Date :              19 SEPTEMBER 2006









The purpose of this report is to outline proposed changes to the approved scheme for the transport interchange and to seek members’ approval as acceptable amendments.  Since the matter was considered by members on 22 August 2006, officers have re-advertised the proposed amendments inviting comment from residents and consultees. A separate report on responses will be put before members. Planning Officers are of the view that the changes sought are beyond those which can be dealt with by them as ‘minor amendments’ and are therefore seeking a Member decision in accordance with the requirements of Condition 2 of the planning permission for the interchange.




1.                  In November 2005 Members granted planning permission for “Demolition of buildings in connection with the development of a new transport interchange including associated canopies, ancillary facilities, and a restaurant and railway footbridge.” In addition they granted conservation area consent for the demolition of the existing buildings on site.


2.                  The design concept was that of a series of elegant leaves with their central vein forming the ‘ridge’ of each roof section. The structures were to be supported on tree like columns with the major structures enclosed with glass for the most part making a very light and transparent development.


3.                  Planning permission was issued dated 1st December 2005 and was subject to 22 conditions, of which condition 2 reads as follows – “The development shall not be carried out other than in strict accordance with the drawings hereby approved without prior consent of the Local Planning Authority.” The reason for that condition is – “To ensure that the external appearance of the buildings is satisfactory in compliance with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.”


4.                  Following a ‘value engineering’ exercise, amendments to the scheme are being requested which show reductions in the number and size of the structures and the alteration and omission of some elements. The amendments reflect the need to reduce build costs and are in line with comments previously expressed with regard to size and impact of the original design. It is also likely that the materials noted on the previously approved drawings will be the subject of change as a result of this exercise. Condition 3 of the approval requires submission and prior approval of samples of external finishes prior to commencement in addition to condition 2 which requires strict adherence to the approved scheme.


5.                  The changes are summarised in the following table:



As approved

Amendment sought

Concourse pavilion

The primary ‘leaf’ containing a coffee shop, newsagent, the main concourse and access to the ticket counters etc. The overhanging roof also covered the pick-up / drop off point and access to busses and taxis as well as seating areas at ground floor with a void above with views to information screens at higher level.

Reduced in size.  Slightly smaller footprint (reduced by 25%) and reduced roof size.  The retail and café elements have been relocated into the main station building.  The changes will result in a building that has a footprint area of 330m2 and a height up to 10 metres.

Main Station building

Main building containing plant, toilets, facilities for bus operators, ticket counters, the main platform access, tourist information and travel shop at ground floor and offices, storage and a ‘civic space’ at first floor.

Scale and design to remain unchanged (and becomes the dominant roof feature with the reduction in the concourse canopy). Will also accommodate café and retail uses.


Providing a covered walkway and protecting access to further bus stands and stands cycle parking.

Two island shelters have been amalgamated into one.  The third shelter has been removed as part of rationalisation of bus stands and layovers.

Cycle Hire

Building and canopy positioned on Rose Gardens.

Building now moved into space of omitted shelter to retain the Rose garden.


Removal of two mature sycamore trees

Trees now retained.

Building Materials

Metallic standing seam roof with glazed ridge; colour golden sand.

Structure; white painted steel. Café + concourse walls; glass. Station building + civic space; timber rainscreen cladding to south elevation; white rendered upper level; silver cladding to lower level.

To remain the same.  Planning Condition seeks to agree materials prior to commencement.





6.         The Unitary Development Plan policies which apply were referred to in the committee report. They remain the same and the report is attached for reference. 




7.         Planning officers have written to adjoining residents, all respondents to the original planning application and other consultees originally approached for views, inviting comment on the proposed amendments.  A deadline of 14 September has been set for replies.  The responses will be outlined in a separate report for members to consider.




8.         None as a direct result of this report in terms of the Local Planning Authority.




a)         To note and accept the changes as amendments to the approved scheme.


b)         To request that the applicant reconsiders the amendments and resubmits them for consideration.




9.         The proposed amendments reduce the size of the concourse building including its canopy and roof. The impact of the built form on the townscape, the conservation area and the setting of the nearby listed buildings will be less.  The proposed amendments have been based on a cost evaluation exercise but also take account of comments previously made concerning the ‘oversize’ of the approved scheme. A greater area of hard surfacing and vehicles will be exposed. In townscape terms this will lead to a reduced impact from the mass and scale of the building. The decision needs to be made as to whether this amendment / reduction is acceptable in terms of the design of the whole scheme as presented and consulted upon originally and as approved by Committee.


10.       Having acknowledged a net reduction in size and scale of the development, outlined in the amendments, officers are of the view that the building remains a contemporary, quality designed architectural building.  It will result in an improved high quality transport interchange facility.  Its reduced size is sympathetic to the scale of the surrounding area.  It nevertheless remains a distinctive and attractive building.  There would still be a significant improvement to the public realm and accessibility to the different modes of public transport.  The amendments retain the spirit and quality of the new interchange and should therefore be supported.




The human rights issues were set out in the original committee report a copy of which is attached for reference.




a) To note and accept the changes as amendments to the approved scheme.




Contact :         Phil Salmon, Development Team Manager   (  (01983) 823552

                        e-mail : [email protected]