Reference Number: P/01112/06 - TCP/24431/A

Parish/Name:  Freshwater - Ward/Name: Freshwater Afton

Registration Date:  02/05/2006  -  Full Planning Permission

Officer:  Mr S Wiltshire Tel: (01983) 823552

Applicant:  Freshwater Parish Council


Enlargement of former tennis court to create multi-use games area with floodlighting

tennis courts, east of, car park, Moa Place, Freshwater, PO40


The application is recommended for Conditional Permission





This planning application involves the development of Council owned land and under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation it is required to be referred to the Development Control Committee for consideration.



This application was considered at the 6 June 2006 Development Control Committee meeting at which time following contributions at public speaking by the adjoining property owner and the agent acting for the applicant officers requested that the application be deferred to enable further negotiations to take place. The negotiations were to focus on the consideration of leaving the skateboard park in its existing position and utilising the disused tennis court as the multi-use games area.


A meeting was held on site on Friday 9 June 2006 that was attended by the applicants, their agent, the adjoining property owner and a planning officer. The results of that meeting are reflected in the revised proposal which is outlined in the following report.


1.         Details of Application


1.1       The revised planning application seeks consent for the enlargement of an existing hard surfaced area which is currently a disused tennis court to provide a multi-use games area (MUGA). This tennis court area is one of two with the other unit occupied by a skate park and associated ramps which would remain.


1.2       The existing tarmac area would be enlarged by 1 metre to each of its southern and northern sides, as well as by 1 metre to the east to provide a deeper goal area.  The enlarged hard surfaced area would be enclosed by 3 metre high chain link fencing with associated 1.2 metre high rebound boards on anti-shock mountings.  In addition, the application proposes that the MUGA would be floodlit, with the installation of 1 x 1 kw lamp on a 10 metre high lighting column in each of the 4 corners of the games area. The lights will be controlled by a timer switch.


1.3       A plan prepared by the suppliers of the lighting has been submitted which provides details of the projected horizontal luminance levels of the proposed lighting scheme on the area surrounding the MUGA.


1.4       The hours of use of the MUGA are given as Monday to Friday 09.00 – 21.30 hrs, Saturdays 09.00 to 18.99 hrs and on Sundays and Bank Holidays 10.00 to 18.00 hrs. If necessary, these are negotiable. Outside these hours the MUGA will be locked.

2.          Location and Site Characteristics


2.1       The revised application consists of a tarmac area with present dimensions of 35 metres by 16.5 metres and is one of two tennis court located to east of the car park serving the West Wight Sports Centre, Moa Place, Freshwater. The area is enclosed by fencing which is in a poor state of repair and partially missing.  The western tennis court is currently occupied by a number of skateboard ramps.


2.2       The application is situated within a landscaped area to the south of School Green Road, with a number of mature trees surrounding the site.  A school playing field is situated to the south of the application site, with a residential property, Green Cottage School Green Road, located to the east of the site.  Approximately 55 metres away on the northern side of School Green Road are a mixture of residential and business premises.


3.         Relevant History


3.1       Planning permission TCP/24431/ granted consent for the use of a basketball court as a skateboard/bmx park in December 2001.


4.         Development Plan Policy


4.1       The Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan (UDP) identifies the application site as being within the Development Envelope boundary for Freshwater.  The site is also identified as an area of open space which is protected by Policy L4 of the UDP.


4.2       Relevant policies of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan are considered to be as follows:


·         S6 - Development will be expected to be of a high standard of design

·         G1 – Development envelopes for towns and villages

·         G4 - General Locational Criteria

·         D1 - Standards of Design

·         D2 - Standards of Development within the site

·         D14 – Light spillage

·         L2 – Formal Recreation Provision

·         L4 – Protection of Open Spaces, Village Greens and Allotments

·         C12 – Development affecting trees and woodland

·         U1 – Location of health, social, community, religious and education services

·         TR7 - Highway Considerations for New Development

·         TR16 – Parking policies and guidelines


5.         Consultee and Third Party Comments


5.1       Internal Consultees


·         Tree Officer – (When commenting on the original scheme made the following observations). The proposal would result in the loss of a few semi-mature trees, their loss could be mitigated by planting multiple replacements.


Comments on revised scheme: No objection as revisions have less impact on trees. However, wish to see condition attached to any planning permission requesting method statement for construction (including constructors access) to ensure that no trees will be adversely affected.


·         Environmental Health – (When commenting on the original scheme made the following observations). No objection to the proposed flood lighting.  There is considerable potential for noise disturbance from the proposed skate park, thus the imposition of conditions relating to hours of operation and the implementation of noise attenuation measures recommended.


      Comments on revised scheme: No further comments over the revision.


·         Highways Engineer – No comments to make as there is adequate parking available next door.


·         Principal Policy Officer (Health and Sustainable Development) - Supports the application as providing local facilities in West Wight, where there is currently a lack of high quality outdoor sporting facilities.


5.2       External Consultees


·         Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (When commenting on the original scheme made the following observation.) – In discussion with PCT Health People they are looking for secure by design standards and subject to planning consent then there will be a stakeholders meeting where security will be discussed therefore no objections at this stage.


Comments on revised scheme: No objections especially as the request comes from the residents.


5.3       Parish Council Comments


When considering the original scheme the Parish Council as applicant indicated it fully supported the proposal.


Comments on revised scheme: The views of the Parish Council with regards to the revised scheme will be reported.


5.4       Neighbours


The original proposal attracted three letter of objection and one letter of support from a local resident. All the letter of objection raise concerns with regards to the proposed impact on Green Cottage which is the nearest residential property to the east of the application site. The main points of concern were as follows:


·        Concerned over the proposed relocation of the skate ramps/park as whilst not mind thumping noise of skate boarders or bikes it is foul and abusive language we cannot endure. Use of our garden spoilt by language of people walking past property in summer congregating around the park and amenity centre. Police have been called on occasions.

·        Also experienced acts of vandalism at our property.

·        Note proposal is floodlighting and object on grounds of light pollution.

·        Existing light intrusive and left on when not needed.

·        Problems will be exacerbated by skate park being closer and object due to noise nuisance.


                        Comments on the revised scheme: Views on the revised proposal will be reported at the Development Control Committee meeting.


5.5       Others


            Letters of support were received in favour of the original scheme from:


·         Cllr Gill Kennett, the Local Ward Member for Freshwater Afton

·         Isle of Wight Youth Council; Youth Empowerment Worker, Chair and Vice Chair

·         Local West Wight Youth Councillors

·         Charlotte Cooke, Member Isle of Wight Youth Parliament

·         CPRE


6.         Evaluation


6.1       The main issues to be considered in the assessment of this proposal are whether the revisions to the originally submitted scheme represents a more appropriate form of development that meets the general policy criteria as well as addressing the reasonable concerns of the nearest residential property owner. In analysing this proposal I propose to use a series of sub-headings which are set out below.


6.2       Recreation provision – Policy L2 of the UDP allows for new formal sports facilities within the development envelope boundaries, subject to the consideration against 3 criteria relating to highways, hours of use and amenity issues.  The supporting justification to Policy L2 gives specific encouragement to the provision of all-weather floodlit outdoor facilities in appropriate locations.  The Council’s Principal Policy Officer (Health and Sustainable Development) supports the provision of this facility. Members should be aware that this officer is part of the team which has put the application forward.


6.3       The proposal would result in the loss a tennis court in this location.  It is noted the tennis court is currently in a poor state of repair with limited safety netting.  It is considered that the loss of this tennis facility would be compensated for by the provision of a floodlit outdoor games area suitable for various uses.  As such it is considered that the principle of this development, which would result in the loss of the tennis facility, is acceptable in this location.


6.4       Amenity for Neighbouring Occupiers – The application site is bounded by a school playing field to the south and a public car park to the west.  Green Cottage is a detached dwelling located adjacent to the eastern boundary of the site.  In addition there are residential properties located on the northern side of School Green Road, approximately 55 metres to the north of the application site.


6.5       The revised scheme in affect reverses the layout as shown on the originally submitted plan. The proposal now leaves the skateboard park in its existing position and adapts the existing disused tennis court to form the multi-use games area. At its closest that would bring the MUGA to within approximately 25 metres of Green Cottage. The proposal involves the introduction of four lighting columns (one in each corner). The impact of the proposed lighting columns as well as the potential for noise and disturbance from the use of the games area on the amenities of the occupiers of this residential property will need to be considered.

6.6       The proposed floodlighting would be provided by a 1 kw lamp on 10 metre high columns located at each of the four corners of the MUGA.  It is proposed the lamps would be fitted with baffles to prevent any horizontal light spillage.  A plan showing horizontal luminance values submitted with the application demonstrates that there would not be horizontal light spillage outside a 12 metre radius of the MUGA.  The application also states that the floodlights would be on timers which would limit the use to hourly periods, to a latest time of 21.30 hours Monday to Friday and 18.00 hours Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.


6.7       The horizontal light spillage would be limited to a 12 metre radius from the proposed MUGA.  The nearest residential properties are situated on the north side of School Green Road, approximately 55 metres away, with a heavily landscaped area between these properties and the application site.  Green Cottage is situated approximately 25 metres to the east of the nearest lighting column. This property has a blank western elevation facing the proposed site. Given the information on light spillage these distances mean that the residential property should not be illuminated by any light spillage which should cease before its reaches that property. Therefore, it is considered that the proposal would have an acceptable relationship with surrounding properties. For Members information it is understood that the type of floodlights proposed have been used successfully at Sandown High School, Ventnor Middle School, Osborne Middle School, Ventnor Tennis Club and Ryde Tennis Club.


6.8       The Environmental Health Officer has been asked to comment on the revised position of the MUGA in relation to Green Cottage specifically regarding noise disturbance and has made no additional view to the comments already made.


6.9       Trees – The original proposal would have seen the extension of the hard surfaced areas under the canopy of two trees. Whilst the Tree Officer indicated that replacement would be an acceptable solution one of the benefits of the revised proposal would be that no trees would be impacted. The Tree Officer now wishes to see a method statement as a condition to ensure no damage to trees during construction.  


6.10     Highways and Parking – The application site is located adjacent to a public car accessed via Moa Place which serves the town centre as well as the adjacent West Wight Sports Centre.  No changes to the access or the existing car park layout are proposed.  The Highways Engineer has no comments to make on this application since there is adequate car parking available next door. The revision does not change the highway perspective on this scheme.


7.         Conclusion and Justification for Recommendation


7.1       As originally submitted the proposal would have seen the relocation of the skateboard park so that that facility lay closer to Green Cottage. The existing skateboard park would then have been enlarged to form the multi-use games area with associated flood lighting.


            Members will recall that at the Development Control Committee meeting that the adjoining property owner expressed a preference for the multi-use games area to be located closer to them rather than the skate board park. Had the original proposal gone forward with the relocation of the skate board park then officers were recommending that the use be controlled through the enclosure of the skate board park with fencing. On the basis of the use of the current facility is unrestricted the applicants anticipated that this may cause some difficulties and this was a view expressed by the agent.


7.2       The revised proposal would see the multi-use games area occupying the vacant tennis court nearer the residential property. The skateboard park would stay in its existing position. It is the view of officers that use of the MUGA which incorporates floodlighting would not have an adverse impact on the amenities of the occupants of that property. Accordingly, the development is considered to comply with the policies as set out in the Unitary Development Plan and can be supported subject to appropriate conditions.


8.         Recommendation


Conditional approval.





The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 3 years from date of this permission.


Reason:  To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.



Before the development hereby approved commences details of the proposed boundary fencing and rebound boards shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.  Use of the Multi Use Games Area shall not commence until the boundary fencing and rebound boards have been installed in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area and to prevent nuisance to the public from stray balls and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of design) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan



The light sources hereby permitted shall be fitted with baffles / shields to minimise any horizontal light spillage.


Reason: To protect the amenities of local residents and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of design) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.  



The multi games area shall not be used outside the hours of 09.00 to 21.30 hrs Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 18.00 hrs Saturday and 10.00 to 18.00 hrs on Sundays and Bank Holidays. Outside these times the facility shall be kept locked.


Reason: To protect the amenities of local residents and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of design) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.  



The floodlights hereby permitted shall not be illuminated outside the hours of 9.00 to 21.30 hours Monday to Friday, 9.00 to 18.00 hours Saturdays and 10.00 to 18.00 hours on Sundays and Public Bank Holidays.


Reason: To protect the amenities of local residents and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of design) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.  




Before the development hereby permitted is commenced details of a replacement tree planting scheme shall be submitted to, and agreed in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.  These details shall include the species, number, size and position of the replacement trees.  The approved tree planting scheme shall be carried out within 1 year of the completion of the development and any trees which die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development shall be replaced in the next planting season with other trees of similar size and species.


Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area and to comply with Policy C12 (Development affecting trees and woodland) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.