Committee:                 HACKNEY CARRIAGE WORKING PARTY


Date:                          4 JULY 2002


Title                           REVIEW & EVALUATE HACKNEY CARRIAGE STANDS







To review and evaluate existing Hackney Carriage Stands.




1.        Since 1995 Officers have tried on various occasions to review existing Hackney Carriage Stands and put forward suggestions for new stands to meet change and improve services.


2.        West Wight Taxi Proprietors Association now part of the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association responded in November 1998 by requesting the existing taxi ranks at Moa Place, Freshwater and Quay Street, Yarmouth remain and that all other ranks that presently exist within the former Rural District of the Isle of Wight be revoked or rescinded as appropriate. See Appendix 1.


3.        A list of other ranks previously discussed with the trade (Appendix 2) advertised and commented on in 1997 has since been updated and is set out at Appendix 3.


4.        The Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association was made aware of the Council’s intentions to consider this matter on the 22 February 2002 to provide an opportunity for consultation with their association members. Set out at Appendix 4 is the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association report dated 18 April 2002 on Hailing Points.


5.        The Working Party may be aware of proposals for two new ‘late night only’ ranks near the Balcony Bar, Ryde and Chicago Rock, Newport from approximately 10.00 pm until 4.00 am the following morning.




Cost of road marking and signage.




1.        The Working Party’s attention is drawn to Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 which requires local authorities to consider the community safety implications of ALL their activities. This is a corporate responsibility of the authority as a whole.


2.        This matter should be considered against a background of the implications of the Human Rights Act 1998.





(1)       In an attempt to further encourage Hackney Carriage vehicles being integrated into the Public Transport System, the Working Party may wish to consider Taxi Hailing Points.


(2)       This system is in operation in other areas notably Leeds City Council and Kirklees Metropolitan Council.


(3)       Hailing Points are not taxi stands but a position on the public highway where the public can wait with the expectation that a taxi (from that zone) will, if empty, stop and pick up any waiting passengers. These points could be positioned close to bus stops.


(4)       A successful pilot scheme in and around Newport could reduce pressure to increase the rank capacity in South Street.


(5)       A pilot Hailing Point Scheme could be evaluated by the Hackney Carriage Working Party with a view to it subsequently being extended.




(1)       Retain the taxi rank sat Moa Place, Freshwater for three stands and Quay Street, Yarmouth for eight stands and recommend that all other ranks in the former Rural District of the Isle of Wight be revoked or rescinded and the Byelaws amended accordingly.


(2)       That a six stand rank be put into place at Quay Road, Coach Park, Ryde from 10.00 pm to 4.00 am the following morning.


(3)       That a three stand rank be put in place at Lower Furrlongs, Newport from 10.00 pm to 4.00 am the following morning.


(4)       That the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association be invited to inform the working party which ranks in Appendix 3 they wish to retain or amend.




That options 1, 2 and 3 be recommended to the Fire & Public Safety Select Committee.


That further recommendations be made to the Select Committee when the Working Party has considered the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association views in relation to option 4 and if appropriate, in relation to a pilot taxi hailing point scheme.





Hackney Carriage Stands Review file.


Contact Points:           John Murphy, Senior Licensing Officer ☎ 823152




Strategic Director of Finance & Information & County Treasurer