Licensing Committee


1.                  To consider and determine any application or appeal in relation to the licensing or grant of consent or permission where


(i)                 the law or Council policy requires the decision to be taken by elected members.


(ii)               an officer with delegated powers declines to exercise those powers, having considered representations, or for any other reason.


(iii)             the licence, consent or permission is contained within the list set out below OR is not otherwise specifically delegated to another part of the Council.


2.                  To adopt policy in relation to the licensing or grant of consent or permission where the law allows the Licensing Committee to determine that policy.


3.                  Licensing functions include the grant, renewal, refusal, revocation, variation, cancellation, imposition of conditions, (and appeals against any such action) in relation to the following regulated activities:


1.                  Acupuncture, Tattooing, Ear piercing and Electrolysis.


2.                  Gaming by means of machines.


3.                  Competitions and Amusements (Bingo).


4.                  Caravan Site.


5.                  Cinemas.


6.                  Dangerous Wild Animals.


7.                  Breeding of Dogs.


8.                  Rag Flock and other Filling Materials.


9.                  Gaming.


10.             Game Licenses.


11.             Guard Dogs.


12.             House to House Collections.


13.             Late Night Refreshment Houses.


14.             Lotteries and Amusements.


15.             Pet Shops.


16.             Pleasure boats and boatmen.


17.             Regulation of Street Collections.


18.             Street Trading.


19.             Theatres.


20.             Zoos.


21.             Minibuses.


22.             Animal Boarding Establishments.


23.             Sunday Trading.


24.             Private Place of Entertainment.


25.             Public Entertainments.


26.             Riding Establishments.


27.             Scrap Metal Dealers.


28.             Sex Establishments.


29.             Slaughterhouses and Knackers Yards.


30.             Nurses Agencies.


31.             Track Betting.


32.             Door Staff.


33.             Poisons, Explosives.


34.             Pool Promotions.


35.             Sports Grounds.


36.             Marriage Premises.


37.             Performing Animals.


38.             Dairy and Dairymen.


39.             Open Air Events under the Isle of Wight Act.


40.             Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles.


41.             Movement of Animals.


42.             Liquor Licensing.


and any other registration or licensing function not specifically delegated elsewhere in this constitution, or by the law.




Meetings of the Committee will commence at a time that in the opinion of the Chairman meets the needs of applicants, objectors or other interested parties.




The quorum of Licensing Committee will be 5. The Chairman will chair, unless absent in which case the meeting will elect one of the present Vice Chairmen to chair the meeting.