Present :


Mr B E Abraham (deputising for the Labour seat), Mr V J Morey, Mr A J Mundy (deputising for Mr R A Sutton), Mr G P Price

Association Members (non voting) :


Mr C Gange, Mr J Jones, Mr I Porter, Mrs J Rounsevell




THAT Mr V J Morey be elected Chairman for the ensuing year.


5.        MINUTES



THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2002 be confirmed.



The Strategic Director of Finance and Information and County Treasurer reported on a request by the Association for the Council to investigate the introduction of Taxi Hailing Points. The Working Party noted that such points could be linked in with bus stops. The ability of members of the public to hail hackney carriages was discussed together with the effect of zoning. The option of a pilot scheme in one area was considered.

Members believed that the successful operation of Taxi Hailing Points would prove difficult given the current zoning arrangements. There was a need however to make members of the public more aware of how hackney carriages operated and the difference with private hire vehicles.

The Strategic Director then referred to the need to review hackney carriage stands. Consideration was last given to sites in 1997 but little progress had been made at that time. A revised list had now been compiled based on a number of suggestions made in the light of changing circumstances. Each site proposed was discussed and several areas were identified where there was a need for a site inspection by representatives of the Traffic Section, Police and the Association.

Some concern was expressed by the Association as to the difficulties encountered with the spaces on Fountain Quay, Cowes. It was indicated by Council officers that this was private land but the issues raised would be followed up. In respect of the location of stands at St Mary’s Hospital, Newport and major retail outlets the Association would need to approach the respect land owners as the Council had no control over these. The Working Party did feel that public transport provision, including hackney carriages, should be taken into account when planning permission was granted.



           (a)       THAT no action be taken to operate Hackney Carriage Hailing Points.


           (b)       THAT the Council, in conjunction with the Association, give publicity to the operation of services provided by Hackney Carriages.


           (c)       THAT the operation of the stands on Fountain Quay, Cowes be clarified with the landowners.


           (d)       THAT an Order be advertised so to provide Hackney Carriage Stands at the following locations :-


                      (i)        All Days and All Hours


                      (1)       Ferry Road, East Cowes on the north side from Castle Street to a point 40 feet east thereof - 1 space.


                      (2)       Trinity Road, East Cowes on the east side from the junction with Dover Street to the end of the cul de sac - 2 spaces.


                      (3)       Moa Place, Freshwater on the west side between School Green Road and Brookside Road - 3 spaces.


                      (4)       South Street, Newport on the south side from a point 170 feet east to a point 270 feet east of the junction with St James Street - 5 spaces.


                      (5)       High Street, Ryde on the east side from 170ft north to 210ft north of Garfield Road - 2 spaces.


                      (6)       Ryde Esplanade on the north side in the lay-by to the east of the pier - 19 spaces.


                      (7)       High Street Sandown on the south east side from 90 feet south west to 155 feet south west of Avenue Slipway - 4 spaces.


                      (8)       York Road, Sandown on the east side from 75 feet north to 120 north of High Street - 2 spaces.


                      (9)       Carter Road, Shanklin on the north side from 130 feet west to 150 feet west of Regent Street - 1 space.


                      (10)     Regent Street, Shanklin on the west side between the Station Entrance and Marine Cross Road - 5 spaces.


                      (11)     Albert Street, Ventnor on the south side from 35 feet west to 75 feet west of Victoria Street - 2 spaces.


                      (12)     High Street, Ventnor on the north side from 30 feet east to 70 feet east of Market Street - 2 spaces.


                      (13)     Pier Street, Ventnor on the south-west side - 1 space.


                      (14)     Albert Street, Ventnor on the south side from 30 feet east to 50 feet east of Market Street - 1 space.



                      (ii)       All Days Between 9.00 am and 6.00 pm


                      (1)       High Street, Newport on the north side from 275 feet west to 300 feet west of St James’ Street - 1 space.


                      (2)       High Street, Ryde on the east side from the junction with Newport Street to 40 feet north thereof - 2 spaces.


                      (iii)       All Days Between 6.30 am and 9.00 pm


Quay Road, Ryde adjacent to the Hovertravel terminal on the south side - 7 spaces.


                      (iv)      All Days Between 9.00 pm and 6.30 am


                      (1)       Quay Road, Ryde on the east side of the car park access road adjacent to the Balcony Bar and LA Bowl - 4 spaces.


                      (2)       High Street, Newport on the north side between Holyrood Street and Quay Street - 2 spaces.


                      (v)       All Days Between 1 April and 30 September 6.00 pm and 6.00 am


The Parade, Cowes on the west side fronting Osborne Court - 2 spaces.


                      (vi)      All Days Between 1 April and 30 September 9.00 am and midnight 


Esplanade, Shanklin on the west side from Osborne Steps to 65 feet south thereof - 3 spaces.


                      (vii)      All Days Between 1 April and 30 September 9.00 am and 9.30 pm 


Esplanade, Ventnor on the north side from 250 feet east to 290 feet east of Esplanade Road - 2 spaces.


                      (viii)     All days between 10.00 pm and 4.00 pm


Lower Furrlongs, Newport - 3 spaces


           (e)       THAT officers discuss the provision of stands in Culver Parade, Sandown and Esplanade, Sandown with the appropriate Association representative.



The Working Party was reminded that it had been originally intended for it to meet on 5 August and 29 August 2002. It was believed that these were not now required.



THAT the next meeting be held on Thursday, 3 October 2002.