General Purposes Committee


1        To undertake the functions set out in Schedule 1 of the Local authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Order 2000 (generally, those functions which are not to be carried out by the authority’s executive (cabinet) save where these functions are carried out b Council or have been delegated to officers.


2        To determine appeals against decisions of the authority where the law, or Council policy, requires the appeal to be determined by elected members in relation to the following functions:




School Transport


Curriculum Complaints


Staff Disciplinary, Grievance or Dismissal


Adoption and Fostering


Registration of Homes


Access to Social Services Files


Housing Benefit and Council Tax Appeals


Business Rate Hardship


Rights of Way Orders


Highway Orders


Tree Preservation Orders


Any other function involving an appeal process not specifically delegated elsewhere in this constitution, or by the law, where no other delegation exists.


3        To oversee arrangements, including the appointment of the pool of members from which independent appeal panels are selected by the Clerk to the Education Appeals Committee, for school exclusions, admissions and special education needs appeals.


4        To adopt, where the agreement of recognised trades unions is not secured, policies relating to:


·                     Terms and conditions of employment (including procedure for


·                     Recruitment, Selection and Appointment

·                     Training and Development

·                     Pay and other benefits

·                     Redundancy and redeployment

·                     Performance and Motivation

·                     Capability and conduct

·                     Attendance at Work

·                     Equalities and Diversity

·                     Other areas

·                     Industrial and employee relations identified by the Head of Human Resources as requiring policy


In all cases where trades union agreement is secured policies will be adopted under powers delegated to the Chief Executive or the Head of Human Resources.


5        To hear appeals against dismissal by staff not on JNC for Chief Executive and Chief Officers’ conditions of service.


6        To undertake functions (other than the appointment of staff) required to be undertaken by elected members in relation to staff employed on JNC for Chief Executive and Chief Officer conditions of service and/or the Officer Employment Rules.


Note: under s13 Local Government Act 2000 and the Local Authorities (England)(Functions and Responsibilities Order) 2001 responsibility for the deployment of staff and for the monitoring of the size and deployment of the establishment are the responsibility of the Cabinet.




Meetings of the Committee will commence at a time that in the opinion of the Chairman meets the needs of applicants, objectors or other interested parties.




The quorum of the General Purposes Committee will be 5. The Chairman will chair, unless absent in which case the meeting will elect one of the present Vice Chairmen to chair the meeting.