Comment PAPER B




Date :              14 NOVEMBER 2002


Title :              WORK PROGRAMME




This report is directed at producing a programme of work for the Hackney Carriage Working Party.



1.        The Hackney Carriage Working Party was established by the Fire and Public Safety Select Committee with the following remit:


To provide a forum where taxi proprietors and the Council consider matters of mutual future relevance raised by either side with a view to achieving improvements in terms of price, quality and safety.


Five representatives of the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association (IWTPA) are invited to Working Party meetings. Members may recall that representatives of the trade expressed a wish that a forum be provided for them to raise appropriate issues with the Council. The Hackney Carriage Working Party provides that forum.


2.        The Working Party has addressed diverse issues in recent months for example in relation to taxis suitably adapted for disabled use, criminal records bureau and taxi ranks. Although bi-monthly meetings were planned earlier this calendar year the Working Party has not met that frequently.


3.        On 30 October 2002 officers met with two representatives of the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association to consider operational issues and then discussed possible items of business for future meetings of the Working Party and a suggested meeting frequency.


4.        Taxi proprietors felt that Working Party meetings should be held approximately every 3 months during the coming year. It was further suggested that operational meetings between the trade and officers could be held more frequently as the need arose. Officers support these suggestions.


5.        Officers identified the following items of business as being appropriate for Working Party consideration, having regard for the agreed terms of reference


                     Fare structure review.

                     To consider officer recommendations for changes to standard licence conditions in respect of vehicles, operators and drivers (in this regard the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Licensing Officers Group is currently undertaking a review of standard conditions).

                     Hackney Carriage byelaws. (A variety of byelaws remain in force from pre Unitary Authority reorganisation in 1995. Byelaws address issues such as metering. Officers believe these need to be updated.)

                     Ranks - Outstanding work needs to be completed.


IWTPA representatives supported these proposals. Officers will be in a position to provide the Working Party with further information about these items of business to help determine a Work Programme.


10       Officers have invited the IWTPA to identify other items of business that could be included in the Hackney Carriage Working Party’s programme of work. Proposals are awaited.


Those associated with administering the Working Party and officer times.



1         Members are invited to agree future meeting frequency.


2         Members are invited to identify issues appropriate for next years programme of work based on those identified in this report, issues raised by the IWTPA, or any other issue.


Hackney Carriage Working Party file

File note – officer meeting with IWTPA 3 October 2002

Contact Point : Rob Owen, ☎ 828388 or John Murphy ☎ 828152

                                                                                 J PULSFORD

                                      Strategic Director for Finance and Information and County Treasurer