Present :
Cllrs Susan Scoccia (Chairman), Brian Mosdell, David Whittaker
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 2 May 2007 be confirmed.
There were no declarations of interest made at this stage.
Application for the
Review of a Premises Licence for Bar Bluu,
Mr Phillip Somarakis on behalf of Mr Woodward of Bar
Bluu advised the Committee that prior to today they had not had a chance to sit
down with the Police and see if arbitration in the matter could be
reached. He had had an opportunity to
briefly speak to the Police before the start of the meeting and they both
believed it would be helpful to have a meeting to try and work a way forward in
the case rather than proceed with the hearing being contested.
He asked the Committee for a short adjournment to
enable him and his client to have a short meeting with the Police in order to
try and reach an understanding with them.
Proposed conditions had already been suggested along with other actions. He believed it would be a joint application
for a short adjournment.
The Chairman asked the Police if an adjournment was
acceptable to them and they agreed.
The Committee agreed and the meeting was adjourned
at 10.15 am.
The Committee reconvened at 11.07 am.
The Chairman indicated that she was disappointed
that both parties had left it until the last hour to get together.
Mr Somarakis indicated that both parties believed it
would be a joint application to seek out an adjournment for the hearing, the
reason being that in order to reach a point where they could come back with
agreed conditions, certain discussions needed to take place. The Police indicated that they had some
concerns relating to late night disturbance.
He told members that they wanted to sit down with the Police and look at
the incidents and see if they related to the premises and discuss a way
forward. They were prepared to look at a
way forward as to how the premises were managed. He believed they had a basis for an agreement
in principle and felt that it would not be right to ask for additional time
today for further discussions.
Mr Peter Savill on behalf of the Police told members
that a change in the management was essential as part of the Police side. A change in management had been proposed by
the Club but, as yet the Police had not as yet met that person. They believed a mediated outcome was far better
than an enforced outcome and the police were prepared to agree to a short
adjournment of four weeks.
On the basis that there was one application that was
consented and depending on what happened between today and any resumed hearing
all options remained open. The Police
did not want any agreement to an adjournment today to be taken as an assurance
that the Police would not, if circumstances required, proceed with the
application they had before the Sub Committee today on a resumed hearing. They remained optimistic and hopeful that an
agreed outcome could be reached in this case and that would be put before the Sub
Committee as a mutually agreed document.
The Committee was pleased to hear both parties were
trying to mediate and work together to resolve the problem. The Licensing (Determinations) Sub Committee
wanted to feel confident that a resolution could be found.
THAT the matter be adjourned for one month with a date to be arranged.