises for the performance of a show, so this may be taken further when the 2003 Act comes into force)



All days 10:00 hours to 03:00 hours (if there is a request for the premises to hold a film show the function room would be a suitable venue. Although nothing has been arranged it is possible that a film show may be held in the future)


Indoor Sporting Events

All days 10:00 hours to 03:00 hours (premises would be a suitable venue for exhibitions by sporting stars, such an event if held would be intended to attract an audience)


Boxing or Wrestling

All days 10:00 hours to 03:00 hours (if there was a request to hold such an event, then it would be possible to hold an event at the venue)


Live Music



Recorded music



Performances of Dance



Anything similar to (e) (f) (g) above

All days 10:00 hours to 03:00 hours (we wish to be able to provide live and recorded music, both amplified and unamplified and the performance of dance)





Provision of Entertainment Facilities






making music






entertainment similar to (i) & (j) above

All days 10:00 hours to 03:00 hours (we wish to be able to continue to provide facilities for making music both amplified and unamplified, and dancing)





Late Night Refreshment

All days 23:00 hours to 03:00 hours (no hot food will be available after 23:00 hours, only hot drinks)





Supply of Alcohol

All days 10:00 hours to 03:00 hours





Hours Premises Proposed To Be Open To The Public

All days 10:00 hours to 03:30 hours






Conditions to be removed

The conditions inherent in the Supper Hours Certificate and Extended Hours Order should be removed.

Public Participants:

Mr King and Mr Reilly (Applicants)

Sergeant Mudge (Responsible Authority)

PC Melville (Responsible Authority)

PC Whitewick (Responsible Authority)

Kevin Winchcombe (Environmental Health Officer)

Additional Representations:


Comments :

The three objectors were unable to attend, but the Sub Committee noted their representations.

Reasons for Decision:

Conditions i - iv were necessary to further the licensing objective of preventing public nuisance and in particular the potential nuisance from noise;

Conditions v - x were necessary to further the licensing objective of preventing crime and disorder in accordance with the Isle of Wight Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and of the s182 Guidance of the Licensing Act 2003.

The Sub Committee had regard to the Human Rights Act 1998, and in particular Article 1 of the First Protocol, Article 8 and Article 6.  The Sub Committee considered their decision to be proportionate and necessary for the promotion of all the four licensing objectives under the Licensing Act 2003.

The Sub Committee advised the applicant that they had a right of appeal to the Magistrates Court if they were dissatisfied with the decision, and that any such appeal had to be made within 21 days.


THAT the grant of a Variation and Conversion of a Premises Licence for the Central Tap Bars be approved, in accordance with the application, subject to those conditions proposed by the applicant within the operating schedule, to the mandatory conditions specified in the Licensing Act 2003 and subject to the following conditions listed below which the Sub Committee considered necessary for the promotion of the four licensing objectives:


i)                    No regulated entertainment hereby authorised by this licence shall be permitted unless:


1.     an electronic sound limiting device has been installed and set, by a competent person, in accordance with details which have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Licensing Authority, such details to include sound levels and tamper proof integrity. The sound limiter level once set should not be adjusted without prior written approval of the Local Licensing Authority .


2.                 The limiter thereafter to be regularly maintained by a competent person and a report is produced at no greater than 12 month intervals from the date of grant of this licence, which shall include details of this maintenance, a test of its normal operation and certification of the device’s tamper proof integrity.  Such records shall be open to inspection by an authorised officer of the Local Licensing Authority with 24 hours advance notice in writing.


ii)          Prominent, clear and legible notices shall be displayed at all exits requesting the public respect the needs of local residents and to leave the premises and the area quietly.


iii)                    No regulated entertainment authorised by this licence shall be permitted until all external doors and windows of the premises are shut.


iv)                    No regulated entertainment shall be permitted by this licence except in the function room shown on the plan attached to the application.


v)                      All licensable activities shall cease at 0100 and the premises shall close at 0130.


vi)                    No regulated entertainment authorised by this licence shall be permitted after 2000 unless there is one door supervisor employed as such at the premises who is registered with the Security Industry Authority.


vii)                  No licensable activity authorised by this licence shall be permitted until a CCTV has been installed at the premises in accordance with a scheme agreed in writing with the licensing authority.  The CCTV system shall be maintained thereafter.  All recordings shall be kept for a minimum of 14 days after recording and be available on the written request of the police with 24 hours notice.


viii)                Lightening shall be turned on in all public areas of the premises at 0100.


ix)                    There shall be no customers permitted to enter the premises after 00.01.


x)                      No glasses or open vessels shall be permitted to be taken or removed from the premises by customers. There shall be no off sales after 23.00 from the premises


Decision Ref



Application for a conversation and variation of premises licence – Isle of Wight Telecom Sports and Social Club


The reasons were provided in the report to promote the Licensing objective regarding the Prevention of Public Nuisance in particular, in accordance with the Isle of Wight Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and of the s182 Guidance of the Licensing Act 2003.

The Sub Committee had regard to the Human Rights Act 1998, and in particular Article 1 of the First Protocol, Article 8 and Article 6.  The Sub Committee considered their decision to be proportionate and necessary for the promotion of all the four licensing objectives under the Licensing Act 2003.

The Sub Committee advised the applicant that they had a right of appeal to the Magistrates Court if they were dissatisfied with the decision, and that any such appeal had to be made within 21 days.

Public Participants:

Mrs Valerie Austin, Secretary of the Club

Additional Representations:


Comments :

The objector was unable to attend, but their representations were noted by the Sub Committee.

Reasons for Decision:

The reasons were provided in the report to promote the Licensing objective regarding the Isle of Wight Telecom Sports and Social Club, in particular and in accordance with the Isle of Wight Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and to the Guidance issued under s182 of the Licensing Act 2003.

The Sub Committee had regard to the Human Rights Act 1998, and in particular Article 1 of the First Protocol, Article 8 and Article 6.  The Sub Committee considered their decision to be proportionate and necessary for the promotion of the four licensing objectives under the Licensing Act 2003.

The Sub Committee advised the applicant that they had a right of appeal to the Magistrates Court if they were dissatisfied with the decision, and that any such appeal had to be made within 21 days.


THAT the grant of a Variation and Conversion of a Premises Licence for the Isle of Wight Telecom Sports and Social Club be approved, in accordance with the application, subject to those conditions proposed by the applicant within the operating schedule, to the mandatory conditions specified in s19 of the Licensing Act and subject to the following conditions listed below:

