Date :              27 JUNE 2006






1.                  Purpose of Report


1.1             To recommend that standing orders on Public Speaking are varied in respect of the application for Wind Turbines at Wellow and the SEEDA and Kingston applications at East Cowes.


2.                  Background


2.1             Two special meetings have now been arranged to determine applications of Island-wide significance.  The application for Wind Turbines at Wellow will be considered on 25 September 2006.  The applications submitted by SEEDA and Barratt Homes in East Cowes will be considered on 11 July 2006.  In both cases these will be the only applications on the appropriate agendas.


2.2             All three applications raise significant and complex issues.  It is considered appropriate that the normal three minutes allocated for the various groups of speakers is insufficient to allow for a proper and full debate of the issues.


3.                  Strategic Context


3.1             The application for Wind Turbines seeks to respond to national planning policy guidance on renewable energy (PPS 22), together with regional and local policies. It is anticipated that the application will attract significant levels of comment and attention.


3.2             The two applications in East Cowes propose housing and employment schemes of strategic importance both in relation to existing UDP policies and the evolving Island Plan.


4.                  Consultation


4.1             All three applications have either, or will be likely to attract significant levels of both consultee and local comment.


5.                  Financial/Budget Implications


5.1             None envisaged as a result of this report.


5.2             The holding of special meetings of the Committee will have minor financial implications which can be met from within existing budgets.


6.                  Legal Implications


6.1             In order to ensure equality of Arms, any increase in time must be afforded equally to all entitled to speak.


7.                  Options


7.1             It would appear that the options available to the Council are as follows:


(a)               Retain the normal three minutes public speaking rights for these particular applications.


(b)               Suspend the normal 3 minutes in paragraphs 62 of the Code of Practice for Councillors and Officers dealing with Development Control matters, to enable an increase in public speaking rights to five minutes for each of the two East Cowes applications and to ten minutes for the Wellow application.


(c)               Suspend the normal 3 minutes in paragraphs 62 of the Code of Practice for Councillors and Officers dealing with Development Control matters, to enable an increase in public speaking rights to some other time period.


8.                  Evaluation/Risk Management


8.1             It is clear that these applications are of Island-wide significance.  To increase the public speaking time would be an appropriate option.


8.2             There is an inevitable risk that other groups of applicants and/or objectors may make a similar case for future applications.  It is unlikely however that these other applications will raise the complexity of issues raised by these three applications.  In the event that other applications of Island-wide significance are submitted in the future your officers will bring forward other reports of this nature.


8.3             As long as the increase of public speaking time is even handed to all concerned the risks of amending the usual system appear minor.  The risks of reducing the amount of public speaking time would be significant.




It is recommended that option (b) above be authorised for the two special meetings of the Committee.






Contact Point : Andrew Ashcroft, Head of Planning Services, ' 823552 (x 5551)