Date :              18 APRIL 2002


Title :              DEZONING OF TAXIS




To provide the Working Party with a summary of the Council’s position concerning dezoning of taxis.



1.        The Fire and Public Safety Select Committee embarked on an investigation into dezoning (and/or deregulating taxis) early last year. Reports were prepared for and presented to the Select Committee on 12 January 2001 and again on 30 April 2001. On 30 April 2001 the Select Committee resolved that the option to dezone be referred to a Hackney Carriage Working Party, working on the basis that a recommendation to the trade from the Select Committee that an Island wide formally constituted taxi proprietors association be established, actually happened.


2.        At those previous Select Committee meetings, it was explained by officers that taxis on the island (and in other areas) are licensed by the local authority to operate only within geographic zones. This means that those taxis cannot pick up customers by hailing, or from ranks outside the licensed zones. Officers explained that the Isle of Wight Council could dezone in full to allow all taxis to use ranks or be hailed anywhere on the island. It was also explained that if the Council dezones the decision cannot legally be reversed.


3.        If the Council intends to dezone, comments should be sought from Parish Councils and approval obtained from the Secretary of State.


4.        During the course of the Select Committee investigation, evidence was taken from trade representatives, officers, elected Members, the Rural Community Council, the Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Hampshire Constabulary. Minute 58 from the Fire and Public Safety Select Committee held on 30 April 2001 summarises views expressed during the investigation. The minute is reproduced below :




The Head of Select Committee Support presented his report on the Investigation into Dezoning and/or Deregulating Taxis.


Members were reminded that a report into the dezoning and deregulating of taxis had been considered at a meeting of the Fire and Public Safety Select Committee on 12 January 2001. At that meeting it was decided to defer a decision until further investigations had been made.


The Chairman invited evidence from a number of sources and key points were raised as follows :


Mr B Clegg of the West Wight Taxi Proprietors Association :


                                 No to deregulation and dezoning, could result in taxi wars.

                                 Deregulate for suitably adapted vehicles (SAV) for disabled use.

                                 Did not believe the cost to the public would decrease, but thought it would mean additional income for the Council.

                                 Should be a Best Value initiative into the trade on the grounds of public safety, carried out independently so as to give an objective view.

                                 Voluntary car service should undergo same vehicle examination as taxis.

Mr D White - Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association :


                                 No to deregulation and dezoning.

                                 Could lead to loss of drivers.

                                 Deregulate for SAV for disabled use, with a condition that it could only be transferred to another SAV.


Mr K Parfitt of the Rural Community Council gave a brief outline of the voluntary car service and clarified a number of issues raised.


Mr E Fox - Chairman of the Environment and Transport Select Committee: (as at 30.4.2001)


                                 Would undermine the taxi trade if deregulation and dezoning implemented.

                                 Interaction with voluntary sector.

                                 Help taxi trade become more viable.

                                 Needed a partnership with the taxi trade.


Mr K Smith - Chamber of Commerce :


                                 Business Association on side of deregulating and dezoning.

                                 Tourist industry see removal of restrictive practices as being beneficial to end users.

                                 Lobby for removal of VAT on fuel for taxis.


Mr M Cunningham - Spokesperson for Transport : (as at 30.4.2001)


                                 Felt only trade had been contacted, not consulted views of other bodies or transport users.


PC Bartlett - Hampshire Constabulary :


                                 Taxis formed an integral part of the Local Transport Plan.


Mr N Coward - Environmental Health Manager :


                                 MORI surveys show public in favour of dezoning.

                                 Customer views and needs should take priority.

                                 Hackney Carriage survey did not cover whole of Island.


In considering the comments made during the meeting the Select Committee believed that further discussions should be held between the taxi trade and the Council. A Working Party should be formed for that reason. If discussions had not been held within three months then the item would be brought back to the Fire and Public Safety Select Committee and a decision would be made by the Executive.




(Note: other resolutions were also agreed, those below are most relevant in the context of dezoning.)


                       i.          THAT it be recommended to the Trade that an Island-wide formally constituted taxi proprietors' association be established, within 3 months of the date of this meeting, to improve partnership working with the Council.


                       ii.         THAT in the event that an Island-wide formally constituted taxi proprietors' association be established, the relevant Select Committee set up a small standing Hackney Carriage Working Party to work co-operatively with the Trade.


                       v.         THAT the option to dezone be referred to the Hackney Carriage Working Party to be made up of three Councillors and three members of a formally constituted taxi proprietors' association and to report back to the Fire and Public Safety Select Committee within three months. If the Hackney Carriage Working Party does not report back within three months of the date of this meeting, then the Fire and Public Safety Select Committee shall make a recommendation on the matter to the Executive.


25.      Members of the Hackney Carriage Working Party previously received the transcript of a presentation made by Sally Keeble MP, Minister for Local Transport, to the National Taxi Association Conference on 10 October 2001. The meeting was attended by Council representatives. During that presentation the Minister said: “The minimum requirement that all local authorities must have are a policy on the provision of taxi ranks to ensure that they are in the right places (i.e. strategic and accessible) and available at the right time of day; on whether taxis are allowed to use bus lanes or any other restricted road space; on licensing, with special reference to quality standards for licensed vehicles; on quantity controls; and an indication of whether the licensing authority area is sub-divided into zones, thereby restricting taxis’ flexibility to ply for hire”.


The Working Party is invited to determine whether and/or how, the issue of dezoning should be progressed.


Reports to the Fire and Public Safety Select Committee on 12 January 2001 and 30 April 2001.

Minutes of Fire and Public Safety Select Committee 30 April 2001.

Minutes of the Hackney Carriage Working Party 22 February 2002.

Contact Point: Rob Owen, ☎ 823801


Select Committee Support