



THE RECOMMENDATIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED ON THE DATE INDICATED ABOVE IN THE FIRST INSTANCE.  (In some circumstances, consideration of an item may be deferred to a later meeting).








 Background Papers


The various documents, letters and other correspondence referred to in the Report in respect of each planning application or other item of business.


Members are advised that every application on this report has been considered  against a background of the implications of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and, where necessary, consultations have taken place with the Crime and Disorder Facilitator and Architectural Liaison Officer.  Any responses received prior to publication are featured in the report under the heading Representations.


Members are advised that every application on this report has been considered against a background of the implications of the Human Rights Act 1998 and, following advice from the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, in recognition of a duty to give reasons for a decision, each report will include a section explaining and giving a justification for the recommendation.





TCP/05746/N   P/02481/03


Outline for residential development


part OS parcels 1238, 0135 and 0952, land between Weeks Road and, Ashey Road, Ryde


Conditional Approval


TCP/16532/K   P/00421/05


Demolition of north end of factory; construction of 21 houses, three storey building to provide six flats; alterations to vehicular access, parking provision;


Clark Masts 18-20, Ringwood Road, Ryde, PO33 3NX


Conditional Approval


TCP/18846/D   P/02524/04


Proposed use of land for touring pitches from March to October; outline for log cabins and toilet block


Appuldurcombe Holiday Park, Appuldurcombe Road, Wroxall, Ventnor, PO38 3EP




TCP/20245/A   P/00172/99


Re-development of existing holiday village to provide 150 two storey holiday lodges, 36 one bedroom apartments, new leisure building, refurbishment of existing buildings, alterations to internal roads and extension to car park, (revised scheme) (details of proposed highways and access arrangements)


Woodside Bay Holiday Village, New Road, Wootton Bridge, Ryde


Conditional Approval


TCP/26650/A   P/00434/05


Outline for a block of 12 flats (revised scheme)


Land adjacent 1st Newport Scout Group Hall and Nine Acres Lane, St. Johns Road, Newport


Conditional Approval


TCP/05907/V   P/00958/05


Alterations and change of use of St. George's Hall to provide additional classrooms and associated facilities; alterations and single storey extension to improve facilities


Shanklin C of E Primary School and St George's Hall, Albert Road, Shanklin, PO37


Conditional Approval


TCP/10338/N   P/00543/04


Demolition of existing building of 8 flats; construction of 2 storey building to provide 9 flats with associated parking and landscaping


St. Martins, Afton Down, Freshwater, PO409TY


Conditional Approval


TCP/26902/ - P/00450/05


Demolition of garage; construction of detached house with detached garage;  detached garage


Sunnymeade, Moor Lane, Brighstone, PO30 4DL


Conditional Approval


TCP/20191/C – P/003/05


Demolition of building; outline for residential development of 7 units; alterations to footpath


Between Robin Hood Street and Ash Road, Newport


Conditional Approval



TCP/05746/N   P/02481/03  Parish/Name: Ryde  Ward: Ryde South East

Registration Date:  12/12/2003  -  Outline Planning Permission

Officer:  Mr. J. Fletcher           Tel:  (01983) 823598

Applicant:  Wadham College


Outline for residential development

part OS parcels 1238, 0135 and 0952, land between Weeks Road and, Ashey Road, Ryde, PO33


Application is recommended for Conditional Permission subject to a 106 Agreement.




This is a major application of significant importance relating to a residentially allocated site.


1.         Details of Application


1.1       This is an outline application for residential development on 4.67 hectare area of land.  All matters, i.e. means of access, siting, design, external appearance and landscaping, are reserved for subsequent approval.  However the application is accompanied by a location plan outlining the site in red and including both the road, Woodlands View, off Ashey Road and this will therefore be the access to the site and the extension of that road through land which abuts the main site to it south west.


1.2       The application is accompanied by detailed Ecological Report, Flood Risk Assessment, Drainage Statement, and Site Investigation Report.  These consultants’ reports can be summarised as follows:


1.2.1    Drainage


            Foul Drainage


·                     Existing local foul sewer has inadequate capacity. Southern Water have accepted they therefore have a duty to provide satisfactory foul sewer in accordance with appropriate legislation.

·                     Appropriate studies by Southern Water have been funded to identify works needed to serve the site.

·                     Southern Water have carried out a capacity study and provided a plan showing the route of the new sewer works. (See attached plan).

·                     Statement acknowledges possible route of new sewer is of considerable length but is generally within existing roads or within existing easement strips dedicated as access for the construction, repair or maintenance of existing sewers. Only departure from existing sewer route is through an open grassed recreation ground.

·                     Two areas of potential impact being through the allotments but there appears to be three route options which are available to minimise disturbance and within the vicinity of cul de sac off Monkton Street with disturbance being minimise by using remote “boring no dig” techniques.

·                     Report acknowledges existing system has inadequate capacity and reinforcement work along the route of this sewer will be needed in any event.


1.2.2    Surface Water Drainage


·                     No surface water discharged directly into existing water course if liable to increase risk of off site flooding.

·                     Flow should be controlled at source either by infiltration into sub soil or by way of attenuation to reduce rate of run off to that equal to or less than existing run off rate. Excess flow to be retained and released slowly.

·                     Sub soils unsuitable for extensive infiltration systems, i.e. soakaways.

·                     Control mechanism designed to ensure rate of discharge does not exceed that of undeveloped site over the full range of return periods from four events per year to one in hundred year event.

·                     Topography of site results in two natural catchment areas in north eastern and south eastern corners of the site.

·                     Control mechanisms and ponds will be developed at the detail design stage in compliance with Council and Environment Agency requirements although some preliminary design work has identified approximate volumes therefore corresponding areas have also been identified.

·                     Permitted rate of discharge 7 litres per second per hectare has been in compliance with standard run off rates from greenfield sites.

·                     Provided the design principals are adhered to, there should be no risk of environmental or amenity impact in respect of southern water course leading from the site to Monkton Mead Brook.


1.2.3    Flood Risk Assessment


·                     This is a detailed report prepared by appropriate competent persons using format recommended in PPG25- Development and Flood Risk.

·                     Report concludes there will be no flood risk generated by the development proposals.

·                     There is no risk of flooding on the development site caused by Monkton Mead Brook.

·                     Balancing pond and attenuation controls will prevent increased flood risk on the Monkton Mead Brook.

·                     Sustainable urban drainage systems and surface water flow rate controls can provide mitigation to ameliorate potential impacts on the small water courses running between the site and Monkton Mead Brook.

·                     Minor risk of on site flooding caused by on site ground water seepages and ditch flows can be mitigated by sensible design of flood levels and the construction of an over head flood route along the line of the existing ditch.


1.2.4    Site Investigation Report (Geology)


·                     Application accompanied by a report prepared by consultancy and structural engineers in 1991.

·                     Report concludes that augered piled foundation would be most economical given the clay sub soil strata and any proximity to nearby trees.

·                     Report acknowledges natural drainage of the site is not good given the clay strata and that surface water soakaways may not prove to be sufficiently effective.

·                     Report advise the potential purchasers of any properties be informed that the houses are founded on shrinkable soils and therefore should only plant trees and shrubs with low water demand rates.

·                     This report was assessed by another consulting engineer in 1998 who agreed with its findings.


1.2.5    Ecological Report


·                     Report prepared by appropriate competent persons and describes the habitats present on land of proposed development and concludes as follows:

o        There is a designated site (Swanmore Meadows SINC) adjacent to development site interesting habitat is present in the development site (in particular grassland habitats) and recommendations for mitigation have been made in the report.

o        Habitats suitable for badgers, bats, and breeding birds are present on the site or in the immediate surroundings but no evidence of badgers or bats have been found in the field survey on the site.

o        Further survey works has been recommended for bats and badgers in order to be able to determine the impact that redevelopment might have on theses species. Survey works and the findings of such surveys would not inhibit the development of the site. It is proposed that further survey work will be carried out before the detailed design stage of the development in the appropriate season in order to inform the design of the scheme where appropriate.

o        On the basis of this study there is no overriding ecological reason why development of the site should not take place, however to ensure the effect of any development on ecology and natural conservation are minimized the recommendations outlined above should be adopted.


2.         Location and Site Characteristics


2.1       Site lies on the southern outskirts of Ryde, west of Weeks Road and east of properties which front Ashey Road and the development known as Leighwood Close.


2.2       The main area of the overall development site is in the form of two open fields being semi improved grassland. The larger field to the south slopes from west to east with the upper field having a slope again from west to north east.  The boundary between the two fields is in the form of continuous scrubby hedgerow within which is a water course.  The upper field has extensive scrub interspersed with broad leafed trees abutting its western boundary with further scrubby hedgerows along the northern boundary. The lower large field again has scrubby hedgerows to its west whilst its southern boundary is in the form of hedgerow interspersed with trees. The eastern boundary where it abuts Weeks Road is in the form of extensive hedgerows with substantial trees along the whole of that boundary.


2.3       Weeks Road itself is wooded bridle way which is an extension to Weeks Road from the north which serves established residential dwellings.  It then continues in a southerly direction joining Rosemary Lane to the south which is also a bridleway which runs in a west east direction off Ashey Road further to the west.


2.4       Abutting the northern boundary are statutory allotments whilst abutting the southern boundary of the larger field is an area known as Swanmore Meadows which is a substantial Village Green and stretches through to Rosemary Lane. Swanmore Meadows also extends to the south east of the site and east of Weeks Road through to the railway line.


2.5       Abutting the western boundary are areas of semi-cultivated land with evidence of former allotment use terminating on the rear boundary of properties which front Ashey Road and in part the rear boundaries and garage courtyards of the development known as Leighwood Close.


2.6       Application also include part of the smaller development site to the south west. The area of land included relates to that which would be required for the access road with that narrow strip continuing to the southern boundary to that development site.  The application site then extends into the new road known as Woodlands View which serves a total of 27 units and terminates at a junction with Ashey Road on its eastern side. This road is virtually completed to adoption standards.


3.         Relevant History


3.1       (TCP/5746/H) Most significant planning history relates to an outline application for residential development on this site which was refused in December 2002 for the following reasons:


1.         There is insufficient capacity within the existing sewage to take this development satisfactorily and it is therefore likely that conditions would be created that would adversely affect the amenities of other users of the existing system and it is therefore contrary to Policy U11 (Infrastructure and Services Provision) of the Council’s Unitary Development Plan.


2.         A scheme of alternative means of treatment or the upgrading of the existing sewer has not been submitted and in its absence it is not clear whether the surrounding area will have to b utilized at the expense of the Nature Conservation interests and therefore the development is likely to create conditions that are contrary to Policies C8 (Nature Conservation As A Material Consideration) and C12 (Development Affecting Trees and Woodlands) of the Council’s Unitary Development Plan.


Whilst an appeal was lodged following that decision due to the fact that incorrect documentation was submitted in support of that appeal no further action was taken and effectively the appeal was abandoned.


3.2       (TCP/5746/F) Outline application which included siting, landscape and access for ten semi detached and six terraced dwellings was refused in February 1999.  A subsequent appeal was allowed in November 1999 subject to conditions. That appeal decision also included a unilateral undertaking regarding pro-rata payments towards cumulative facilities and traffic calming measures.


3.3       Outline consent was effectively not implemented with a further outline application being submitted seeking a revised scheme for the residential development on the site for the same number of units (TCP/5746/L) which was granted consent in February 2003 subject of a Section 106 Agreement which replaced the original unilateral undertaking referred to above.  Reserved matter approval has recently been granted in May 2005


3.4       Outline application for 21 detached and 6 terraced dwellings approved August 1999 (TCP/8746/E) subject to a Section 106 Agreement covering payment of £17,194 towards community facilities and £3,450 towards traffic calming in Ashey Road. A subsequent reserved matter application was approved in October 1999 following which development is now virtually completed being the development Woodland View off Ashey Road.


3.5       Members attention is also drawn to a very recent approval granted May 2005 for two detached house within the rear garden of property 35 Ashey Road accessed of the proposed extension of Woodlands View.


4.         Development Plan Policy


4.1       National policies covered in PPG3-Housing with relevant considerations itemized as follows:


·                     Ensure new homes are provided in the right place at the right time and that there is a choice of sites which are both suitable and available for house building.


·                     There should be a regular review of housing requirements through the mechanism of a local housing needs assessment.


·                     In providing sufficient housing land, priorities should be given to reusing previously developed land within urban areas in preference to the development of green field sites.


·                     Provide a wider housing opportunity and choice, better mix and size, type and location of housing.


·                     Local plan policies should seek to achieve as an element of housing scheme appropriate level of affordable housing having identified through the housing needs survey what the Authority considers to be affordable in the local planned area. It should be related to lower income levels and house prices or rents for different types of households.


·                     The amount and types of affordable housing to be provided should reflect local housing need and individual sites suitability and be a matter for agreement between the parties.


·                     Planning authorities should ensure maintenance of supply of housing by


·                     Concentrating most additional housing development within urban areas.


·                     Making more efficient use of land, particularly previously developed land.


·                     Assessing the capacity of urban areas to accommodate more housing.


·                     Adopting a sequential approach to the allocation of land for housing development.


·                     Managing the release of housing land.


·                     Reviewing existing allocations of housing land in plans.


·                     Criteria for allocation should be based on:


·                     Availability of previously developed sites.


·                     Location and accessibility


·                     Capacity of existing and potential infrastructure


·                     Ability to build communities


·                     Physical and environmental constraints on the development of land.


Members are advised that a housing need survey was carried out in the period 2001 which sought to identify the extent, distribution and type of housing needed over and above homelessness. This was a robust lengthy document which concluded that the greatest need was for rented accommodation. It also identified Newport, Ryde, Shanklin and Sandown as areas where there were particular problems with the greatest need being for single person accommodation although there continues to be on going demand for two/three bedroomed homes to meet the statutory homeless requirements.


4.2       The whole of the site is within the development envelope boundary with that boundary running down the edge of Weeks Road and along the southern boundary of the main site.


            The application site forms part of a slightly larger area including land abutting the western boundary through to the rear boundaries of properties which front Ashey Road and including the land to the south west all of which have been specifically allocated as housing development land within the statutory Unitary Development Plan.


            This allocation brings it under the auspices of Policy H3 – Allocation for residential development sites – Planning proposals for residential development will be acceptable in principle on the sites listed in Appendix A, subject to any specific guidance as detailed. The site is identified as H3 (38) and the following specific policy applies:


            “It is proposed that any area of land to the rear of properties on the eastern side of Ashey Road be released for residential purposes. Access to the proposed residential area will be from Ashey Road and will be constructed to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. The development of the area should be in conjunction with the provision of community care facilities either within the site or on adjoining land. The land is undulating in nature and the individual fields enclosed in the main by hedge and tree boundary. The design and layout of any development should take into account the topography of the site, the proximity of nearby properties and maintain the natural features of the area where possible.”


4.3       Other relevant housing policies within the Unitary Development Plan are itemized as follows:


H1 – Major New Residential Developments to be located within the main Island towns.

H2 – To ensure that large residential developments contain a variety of house sizes and types.

H14 – Locally Affordable Housing as an element of a housing scheme.


            For Members information over the Unitary Development Plan Period (1996-2011) there is a development potential for approximately 8,000 units which assumes that the development of allocated sites which will make a contribution. In terms of regional policies in respect of the south and south east, the targets for the Isle of Wight are in the region of 500+ units a year which up to the present time is being achieved on a year by year basis. Obviously these figures may be revisited during the local development framework process however, the Unitary Development Plan is the statutory policy document which should apply to this site. Finally in terms of housing policies Members are advised that the above calculations are based on a density figure of 30 dwellings per hectare.


4.4       Other local Unitary Development Plan policies are itemised as follows:


G1 – Development Envelopes for Towns and Villages

G4 – General Locational Criteria for Development

G6 – Development in Areas Liable to Flooding

G7 – Development on unstable land

C8 – Nature Conservation as a material consideration

C11 – Sites of Local Importance for Nature Conservation

C12 – Development Affecting Trees and Woodland

C13 – Hedgerow

TR6 – Cycling and Walking

TR7 – Highway Considerations for New Development

TR16 – Parking Policies and Guidelines

U2 – Insuring Adequate Educational, Social and Community Facilities for the future population.

U11 – Infrastructure and Services Provision

L10 – Open Space in Housing Development


4.5       Site is within Zone 3 of the Council’s parking policy thus requiring parking provision that shall not exceed 0-75% of parking guidelines.


4.6       Relevant strategic policies within the Unitary Development Plan are listed as follows:


·                     S1 – New Development will be concentrated within existing urban areas.


·                     S2 – Development will be encouraged on land which has previously been developed (brownfield sites) rather than undeveloped (Greenfield sites). Greenfield sites will only be allocated for development where they are extensions to urban areas and where no suitable alternative brownfield site exists.


·                     S3 – New developments of a large scale will be expected to be located in or adjacent to the defined development envelopes of the main island towns of Cowes/East Cowes/Newport/Ryde/Sandown/Shanklin.


·                     S7 – There is a need to provide for the development of at least 8,000 housing units of the planned period while a large proportion of this development will occur on sites with existing allocations or planning approvals, or on currently on unidentified sites, enough new land will be allocated to enable this target to be met and provide a range of choice and affordability.


·                     S11 – Land use policies and proposals to reduce the impact of and reliance on the private car will be adopted and the Council will aim to encourage development of an effective, efficient and integrated transport network.


4.7       Reference is also made to National document, Residential Roads and Footpaths Layout Considerations – Design Bulletin 32 second edition dated April 1992 and its companion guide, Places, Streets and Movement dated September 1998. This document provides advice on the main considerations that should be taken into account in the design of residential roads and footpath layouts. Takes into account initiatives on matters such as road safety with particular reference to the contribution of roads and footpaths can make to the creation of the visually attractive safe convenient nuisance free and secure development.


4.8       Members attention is also drawn to Supplementary Planning Guidance in respect of affordable housing which now seeks a 30% contribution from developers on those qualifying sites.


5.         Consultee and Third Party Comments


5.1       Internal Consultees


·                     Highway Engineers comments are yet to be received in respect of the current proposal however detailed assessment of the access issue was received by the Highway Department in respect of the previous refused scheme with those comments being summarized as follows:


o        Comparison made with other single access developments serving substantial number of dwellings 250+ throughout the island with particular reference to Sandham Gardens, Lake and Carter Avenue, Shanklin.

o        Reference made to Design Bulletin 32 which makes specific reference to up to 300 dwellings being served off one access point providing there is an internal loop arrangement within the internal estate road layout.

o        Some concern was expressed that 300 dwelling served off Ashey Road through Woodland View may be slightly excessive, it does not believe that there would be valid grounds to refuse the application, should that number be reached.

o        Whilst reference is made to a second road access into the site, he quite rightly suggested that this application has to be considered on its merits with the single access.

o        Any layout should both accord with Design Bulletin 32 and its companion guide, Places, Streets and Movement.

o        On the basis that there is no change in circumstances since that application and therefore the Highway Engineer is recommending conditions should the application be approved.


·                     Council’s Archaeological Officer recommends appropriate conditions should application be approved.


·                     Council’s Technical Engineer confirms that the foul sewage drainage system has to be agreed with Southern Water, and whilst agreeing with the principle of balancing ponds the issue of adoption of those balancing ponds still remains to be resolved.


·                     Ecology Officer comments as follows:


o        Housing allocation negates any Nature Conservation interest.

o        He recognizes the importance of the adjacent SINCs.

o        Need to protect natural boundary features.

o        Ensure there is no uncontrolled access to adjacent SINC sites.

o        Any layout should provide controlled access points (stiles or kissing-gates) to provide access along these boundaries.

o        Importance of the construction design and maintenance of the balancing ponds should be made a feature of the development site with particular reference to their landscaping.

o        Considerable potential for the balancing pond in the south eastern corner of the site to be more natural feature linking it with the adjoining woodland SINC.

o        Any landscaping scheme submitted should ensure use of native species.

o        Recognition of pressure that will be placed on the adjoining SINC by any development including drainage impact however, this SINC should be seen as an asset to the development providing the layout is designed accordingly and that the adjoining SINC is adequately managed.

o        Any development should contribute towards the management and upkeep of the adjoining SINC given the benefits that will accrue to that development by its relative location.

o        Ecology Officer identified a number of improvements which could benefit from monies received including improvements and repair to Weeks Road providing gates or stiles setting up footpaths with suitable surfacing through the  wooded area. Such monies could be obtained under the auspices of a Section 106 Agreement.


5.2       External Consultees


·                     Southern Water confirm that applicants have applied to them for a new requisition sewer with a sewer arrangement as described representing a suitable solution. Southern Water cannot object to the principle of development but suggest conditions be applied requiring the submission of design detail and that no property be occupied until the new foul sewer has been constructed.


·                     The Environment Agency initially placed a holding objection on the proposal on the grounds of insufficient information effectively requiring further hydrological information in order to assess the adequacy and suitability of the surface water drainage scheme.  Following submission of the Flood Risk Assessment and the Ecological Report, the Environment Agency is now satisfied that the detailed design of the water courses and surface water control can be addressed through conditions and the agencies land drainage consenting procedure.


·                     The Environment Agency has also commented on conservation issues, with particular reference to the Ecological Report, and are suggesting a specific condition requiring all the recommendations contained within the submitted Ecological Report to be upheld within any detailed development scheme, with the reason being to minimize any adverse impact on the adjoining SINC (Swanmore Meadows) and the river corridor to compensate for the loss of species rich grassland under the built footprint.  They also advise on a number of ecological issues covering the retention of hedgerows, trees, grassland and any drainage ditches where appropriate, erection of signage to draw residents’ attention to the need to respect the adjoining SINC, provisions to deter littering and tipping, the need to provide additional bat surveys, and the need for the balancing ponds to be laid out to encourage local wildlife. 


5.3       Third Party Representation


·                     The Application has been the subject of a total of 65 letters of objection, 13 from residents of Woodland View, 11 from residents of Alfred Street, 7 from residents of Leighwood Close, 6 from residents of Weeks Road and 6 from residents of Ashey Road, 4 from residents of Hazelwood Close, 3 from residents of Swanmore Avenue, 2 each from residents of Rosemary Lane, St Michaels Road and Osborne Road, and 1 each from residents of Quarry Road, Aldermere Close, West Street, Osborne Close, Reed Street, Wray Street and Bettesworth Road. Single letters of objection have also been received from the Woodlands View Residents Association, the South Ryde Residents Association, the Ramblers Association and the Isle of Wight Animal Preservation and Action Group. Points raised are summarized as follows:


o        Single access (Woodlands View) incapable of serving level of traffic likely to be generated from this development.

o        Development would be likely to cause hazards to local residents, with particular reference to children and elderly, caused by significant increase in traffic using Ashey Road, the junction of Woodlands View with Ashey Road.

o        No development should take place on this site unless a second access off Ashey Road is created.

o        A general concern regarding the ability of existing sewer systems to accept discharge from any development on the site.

o        Level of surface water discharge likely to create flooding problems with particular reference to Monkton Mead Brook.

o        Some concern regarding general ground stability issues with reference to the information accompanying the application on this issue being out of date.

o        Objectors consider the site as significant ecological value and proposal would result in loss of this value with reference to loss of wildlife habitat and potential loss of hedgerows and trees.

o        Proposal will put pressures on local schools, health facilities.

o        There may be access problems for emergency vehicles with particular reference to the fire appliance.

o        There is a lack of local shops to service a development of this size.

o        Concern that the development will alter the character of Weeks Road (public bridleway) with added concerns regarding the pressures that such a development may have on the local public footpath system as a whole.

o        Reference is made to the level of on-street parking in Ashey Road and the impact on free flow of traffic that may be caused by the additional traffic generated by this development.

o        Local allotment association and individual allotment holders concerned regarding the impact of this development on those allotments, with particular regard to security issues and specifically to the disturbance that will be caused by the laying of the new sewer through those allotments.

o        Concern expressed regarding the effect that a development of this size and nature will have on the natural springs which run through the site.

o        Concern regarding construction traffic disturbance and the overall length of time it will take for such a major development to take place.

o        Residents of Woodland View express particular concerns, stating that there is already congestion at the junction of Woodland View with Ashey Road, with that congestion being exacerbated by parents dropping off and picking up children attending Swanmore School in Ashey Road.  Their concerns are summarized within their representation as follows:


“The additional dangers created for drivers, pedestrians and local children are obvious.  The increased traffic parking issues and single lane access that exists along Ashey Road would create extensive delays and noise to local residents.”


6.         Evaluation


6.1       The most important material consideration in respect of this proposal is whether or not the information accompanying this application has adequately addressed the two reasons for refusal of outline planning permission in December 2002.  Those two reasons related exclusively to drainage issues and therefore not surprisingly the application has been accompanied by a significant level of information in the form of Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Statement.  Also the application is accompanied by an Ecological Report all of which more than adequately addresses reason no. 2 in respect of that refusal.  Members are advised that the principle of residential development is not at issue given the site’s allocation in the UDP and the more recent grants of planning permission for residential development on adjacent land.


6.2       Foul Drainage


·                     The fact that the foul drainage solution being proposed involves the laying of a substantial length of new foul sewer (approximately 1,300 metres) from the site’s north eastern corner connecting to an existing manhole located at the Esplanade/North Walk junction is an indicator as to the thoroughness of the assessment in arriving at an appropriate strategy to achieve foul sewage capacity to serve the site.


·                     It is important to appreciate that Southern Water have a duty to provide a satisfactory foul sewer to serve the site in accordance with the relevant legislation which controls that service provider.  However, it is the applicant who funds the feasibility studies carried out by Southern Water, and any future developer would have to bear the cost of the foul sewage works which I am advised would be in the region of a figure which would exceed £800,000.


·                     Adequate controls would need to be applied under the auspices of conditions to both ensure that the foul sewer solution is carried out to service any development on the site and that, prior to any other works commencing, a fully calculated foul sewer scheme should be submitted and approved.  Such a requirement is essential to ensure that the sewer being laid is of a sufficient size, depth and of an appropriate gradient to service development on the site.  This cannot be provided at this stage given the outline nature of the application.


·                     In terms of likely land uptake which will be in the form of easements and other detail issues relating to procedures, these are outlined below.


o        Easement widths will be approximately 6 metres although precise width of works are usually a matter for negotiations between the various parties once the developer has formally requisitioned the sewer.

o        Two clear stages involved in sewer requisitions, the first being the detailed design stage where the concept agreed at planning stage is worked up and costings agreed. The second stage being the completion of a formal agreement between the parties.

o        Once agreed Southern Water would aim to commence works within six months, although in more complicated cases involving various landowners or sensitive wildlife or countryside sites, that timescale can be extended.  This is to ensure minimum disruption and disturbance to wildlife on landscapes.

o        Statutory period for the service of notice on landowners along the proposed route is 28 days, however in such cases as this Southern Water would commence negotiations well in advance and owners would usually know months in advance the timing of the work.  It is anticipated that such works would take place in the autumn or early spring.

o        All the above would be subject of negotiations.


·                     Whilst the laying of such a length of sewer will inevitably cause disturbance and disruption, I am however satisfied from the information received that all those involved will be given every consideration, with all reasonable concerns being addressed at the negotiation stage.  It should be emphasized that this is an allocated residential site and Southern Water have a duty to provide a sewer through the requisition process to serve the site.  I therefore have no hesitation but to suggest that in terms of the foul sewage proposal, this proposal more than adequately addresses the previous reasons for refusal


6.3       Surface Water Drainage


·                     Again the application has been accompanied by extensive information prepared by appropriate competent drainage engineers, with that information both being in the form of a drainage statement and an extensive PPG25 Flood Risk Assessment.  One of the delays in bringing this application to Members for determination has been the requirement of the Environment Agency to be provided with additional hydrological information to assess the adequacy and suitability of the surface water drainage scheme.  Members will note that that Agency is now recommending appropriate conditions should the application be approved, and by implication this indicates that they are now satisfied that the site is capable of being developed providing the attenuation methods are introduced.

·                     In recommending approval the Environment Agency have made general comments which are itemized as follows:


o        Two catchment areas have been identified, one to the north and one to the south, and run-off areas have been assessed through recognized methods of calculation.

o        The greenfield run-off (undeveloped) from both these catchment areas is approximately 40 litres per second per hectare, which is considerably higher than the normal rate of run-off of 7 litres per second per hectare.  This higher figure reflects the function of the site’s slope and soil type which is relatively steep, underlain with clay, giving a potentially high run-off rate.

o        Submitted Flood Risk Assessment identifies a number of ordinary water courses that flow throughout the site.  Whilst these do not appear to form rationalised drainage routes, the Environment Agency considers that it would be “pertinent to create ditches to accommodate the flow”.

o        The Environment Agency makes reference to a requirement for land drainage consent to be obtained to secure long term maintenance of opened channels.  This would be a matter that would need to be considered when the overall layout has been produced at the detail stage.  At that stage any developer would need to undertake to establish land ownership rights for either existing ditches or relocated water courses and implement an appropriate management company to undertake such maintenance.

o        In terms of the attenuation ponds, the Environment Agency notes that pond A (south eastern corner) has a capacity of 900 cubic metres, whilst pond B (north eastern corner) has a capacity of 600 cubic metres.  The Agency confirms that this would provide a volume that appears to be satisfactory to accommodate an attenuated discharge from the site to that of the previous greenfield run-off rate.

o        The Agency stresses that at the detail stage they would be willing to hold further discussions in order to agree the rate of discharge, overall storage volume and specifics of the engineering design.


·                     From the above the level of hydraulic engineering input in designing the surface water system to service this site has been significant, which was essential for initially the Environment Agency were not satisfied with the information and were suggesting that the application would be refused on those grounds.


·                     I consider that there is considerable comfort in the fact that the Environment Agency is now satisfied that the proposals have taken full account of the circumstances of the site, and clearly those issues raised in respect of details can be covered by way of condition.


·                     In terms of adoption of surface water drainage, it is significant that the report is suggesting that infiltration systems can be introduced on the upper area of the site where gravel outcrops exist.  Where such strata does not exist, ditches and swales and filtration systems can be introduced in the lower areas.  All these can be features within the designed layout stage.  The report suggests that the balancing ponds could be dry detention ponds but with a more permanent water body and reed bed in one corner.  It certainly would be anticipated that the two attenuation ponds would be used as specific features in any future layout.  Indeed the ponds themselves can become valuable ecological features attracting appropriate wildlife providing they are laid out appropriately.


·                     In terms of adoption of the ponds, the applicants have been advised that it is not the Council’s policy to adopt such features, a factor which they have taken on board, and any future developer would need to address this issue by ensuring that they are adopted by an acceptable management company, a factor which would be included in any Section 106 Agreement.


6.4       Ecological Issues


·                     The application has been accompanied by a detailed Ecological Report prepared by an appropriate competent company which provides a description of all the habitats present, identifies any potential ecological constraints and lists mitigation measures to alleviate these potential constraints.  In preparing this Report particular importance has been placed on the effect any development may have on the adjoining Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (Swanmore Meadows SINC) to the west and south of the application site.


·                     The methodology of the study was in the form of a desktop study and walkover field survey, being carried out in accordance with appropriate codes of practice.  A précis of the resulting impacts of the development of the site are as follows:


o        Application for fields relatively species rich, but contain no species which are protected by law.   The same habitat is represented in the adjacent SINC and indeed similar habitat may be present in other fields in the locality.

o        Any mitigation for the loss of grassland habitat could be in the form of habitat retention where appropriate within proposed open space areas contained within the new development and/or a contribution to the nature conservation management of the adjacent SINC areas.

o        Important that trees and hedgerows should be retained, an issue that could be covered by condition.  Similarly the surface water ditches on the site should be retained with scope to enhance those ditches for wildlife.

o        Site unsuitable for many protected species such as reptiles and great crested newts.  Site does have habitat for breeding birds, badgers and bats and any detailed development will need to take the potential impact on these species into account in the design.

o        Further surveys are recommended to determine existence of bats and/or badgers, however the findings of such surveys would not prevent development as there are many measures available for mitigating effects on these species.  Such surveys should be carried out in the appropriate seasons.

o        Any site clearance should avoid bird breeding seasons from March to July.


·                     With regard to any impact on the adjoining SINC sites, these are covered as follows:


o        Proposal will have no impact on Monkton Mead Brook further to the east on the grounds that if anything there will be a reduction in flood risk to that brook due to the attenuation measures being suggested and therefore there is no requirement for any improvement works to the existing surface water courses within the SINC areas.

o        There would only be negligible impact on Monkton Mead Brook from the works required for the new foul sewer where it abuts that brook.

o        Where the new foul sewer passes through Swanmore Meadows there would be a temporary loss of habitat, however that habitat would return over a number of years.  By ensuring the new sewer runs within the same easement any disturbance would be restricted to habitat that has already been disturbed.


·                     Like the surface water proposals this Ecological Report has been thoroughly vetted by the Environment Agency, who are suggesting that an all covering condition requiring all recommendations proposed within the Ecological Report be adhered to within any detailed development scheme.  They concur with the recommendations contained in that report as follows:


o        Retention of natural features in order to integrate the new development with the surrounding countryside and lessen pressures on the adjoining SINC.

o        Provision of interpretation signs highlighting the importance of the SINC in the formalisation of entrances to the SINC.  This is required to enable new residents to adopt a sense of ownership over the adjoining natural resource and promote sympathetic treatment and enjoyment of the area.  Long term management proposals should be outlined indicating how the integrity of the SINC will be maintained further to increased visitor pressure.

o        Provision of measures to deter littering and tipping on the boundaries of the SINC which could lower the amenity value of that area.

o        Concurrence that further survey work is required in respect of protected species such as bats.

o        Balancing ponds should be integrated as a feature of the development in order to encourage local wildlife, provision of a wildlife rich water body will create ideal bat feeding habitats.  The Environment Agency stresses the importance of ongoing management and supervision of these features.


·                     Finally the Environment Agency recognises that development of this site will result in a net loss of species rich habitat and therefore any detail development scheme should address this loss and make measures to offset the potential decline of nature conservation interest.


6.5       Drainage/Ecological Matters


From the above I am satisfied that all issues referred to in the two previous reasons for refusal have more than adequately been addressed by the submissions which have accompanied the application, and because of this it would be unsustainable to continue to refuse this proposal on those issues.


6.6       Given that the only two reasons for refusal in respect of the previous outline application of December 2002 have now been fully addressed and given that there have been no changes in circumstances since that date, Members are advised that despite the level of concerns by local residents it would be very difficult to sustain or justify refusal by introducing other grounds which were not cited at the time of that previous refusal.


6.7       106 Agreement Issues


Members are advised that officers have been negotiating regarding Section 106 benefits which can be reasonably achieved from development of this site.  Heads of terms have been discussed and draft agreements have been exchanged.  Members are also advised that the various departmental recipients of contribution have been involved.  As with most negotiations, it has not been possible to achieve all the levels of benefits desired to assist in funding specific projects.  Account has always to be taken of any exceptional development costs which are necessary in order to enable a viable development to take place and in this case there is the significant cost of the foul sewer (in excess of £800,000) is such a cost factor.


6.8       The contribution figures, which are considered to be reasonable in this case, are as follows:


·                     Education

Following consultation with the Council’s Education Officer a sum of £231,000 has been negotiated which is based on a density development of 30 units per hectare and the requirement of £1,650 per unit.


·                     Village Green Contribution

A contribution of £30,000 towards the maintenance of the adjoining village green abutting the southern boundary.


·                     Open Space Maintenance contribution of £28,000 based on a 0.3 hectare open space provision on site.


·                     Highway and Community contributions

A total of £80,000 which is envisaged to assist in funding householder access to local facilities, provision of off-site play equipment, footway and cycleway improvements providing linkages to public play areas and contributing to safe routes to school schemes.


·                     The resultant total figure is £369,000 which would be in the form of phased payments.


6.9       Affordable Housing


·                     Members will note that under Supplementary Planning Guidance affordable housing provision has increased from 20% to 30%.  However as this application was received prior to the production of that Supplementary Planning Guidance it was considered unreasonable to seek the full 30%.  In discussions with the applicant a compromise has been reached whereby provision of affordable housing will be at 25%, with that percentage being broken down to 20% rented accommodation and 5% shared ownership.  Therefore included in the 106 Agreement will be a requirement to provide this level of affordable housing in conjunction with a registered social landlord (Housing Association) with the method of provision being either to sell to a registered social landlord or to transfer land at nil cost to a registered social landlord.  Such affordable housing will be provided in phases to link in with any overall phasing of development on the site.


·                     In terms of the number of affordable housing units which is likely to be generated, it is difficult to give an exact number.  However if the site was developed at an average density of 40 units per hectare then the likely resultant affordable housing provision would be in the region of 40+ units.  It is important to appreciate that this is an approximate figure.


·                     Other Issues which are likely to be included in the legal agreement would be the need to ensure a management company is set up to ensure the future management of maintenance of the attenuation ponds.  This is considered essential as recent experience suggests that whilst the Environment Agency encourages the introduction of such ponds they are not prepared to adopt them.  More significantly, the Council’s view on this matter is that they have reservations regarding adoption, maintenance and upkeep, and would be likely to be placing either a high contribution figure if they are persuaded to adopt.  Therefore the most logical step would be for an appropriate management company experienced in maintaining such features to be appointed and, more significantly, funded by any developer, with residents being brought on board to ensure the maintenance of these drainage features.


·                     In summary, it is considered that the benefits and contributions which have been negotiated have been set at a level which takes due account of the circumstances of the site, with particular reference to the cost factor in providing the foul sewer.  Whilst obviously the foul sewer will enable the site to be serviced, it will also be likely to make available foul sewage capacity to any brownfield sites within close proximity to it, thus enabling those sites to be brought forward.


·                     Secondly, Members are advised that the monies received from the adjoining developments have been spent either on the traffic calming in Ashey Road and providing improvements to communal facilities within the area, with reference to the communal facilities provided by the local schools.  It is important to appreciate that all monies received from a development have to satisfy the test of being reasonable and related to the development, and therefore need to be spent locally on targeted projects.  Secondly, although the sums are not great from an individual point of view they may enable match funding to be obtained through other sources. 


·                     Other Issues


Whilst continuing to remind Members that the test in respect of this application is whether or not the applicants have satisfactorily addressed the previous reasons for refusal, in view of the number of objections which have been received reflecting a high level of concern regarding this site, then I consider it is appropriate to address the issues raised.


·                     Policy Position


This is a site allocated for residential development within the statutory Unitary Development Plan, and indeed a major part of the site was allocated as such within the previous North East Wight Local Plan.  Therefore the principle of its development is accepted, and Members are reminded that under the Planning Act all applications should be determined on the basis of statutory policies unless other material considerations suggest otherwise.  The fact that the site is now coming forward results in the need to apply current National and Local Plan policies to its development.


·                     Whilst this is a greenfield site its status as allocated land within the development envelope makes it appropriate for it to come forward at this time to meet housing requirements as set out in the Unitary Development Plan and, more importantly, as identified in the Urban Capacity Study.  This study identifies the need for both identified brownfield and greenfield sites and windfall sites to come forward in order for housing requirements to be met.  Supplementary Planning Guidance on phasing in respect of release of greenfield sites anticipated that this site would have been brought forward earlier.


·                     Given the major status of this site it is accepted that the rate of release should be controlled, and in any event a site of this size is likely to be developed out over a number of years.  The Urban Capacity Study and Phasing Report would allow major sites to “trickle feed” new housing into the marketplace as opposed to one site being dependent on another site being built out.  This should also sustain competition between housing developers and impact on house prices.


·                     In view of this and on the assumption Members are mindful to approve the application, a suggested condition will be applied requiring both a master plan and phasing programme to be submitted in order to enable the Planning Authority to exercise appropriate controls.  Finally, because of the sheer size of the site it affords the ideal opportunity to provide a significant level of affordable housing for which there is a clear and recognised demand, with that demand being difficult to satisfy through the development of the much smaller brownfield sites which in many cases don’t generate any affordable housing whatever.


6.10     Density/Access


·                     While siting and therefore density is not a matter for Members to determine at this stage, consideration has to be given to whether or not controls need to be put in place to limit numbers of units on this site.  If a density limit condition is to be applied it needs to be justified, and the one issue which is the determining factor in this case is the capacity of the junction of Woodland View with Ashey Road in terms of traffic movement.


·                     Design Bulletin 32 in theory accepts up to 300 dwellings off one access providing there is an internal loop arrangement within the internal road layout. Highway Engineer has in the past considered that this number could be deemed to be excessive, and in any event that number would need to include the existing development, both completed and about to commence abutting the south west (43 units) and would also need to take into account future development on the remaining allocated land which abuts the western boundary.


·                     Therefore whilst I would not normally advocate placing a density limit condition, in view of the circumstances of the single access I consider it could be justified in this case. The maximum density figure of 42 units per hectare would result in an approximate overall density, including undeveloped allocated land and the existing developments, of 275 units.


·                     This density limitation would also need to be supported by a further condition relating to the internal road layout being in the form of a circuit, with there being the shortest practical connection between this circuit and the point of access.


6.11     It is not surprising that the Highway Engineer has made no reference to the ability of the access itself onto Ashey Road being capable of servicing this site, for this issue has been well documented, with particular reference to the Inspector’s allowance of the appeal in respect of the site which abuts the south western corner of the site.  The previous Highway Engineer’s comments are self-explanatory indicating the difficulties there would be in citing any perceived inadequacies in terms of the Woodland View/Ashey Road access as a reason to refuse.  This would be particularly the case as no reference was made to this issue in the previous refusal.


6.12     Slope Stability and Geotechnics


Whilst the application has not been accompanied by up-to-date information relating to ground conditions, the information that is available is sufficient for this issue to have been adequately addressed.  Ground stability is a material consideration, with the test being whether or not the site is capable of supporting the development proposed.  In this case the ground conditions will need to be taken into account when designing the foundation details, for those ground conditions vary even within the site.  I am satisfied that this is essentially a Building Control matter, with the Building Regulations providing the legislation to control this issue.  The Building Control Officer recognised that the site’s subsoil is likely to make it unsuitable for soakaways and that strip foundations are likely to be unsuitable where clay subsoil exists and high water demand from trees is present.  I consider an advisory letter attached to any approval pointing out the need to consider this issue of foundation design would be sufficient to cover this matter.


6.13     Open Space


Open space provision has been the subject of negotiation with the fact that the site abuts the substantial area of village green to the south playing an important role.  Part of the monies being raised through the Section 106 Agreement are aimed at future maintenance of that village green, for clearly residents of this development will put greater pressures on the village green and will use it as a valuable facility.  On site open space provision has therefore been agreed at 0.3 hectares (0.75 of an acre) and it is suggested that this space should be provided to the north of the site, the greatest distance from the village green.  Added to this will be a requirement to provide at least two small children’s play space areas to be suitable located and planned into the overall design of the layout.  This calculation excludes the two attenuation ponds and the inevitable space around those ponds.


7.         Conclusion and Justification for Recommendation


7.1       The length of this report indicated the complexity of the issues which have been involved in assessing the merits of this outline application for residential development.  The application provides an opportunity to put in place all the controlling mechanisms which will dictate and inform any future urban designer as to what are the constraints and opportunities of the site.  The conditions which are suggested to be attached are of particular importance, as is the Section 106 Agreement.  I consider that appropriate weight to all material considerations referred to in the Report has been given and that the site is appropriate for residential development subject to the controls being suggested, and therefore approval is recommended.


7.2       Should Members be minded to approve this application then it will have to be referred to GOSE (Government Office South East) under the Town and Country Planning (Residential Development on Greenfield Land) (England) Directions 2000.  This is required to enable the Secretary of State to ensure that the national policies are being complied with, with particular reference to those policies within PPG3 – Housing.


8.         Recommendation     


Approval subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement covering the following:


·                     Provision of 25% affordable housing (20% rented, 5% shared ownership) to be transferred to a registered social landlord.


·                     An education contribution of £232,000.


·                     Highway, community, open space maintenance, and village green contribution £138,000.

·                     Setting up of a registered management company to adopt and maintain the two balancing ponds and retained ditches.


(Subject to reference to GOSE under the Town and Country Planning (Residential Development on Greenfield Land) (England) Directions 2000.)  (Site likely to generate in excess of 150 units.)






The development hereby permitted shall be begun either before the expiration of 5 years from the date of this permission, or before the expiration of 2 years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved, whichever is the later.


Reason: To comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.



Application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission.


Reason: To comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.



Approval of the details of the siting, design and external appearance of the building(s), the means of access thereto and the landscaping of the site (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development is commenced.


Reason: In order to secure a satisfactory development and be in accordance with policies S6 (Standards of Design), D1 (Standards of Design), D2 (Standards of Development Within the Site), D3 (Landscaping), TR7 (Highway Consideration for New Development) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



No development shall take place until an overall master plan has been submitted for the site indicating the following:

internal road layout which shall accord with the advice contained in Design Bulletin 32 and places streets and movement;

location of on site open space area/areas min. 0.3 ha;

location of minimum 2 no. children's play areas;

footpath/cycleway links to Weeks Road in the north eastern corner and footpath link to the south eastern corner providing links to Weeks Road and the adjoining village green;

retention of ditches/boundary hedgerows/trees.


Such master plan shall be approved in writing and no work shall commence until such approval has been granted.


Reason:  To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with an overall design strategy in accordance with policy G4 (General Locational Criteria for Development) and D2 (Standards for Development within the Site) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



The sequence of operations during the implementation of the permission hereby granted shall be as may be approved by the Local Planning Authority and a phasing programme shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval before any operations are commenced, and none of the operations hereby approved shall be commenced in advance of any such further approval.


Reason:  To ensure the development is carried out in a properly phased manner in compliance with policy G4 (General Locational Criteria for Development) and D2 (Standards for Development within the Site) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



The submitted scheme shall ensure retention of all natural features including retention of all boundary hedgerows, trees, grassland (within on site open space) and drainage ditches.


Reason:  In order to integrate the new development with the surrounding countryside in accordance with policies D1 (Standards of Design) and D2 (Standards for Development within the Site) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



Any development on site shall accord with the recommendations contained within the Ecological Report (WSP Developments Limited dated July 2004 ref: 12070592).


Reason:  To minimise any adverse impact on the development of the adjoining SINC (Swanmore Meadows) and river corridor and to compensate for the net loss of species rich grassland under the built footprint in compliance with policies C11 (Sites of Local Importance for Nature Conservation) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



Prior to occupation of any dwellings on this site provision shall be made for interpretation signs highlighting the importance of the adjoining SINC and the formalisation of entrances to the SINC long term management proposals shall also be submitted outlining how the integrity of the SINC shall be maintained further to cater for increased visitor pressure.


Reason:  To minimise any adverse impact of the development on the adjoining SINC (Swanmore Meadows) in compliance with policy C11 (Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



Any submitted detail layout shall ensure integration of the proposed balancing ponds as a feature of the development and shall indicate how the design will encourage local wildlife.


Reason:  In order to integrate new development with the surrounding countryside in compliance with policy C1 (Protection of Landscape Character) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



No dwelling shall be occupied until a scheme has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority indicating measures to deter littering and tipping on the boundaries of the adjoining SINC.  Such measures shall be retained and maintained thereafter.


Reason:  To minimise any adverse impact of the development on the adjoining SINC in compliance with policy C11 (Sites of Local Importance for Nature Conservation) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



No site clearance shall take place during the bird breeding season between March and July.


Reason:  In compliance with policy C1 (Protection of the Landscape Character) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



All material excavated as a result of general ground works including site leveling, installation of services or the digging of foundations, shall not be disposed of within the area identified in red on the submitted plans.  The material shall be removed from the site as may be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  In the interests of the amenities of the area in general and adjoining residential property in particular.  In compliance with policies G4 (General Locational Criteria), D2 (Standards of Development within the Site) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



No development shall take place until detailed calculations have been submitted to and agreed with the Local Planning Authority indicating the details of the foul water discharge rate.  No dwelling shall be occupied until the new foul sewer has been constructed and is operational in accordance with the details contained in WSP Developments Ltd Drainage Statement, Project Ref: 11010174 dated December 2003.


Reason:  To ensure adequate system of foul water drainage is provided for the development in compliance with policy U11 (Infrastructure and Services Provision) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



No development shall take place until exact surface water discharge flows and cubic capacity of the two balancing ponds have been calculated and submitted to and agreed with the Local Planning Authority.  No dwelling shall be occupied until the balancing ponds in the south eastern and north eastern corners of the site have been constructed and are operational to service the surface water discharge from the site.  Such balancing ponds and surface water drainage system shall be retained and maintained thereafter.


Reason:  To ensure an adequate system of surface water drainage is provided for the development in compliance with Policy U11 (Infrastructure and Services Provision) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



None of the existing retained ditches on the site shall be culverted.


Reason:  In the interests of nature conservation in compliance with policy C1 (Protection of the Landscape Character) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



In this condition "retained hedge or hedgerow" means an existing hedge or hedgerow which is to be retained in accordance with the approved plans and particulars.


No retained hedge or hedgerow shall be cut down, uprooted or destroyed, nor shall any retained hedge or hedgerow be reduced in height other than in accordance with the approved plans and particulars, without the written approval of the Local Planning Authority.

If within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development the whole or any part of any retained hedge or hedgerow is removed, uprooted, is destroyed or dies, another hedge or hedgerow shall be planted at the same place and that hedge or hedgerow shall be of such size and species, and shall be planted at such time, as may be specified in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

The erection of fencing for the protection of any retained hedge or hedgerow shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved plans and particulars before any equipment, machinery or materials are brought onto the site for the purposes of the development, and shall be maintained until all equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been removed from the site.  Nothing shall be stored or placed in any fenced area in accordance with this condition and the ground levels within those areas shall not be altered nor shall any excavation be made or fire be lit, without the written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To ensure the continuity of amenity afforded by existing hedges or hedgerows and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



No vehicular or pedestrian access shall be made directly from any individual dwelling to Weeks Road, the only access being public footpath or cycleway, as referred to in condition 4.


Reason:  In order to protect and control access to public right of way in compliance with policy TR17 (Public Rights of Way) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



No development shall take place until there have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:


A plan showing the location of, and allocating a reference number to, each existing tree on the site which has a stem with a diameter, measured over the bark at a point 1.5 metres above ground level, exceeding 75mm, showing the species, girth or stem diameter, height, crown spread, state of health and stability of each tree, together with details of those trees that are to be retained and details of any proposed topping or lopping;

Details of any proposed topping or lopping of any tree on land adjacent to the site;

A plan showing existing ground levels and details of any proposed alterations thereto and of any proposed excavations;

A plan showing the location, spread, height, species and state of health of all existing hedgerows, hedges and other areas of vegetation on the site, together with details of those that are to be retained and details of any that are proposed to be cut back or removed, wholly or partially;

A plan showing the location, levels and dimensions of all existing watercourses, drainage channels and other aquatic features on the site, together with details of those that are to be retained and details of any works proposed thereto;

Details of all existing boundary features and means of enclosure at the site, together with details of those that are to be retained and details of any works proposed thereto;

Details of the specification, position and programme of implementation of any measures to be taken before or during the course of development for the protection from damage of anything to be retained;

The erection of fencing for the protection of anything to be retained shall be maintained until all equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been removed from the site.  Nothing shall be stored or placed in any area fenced in accordance with this condition and ground levels within those areas shall not be altered nor shall any excavation be made or fire be lit, without the written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


Development shall be carried out in accordance with the plans, particulars and details approved pursuant to this condition.


Reason:  To allow the proper consideration of the impact of the proposed development on the amenity value of the existing site and to comply with policy D3 (Landscaping) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



No retained boundary hedgerow or trees shall be indicated to be within privately owned domestic gardens and shall be retained as a public amenity in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and agreed with the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To ensure long term retention of these landscape features in the interests of nature conservation in compliance with policy D3 (Landscaping) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



Any proposed development layout shall ensure a road access is provided to the site's western boundary in a location to be agreed and to a standard equivalent to that required for adoption by the Highway Authority.


Reason:  In the interests of future planning of the adjoining allocated land which abuts the western boundary in compliance with policy H3 (Allocation of Residential Development Sites) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



No development shall take place until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority a plan indicating the positions, designs, materials and type of boundary treatments to be erected.  Such plans shall include the provision of security fencing where the development either abuts or is in close proximity to adjoining allotments in the northern area of the site.  The boundary treatment shall be completed before the dwellings are occupied and development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  In the interests of maintaining the amenity value of the area in compliance with policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



The density of development on this site shall not exceed 42 units per hectare and shall contain a variety of house sizes and types.


Reason:  In compliance with policy H2 (To ensure that large residential developments contain a variety of house sizes and types) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



Overall parking provision on this site shall ensure minimum 1 parking space per unit and shall not exceed an average of 1.5 parking spaces per unit.


Reason: In compliance with policy TR16 (Parking Policies and Guidelines) of the IW Unitary Development Plan and advice contained in PPG3 - Housing.



No dwelling shall be occupied until the parts of the service roads which provide access to it have been constructed, surfaced and drained in accordance with [the approved plans/details which have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority].


Reason:  To ensure an adequate standard of highway and access for the proposed dwellings and to comply with policy TR7 (Highway Considerations) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



Development shall not begin until details of the design, surfacing and construction of any new roads, footways, accesses and car parking areas, together with details of the means of disposal of surface water drainage there from have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason:  To ensure an adequate standard of highway access and drainage for the proposed dwellings and to comply with policy TR7 (Highway Considerations) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



No construction traffic shall use Rosemary Lane or Weeks Road other than vehicle movements directly associated with work taking place within those highways.


Reason:  In the interest of highway safety in compliance with policy TR7 (Highway Considerations for New Development) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



No construction vehicle shall enter the public highway unless their wheels and chassis have been cleaned to prevent material being deposited on the highway.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety and to prevent mud and dust getting on the highway.



The surfaces of the existing site road and access roads shall be maintained in good state of repair and kept clean and free of mud and other debris at all times during construction works and until completion of construction works.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety and safeguarding the local environment.



The developer shall afford access at all reasonable times to any archaeologists nominated by the Local Planning Authority and shall allow them to observe all groundwork and to record [items/features] of archaeological significance and finds.


Notification of the opening up and information as to whom the archaeologist should contact on site shall be given in writing to the address below (or to any alternative address notified to the developer by the Local Planning Authority) not less than 14 days before the commencement of any work:


County Archaeologist

County Archaeological Centre

61 Clatterford Road



Isle of Wight

PO30 1NZ


Reason:  In order to ensure access by specified archaeologists during the permitted operations and to comply with policies B9 (Protection of Archaeological Heritage) and B10 (Parks and Gardens and Landscapes of Historic Interest) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


9.         Second Recommendation


            That letter be sent advising that any developer should carry out detailed soil investigations within the vicinity of individual locations of proposed houses in order to ensure foundation designs are appropriate to the site and that such designs accord with building regulations.





TCP/16532/K   P/00421/05  Parish/Name: Ryde  Ward: Ryde South West

Registration Date:  28/02/2005  -  Full Planning Permission

Officer:  Mr. J. Mackenzie           Tel:  (01983) 823567

Applicant:  Stonehams Construction Ltd


Demolition of north end of factory; construction of 21 houses, three storey building to provide six flats; alterations to vehicular access, parking provision;  Clark Masts 18-20, Ringwood Road, Ryde, PO333NX




This is a major application.


1.         Details of Application


1.1       This is a full application seeking consent for 21 two storey houses and a three storey building to provide six flats and alteration to the vehicular access and parking.


1.2       The proposal comprises the residential development of 0.5 hectares of land with terraced and semi-detached houses and a single block of three storeys in height containing six flats arranged around an access road comprising a single cul-de-sac with a hammerhead. Plans show three dwelling types and flats. The three dwelling types are shown as three bedroom units comprising slightly different accommodation between 70 and 75 square metres net in floor area, the net floor area of the flats is shown as 46.5 m2 and comprising single bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and living room. Materials proposed are red multi bricks with contrasting buff feature band quoins and soldier courses, the flats to be constructed in buff facings with concrete inter locking tiles to the roofs. Screen walls as shown on the plan are proposed to be constructed in red multi facings with close boarded fencing in between piers.


1.3       In the main car parking will be in three parking areas arranged around the hammerhead and separate parking areas mid way in the cul-de-sac and close to the entrance to the site to serve the flats.


2.         Location and Site Characteristics


2.1       The site has an area of 0.5 hectare with overall dimensions of 100 metres in length and 40 metres in width. The land falls steadily from east down to the west where the access joins the site off Ringwood Road.


2.2       To the north and east are the rear gardens of properties fronting Beatrice Close and Wellington Road respectively. The properties to the east have long gardens and the dwellings are sited a considerable distance from the eastern boundary of the site. To the south of the site is the remaining part of the Clark Masts factory. To the west more sparsely developed residential property.


3.         Relevant History


3.1       Outline planning permission (with means of access only approved) was granted for residential development in January 2003 (ref: TCP/16532/H) subject to a condition which required a minimum density of 30 dwellings per hectare and requiring 20% of the residential units to be registered to a social landlord.


3.2       In January 2004 approval of reserved matters (ref: TCP/16532/J) was granted for 18 dwellings. This scheme would have resulted in the loss of only two trees, one of which was subject of a Tree Preservation Order.


4.         Development Plan Policy


4.1       National policy guidance - PPG3 – Housing. Essential supports higher density housing schemes especially in urban areas; more sustainable developments utilising brownfield sites and promoting and delivering affordable housing.


UDP policies are as follows:


G1 – Developments Envelopes for Towns and Villages;

G4 – General Location Criteria for Development;

D1 – Standards of Design;

D2 – Standards for Development Within the Site;

H1 – Major New Residential Developments to be Located within Main Island Towns;

H2 – To Ensure Large Residential Developments Contain a Variety of House Sizes and Types;

H6 – High Density Residential Development

E3 – Resist the Development of Allocated Employment Land for Other Uses.


The site is not within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or Conservation Area.


In April 2003 a Tree Preservation Order was imposed on the oak trees on site.


5.         Consultee and Third Party Comments


5.1       Internal Consultees


·                     Highway Engineer recommends conditions if approved.

·                     Environmental Health Department recognise the possibility of contamination at the site and recommends appropriate conditions.


Environmental Health Officer also raises the question of incompatibility between the existing factory and residential use and accordingly recommends refusal.


5.2       Letter of objection from adjoining property owner to north on grounds that two of the dwellings are too close to his property which would lead to overlooking and loss of outlook and loss of privacy.


6.         Evaluation


The main issues relating to this proposal are as follows:


·                     Policy and principle.

·                     Density

·                     Design

·                     Social housing

·                     Highways implications

·                     Drainage implications

·                     Effect on adjoining properties

·                     Compatibility with existing land use and;

·                     Effect on preserved trees.


6.2       In terms of policy and principle outline planning permission has already been granted followed by an approval of the reserved matters, albeit at a lesser number of dwellings and a lower density. Both of those previous proposals were determined bearing in mind policies G1, G4, H1, H2 and H6 and the principle of E3 which deals with the former employment use.


6.3       The density computes at approximately 55 dwellings per hectare which is an appropriate form of development for this location bearing in mind national planning advice seeks to achieve new developments at 30 – 50 dwellings per hectare. The high density is achieved by including six flats. In design terms, the dwellings are consistent with the previous scheme, similar in character, scale and layout and typical of modern domestic architecture, suitable for this site and location.


6.4       The previous planning permission for 18 units required a minimum of 20% of those units being turned over to a registered social landlord (a housing association). The increase in numbers to 27 units warrants an increase in numbers of units to be passed to a registered social landlord and it is apparent from the application that the six flats proposed have been negotiated with a local housing association who intends to take over those units for rent. An advantage is seen, not only in increasing the density and number of dwelling units on the site but also an increase in the number of social housing units and the type of housing unit which has shown to be necessary by the involvement of a housing association. Under the circumstances these proposals are seen as a positive step and worthy of support.


6.5       In terms of highways access and parking, this revised scheme has been endorsed by the Highway Engineer who recommends appropriate conditions. Whilst the layout of the site is similar to that proposal which preceded it, the increase in numbers of dwellings will not prevent unacceptable increase in car parking spaces to serve them. It is not felt that the difference between the proposed and the previous permission is significant in terms of volume of traffic which might warrant concern.


6.6       Some concern has been raised over the possible increase in surface water run off by the implementation of new development on this site. Calculations show that the existing hard surface areas of the site including the existing roadway, car parking, existing canteen building and part of the factory demolished total a hard surfaced area of 1769.5 m2. The proposed hard surface areas taking account of the new buildings including the flats and dwellings, the roadway and car parking area (except for the car park area around the trees which will be permeable) total 1709 m2. Therefore hard surfaced areas as part of the planned development will be marginally decreased and therefore surface water run off will be reduced.


6.7       In terms of the effect on adjoining properties, this development will be similar in form to that which was approved previously. Although the numbers of dwelling is marginally increased, the proximity of those dwellings to the common boundary (north) with the properties in Beatrice Close is of similar magnitude, approximately 5.5. metres whereas the distance between the new properties and the properties in Beatrice Close is between 19 and 20 metres, generous by today’s standards. Both the developments proposed on this site and the existing in Beatrice Avenue are two storeys in height and in any urban situation, overlooking from first floors tends to be inevitable. In this instance the dimensions and degree of overlooking are, in my opinion, quite acceptable.


6.8       In terms of the compatibility of this residential development with the existing factory is a matter which was considered in both previous permissions. This is an area of mixed uses including residential, industrial where there will be some inevitability of conflict I do not consider it possible to resist development at this stage on the basis of incompatibility with the adjoining industrial undertaking due to the fact that two permissions have been granted without opposition from the Environmental Health Officer hitherto.


6.9       Five of the trees on site are covered by a Tree Preservation Order. One has already been felled in anticipation of the scheme being considered acceptable and the felling of another one agreed at reserved matters stage. This proposal will entail the loss of the remaining three TPO’d trees, and possibly one other. Members will therefore need to weigh this in the balance. The Local Planning Authority could require the planting of heavy standards to replace the lost trees but these are never, at least in the short term, of the same visual impact and amenity value. There is also the problem of where to locate these on site. In the alternative, the Local Planning Authority could consider a commuted payment for replacement planting off site of a scale and character of at least equal to the total loss of amenity occasioned by the works proposed in this scheme.


7.         Conclusion and Justification for Recommendation


7.1       Bearing in mind the previous planning permissions granted on this site, the principle of residential development is acceptable. The increase in density and increase in numbers of units set aside for social housing units are both considered advantageous and should be supported. Matters of highways access and car parking and drainage have been satisfactorily addressed and the design of the buildings is consistent with modern housing development in suburban areas. Accordingly I consider that the proposed development is consistent with national planning policy and Unitary Development Plan polices G1, G4, D1, D2, H1, H2, H6 and E3 of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan, but contrary to policy C12 in respect of effect on trees.


8.         Recommendation


            Conditional permission.





Time limit - full   -   A10


No development shall take place until details of the materials and finishes, including mortar colour to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason:  In the interests of the amenities of the area and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


No development shall take place until full details of both hard and soft landscape works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and these works shall be carried out as approved.  These details shall include proposed finished levels or contours; means of enclosure; car parking layouts; other vehicle and pedestrian access and circulation areas; hard surfacing materials; minor artefacts and structures (eg. furniture, play equipment, refuse or other storage units, signs, lighting, etc); proposed and existing functional services above and below ground (eg. drainage power, communications cables, pipelines, etc, indicating lines, manholes, supports, etc); retained historic landscape features and proposals for restoration, where relevant.


Reason:  To ensure the appearance of the development is satisfactory and to comply with policy D3 (Landscaping) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Notwithstanding condition 3 above two heavy standards of a species to be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority shall be planted in positions agreed with the Local Planning Authority. If either tree dies or becomes diseased within five years of planting they shall be replaced with a similar species and size of tree and originally planted in accordance with a scheme to be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To ensure the appearance of the development is satisfactory and to comply with policy D3 (Landscaping) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


No development shall take place until details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority of the positions, design, materials and type of boundary treatment to be erected.  The boundary treatment shall be completed before the buildings hereby permitted are occupied.  Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason:  In the interests of maintaining the amenity value of the area and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


No dev in front of building line   -   R11


A feature wall in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority shall be constructed along the north boundary of the flats and the south and east boundaries of plots 4 and 5 before those properties are occupied and shall be maintained thereafter. The feature wall shall be built in materials to be agreed under condition 2 above.


Reason: In the interests of the amenities of the area and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Details of roads, etc, design and constr   -   J01


No dwelling shall be occupied until the parts of the service roads which provide access to it and car parking areas have been constructed, surfaced and drained in accordance with details which have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To ensure an adequate standard of highway and access for the proposed dwellings and to comply with policy TR7 (Highway Considerations) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


No dwelling hereby permitted shall be occupied until space has been laid out within the site, drained and surface in accordance with details that have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing for 34 cars and 6 bicycles to be parked and for vehicles to turn so that they may enter and leave the site in forward gear.  The space shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than that approved in accordance with this condition.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy TR7 (Highway Considerations) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Development shall not begin until details of traffic calming measures to restrict vehicle speeds and of a programme for their implementation have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, and the measures shall be completed before the occupation of any part of the development or in accordance with the agreed programme.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy TR7 (Highway Considerations) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Highway safety   -   L18


Notwithstanding the provisions of any Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order, there shall be no direct vehicular access provided to plots 1-5 of the development hereby approved from Ringwood Road without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy TR7 (Highway Considerations) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


The car parking areas situated on the north and south side of the access road shall be constructed and finished in porous materials and in a manner to enable all surface water to be absorbed. Details of the scheme shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of works on site.


Reason:  To ensure adjacent trees are not adversely affected by the driveway and to comply with policy C12 (Development Affecting Trees and Woodland) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Before the development is completed details of the stores located to the east of the block of flats hereby approved shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. The stores shall, thereafter, be constructed and maintained in that finish.


Reason:  In the interests of the amenities of the area and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


No withstanding the plans hereby approved the Oak tree shown on Plot 8 shall be retained and shall not be lopped, topped or pruned without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To ensure the trees are not adversely affected by the construction of the development and to comply with policy C12 (Development Affecting Trees and Woodland) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Any excavation work within the existing crown spread of the trees covered by the TPO and shall be carried out only by hand and under the supervision of a representative of the Local Planning Authority.  Any roots over 25 mm in diameter shall not be severed without the prior agreement of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To ensure the trees are not adversely affected by the construction of the development and to comply with policy C12 (Development Affecting Trees and Woodland) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


No development shall take place until a detailed specification of the car parking area between Plots 7 and 8 has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include the hand digging of any excavations within 8 m of any tree to be retained on site, the depth and density of porous fill material and details of the porous membrane within the hard surfaced area.


Reason: To conserve and safeguard the visual amenity of the locality and to comply with policy C12 (Development Affecting Trees and Woodland) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Before work commences on site a scheme for the protection of preserved trees shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include details of fencing to surround the trees and no materials of any kind shall be stored within the protected areas, no burning of waste or other materials shall take place.


Reason: To conserve and safeguard the visual amenity of the locality and to comply with policy C12 (Development Affecting Trees and Woodland) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.





TCP/18846/D   P/02524/04  Parish/Name: Wroxall  Ward: Wroxall and Godshill

Registration Date:  07/12/2004  -  Full Planning Permission

Officer:  Mr. J. Mackenzie           Tel:  (01983) 823567

Applicant:  Appuldurcombe Holiday Park


Proposed use of land for touring pitches from March to October;  outline for log cabins & toilet block; Appuldurcombe Holiday Park, Appuldurcombe Road, Wroxall, Ventnor, PO383EP


The application is recommended for refusal.





This is a major application which has generated a number of policy issues.



1                    Details of application


1.1              This is a hybrid application, part full, part outline.  This is a full application insofar as it relates to the use of land for touring pitches and an outline application for the erection of log cabins with siting and means of access to be considered at this time.


1.2              The proposal comprises the change of use and laying out of a piece of land for touring (caravan) pitches, an area of approximately 1.37 hectares located at the northern extent of the site, taking up the full site width.


1.3              The area proposed for log cabins is located between that northern tract and the existing walled area, which abuts the northern side of Appuldurcombe Road. It comprises approximately 1 hectare.


1.4              There are no details of the phasing of development, nor of the appearance of the buildings.


2                    Location and site characteristics


2.1              Overall the site has an area of approximately 4.8 hectares of land situated between the residential development located on the west side of St Johns Road and Worsley Drive and bounded by Redhill Lane.  The site is on the northern side of Appuldurcombe Road.


2.2              The site is low lying, the eastern boundary being marked by a watercourse flowing northwards as far as the northern extent of the existing caravan park and then turning westwards and meandering through the northerly part of the site, which presently has the appearance of an open field, bounded by field hedgerows.


2.3              The site is located at the north western extent of Wroxall village, abuts Appuldurcombe Park and is accessed via Appuldurcombe Road, which is a comparatively narrow road which joins St Johns Road approximately 100 metres from the south western corner of the site.


2.4              St Johns Road is the main road through Wroxall from Whiteley Bank to Ventnor.


3.         Relevant History


3.1       There is no relevant recent planning history in respect of this site.


3.2       There is considerable history dating from the 1950’s to 1970’s for caravans and tented camping.


3.3       In 1977 an application to re-arrange and extend the caravan park was refused on grounds of visual intrusion and adverse effect on the amenity of the area. The subsequent appeal was dismissed. The Inspector felt that large static caravans should be confined to the walled area of the caravan park.


3.4       The site is clearly a comparatively long established camping location.


4.         Development Plan Policy


4.1       National policy guidance


·                     PPG21 – Tourism. Supports the lengthening of the holiday season but recognises the possible conflict between employment and tourism promotion and possible adverse affects on the countryside and the highway system.


·                     PPS7 – Sustainable development in rural areas, recognises the benefits of tourism to the rural economy but, again, recognises the possible conflict between visual impacts, nature conservation issues and access implications of development in rural areas.


·                     PPG13 – Transport. Recognises the need to focus on sustainable development in appropriate locations.


4.2       Unitary Development Plan policies


·                     T5A and T5B relate to touring caravan and tented sites supporting new touring and tented camping sites where they are located in visually unobtrusive locations and where the caravans and tents are removed from the site outside the holiday season. T5B seeks to retain touring caravan and tented camping sites, resisting changes to permanent holiday accommodation sites if the visual or other impact permanent development of the sites detract from its rural character.


·                     D3 – Expects landscaping to be carried out to reflect general character and reduce visual impact if development is approved.


·                     Policy T6 supports and expansion of existing permanent accommodation sites, provided they adjoin or are directly related to existing built facilities and do not detract from their surroundings, enhance the environment and does not impact on the rural area.


·                     Policies C1 and C2 relate to the protection of landscape character.


·                     Policy C2 seeks to restrict development within the area of outstanding natural beauty, thus meeting a proven need.


·                     Policy C8 recognises that nature conservation issues are a material consideration.


·                     Policy B10 - Parks and Gardens and Landscapes of historic interest seeks to protect such gardens or landscapes from inappropriate development.


·                     The site abuts the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is in close proximity to the Historic Gardens of Appuldurcombe.


5.         Consultee and Third Party Comments


5.1       Internal consultees


·                     Highway Engineers confirm receipt of the additional information in relation of traffic speeds within Appuldurcombe Road and visitor figures to the camp site.  Traffic speed data supplied concludes data logged on the 18 February 2005 showing usual speeds (85% speed to be 17mph for westbound traffic and 15mph for eastbound traffic. That specified visibility distance would be 29 metres, which can be provided within the applicants ownership.  Points out that it has to be accepted that potentially total number of holiday units (including temporary peak season usage) is 216 holiday units and concluding that if the existing access arrangement is deemed acceptable for that period, it would be difficult to sustain reason for refusal as servicing the site at that level throughout a longer period in the year.  Accordingly recommends acceptance of the proposal subject to conditions.


·                     County Ecology Officer points out that the Wroxall stream flows through the site, which has nature conservation value. Water voles use the banks and the stream; a fully protected species under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.  Wroxall stream is known to support the highest densities of this nationally declining species of any stream on the Island. The species’ survival is being compromised by close mowing and the waterside vegetation and banks. The County Ecology Officer recommends that if consent is granted, a significant area of the waterside vegetation must be kept clear of tents and the waterside corridor should be sympathetically managed to optimise the nature conservation value of this attractive feature of the site, by submission of a management plan to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority.


·                     Environment Agency - no objection but advises that drainage system should be inspected to ensure no pollution occurs.


·                     N.A.T.S. – no objection.


5.2       Parish Council comments


·                     Wroxall Parish Council recommend approval, but acknowledge concerns of increased noise generated by extended season, increased traffic and possibly resultant hazards at the junction with the main road, especially if the permanent cabins are sold.


5.3       Neighbours objections


·                     Petition of 63 signatories objecting to the development. 16 letters of objection (some duplicated) objecting to the development on grounds of traffic danger to pedestrians; increased traffic over Appuldurcombe Road and at its junction with St Johns Road; inadequate access including a weak bridge in Appuldurcombe Road. One writer suggests a one-way system might be appropriate. Inadequate access in terms of its width, the fact that part of the access road is unlit and there has already been erosion of parts of the access road which should be widened.


·                     Adverse visual impact from caravans and log cabins, especially on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the historic landscape produced by Capability Brown.


·                     One writer alleges land is within the Green Belt; outside of the development envelope.


·                     Disturbance through increase in noise; overcrowding of the site with inadequate local facilities.


·                     One writer suggests traffic calming in St Johns Road would assist with reducing dangers at the junction.


·                     Questions adequacy of sewerage and capacity; loss of privacy; creation of a precedent for further developments, including residential development; possible loss of trees. Light pollution and flooding.


·                     One writer refers to the appeal in June 1978, which was rejected.


6.         Evaluation


6.1       The main issues relating to this application are:-


·                     The various policies relating to protection of the landscape; protection of the historic park; effects on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty against the presumption in favour of development, more specifically the support for tourism as expressed within the Unitary Development Plan.


·                     National policy supports tourism for its employment value, but recognises the potential conflicts with visual impact, especially on the landscape and matters relating to highway safety.


·                     The ecological value of the site represents another important determining factor.


·                     The impact on adjoining properties through visual intrusion, disturbance, pollution;


·                     The impacts of the increase in camping units and the intensity of the site and its resultant impacts on access and highway safety.


6.2       In terms of policy and principle, policy T5A supports the establishment of new touring caravan and tented camping sites, so long as they are located in visually unobtrusive locations and that the caravans and tents are removed from the site outside of the holiday season.


6.3       Policy T5B refers to the loss of touring caravans and camping sites, even where it changes to permanent holiday accommodation, if the visual or other impact permanent development of the site detracts from the rural character of the area.


6.4       Policy T6 supports expansion of existing permanent accommodation sites if it adjoins existing built facilities, or where it does not detract from the surroundings and that the design and appearance of the development does not adversely affect the rural character of the area.  There is, therefore, support for this type of development, provided it does not adversely impact on the amenities of the area.


6.5       Policies C1 and C2 seek to protect landscape character, C2 especially directly refers to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.  The site is not within the AONB and there is no Green Belt on the Isle of Wight. However, there is a presumption in the minimising of impacts on landscape in policy C1, which might be achieved by landscaping and careful choice of design and colours of buildings.


6.6       Policy B10 seeks to preserve historic Parks and Gardens and, in this instance, the Capability Brown landscape of Appuldurcombe House is situated a little way to the west. I am of the opinion that the development may impact on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and the Historic Park, since the sites abuts but is not contained within either of those designations.


6.7       Policy D3 seeks to achieve significant landscaping to ensure that developments are integrated into the character of the area. This is very important in this instance since the site is presently quite open and new development will need to be softened to diminish visual impact.


6.8       The access issue has been carefully examined and further detail has been submitted, indicating the speed of traffic in the vicinity and the implications of that speed on necessary visibility. Policy TR7 seeks to provide satisfactory access and highway considerations to all new development and following improvements which are detailed in recommended conditions from the Highway Engineer, the resistance to the proposed development on highway grounds is not felt justifiable.


6.9       The County Ecologist has looked carefully at the scheme and has pointed out the stream habitat which passes through the site and its importance in habitat terms for water voles. He considers that the development would not necessarily conflict with the ecological value so long as a management plan is prepared and adhered to, to create and preserve a satisfactory habitat for water voles.  This area could be an important visually attractive area in addition to maintaining and enhancing the habitat for that protected species.


6.10     Essentially, neighbouring properties which are most likely to be affected are those in Worsley Road and on the western side of St Johns Road, north of the existing site, although it is acknowledged that all properties in Appuldurcombe Road will be affected to a greater or lesser degree dependent upon levels of vehicular traffic generated by the proposal.


6.11     The centre section of the site is already used for touring caravans and the impact on adjoining properties will be realised. The encroachment further north will mean that touring caravans will be a greater distance from adjoining properties than at present, but the area in the centre will be used for the siting of log cabins. Noise pollution is a factor of all camping and caravanning sites, as is light pollution. Site lighting can be controlled by condition, allowing for low level security lighting of paths etc., but without a spillage to adjoining property. The site to the north, used for touring caravans, will be used only between March and October, the remainder of the year the site will be clear of caravans.


7.         Conclusion and justification for recommendation


7.1       Having given due regard and appropriate weight to the matters discussed in the evaluation section above, and the policies, both national and local, it is considered that the possible adverse effects of an expansion of the tourism use might be outweighed by acceptability of tourist accommodation and reduced by the imposition of conditions to ensure a reduction in impact on adjoining properties.


7.2       The highway and traffic implications have been carefully scrutinised and it is felt that if a three week period at the peak of the holiday season is acceptable, it would be difficult to argue the site could not be open for a longer period of the year.


7.3       Landscaping of the site will be of paramount importance in order to reduce the visual impact and soften the appearance of the whole of the site, particularly those areas where structures will be sited all the year round. No details of the structures have yet been received since that part of the application is seeking only the principle. However, plans submitted indicate the intention to locate the chalets further to the west, abutting Redhill Lane, leaving an open area for existing touring facilities towards the eastern boundary.


7.4       However, bearing in mind the sensitivity of the site and the several issues of visual intrusion, phasing of the installation and the matter of habitat for the protected species, I cannot support this proposal at this time, as I consider there to be insufficient detail.


8.         Recommendation









The information accompanying this application is inadequate and deficient in detail in respect of design, landscaping and phasing details and details of how the protected species' habitat will be safeguarded so that the Local Planning Authority is unable to consider fully the effects of the proposal on habitat and landscape and in the absence of further details it is considered that the proposal would be contrary to Policies C1 (Protection of Landscape Character), C2 (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty), B8 (Nature Conservation as a material consideration) and B10 (Parks, Gardens and Landscapes of Historic Interest) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.






TCP/20245/A   P/00172/99  Parish/Name: Wootton  Ward: Wootton

Registration Date:  12/02/1999  -  Full Planning Permission

Officer:  Mr. P. Stack           Tel:  (01983) 823575

Applicant:  Rotch Property Group


Re-development of existing holiday village to provide 150 two storey holiday lodges, 36 one bedroom apartments, new leisure building, refurbishment of existing buildings, alterations to internal roads & extension to car park, (revised scheme)(details of proposed highways & access arrangements);

Woodside Bay Holiday Village, New Road, Wootton Bridge, Ryde, PO33



The application is recommended for condition permission subject to a S106 obligation




Application involves major redevelopment of former holiday camp and has been subject of extensive consultee and third party comments.


1.         Details of Application


1.1       This is a full application seeking in essence to reopen holiday camp/village by way of its total redevelopment involving off-site highway works. In summary, what appears to be being offered is a fully self-contained holiday experience – permanent buildings with self catering facilities plus sport and leisure facilities and a restaurant and bar complex for a minimum of 670 people at any one time.


1.2       The original application received in February 1999 envisaged the re-opening of the holiday centre largely through the creation of the new self catering caravan park with 36 one bedroomed apartments and 272 (4/6 berth) caravan units.


1.3       This application included refurbishment of existing structures on site including gatehouse, reception, building, former dining room and kitchens and rebuilding on the same location of the former entertainment and indoor pool complex and beach cafe. In addition, alterations to paths and roadways and an extension to existing car park was sought.


1.4       Various meetings were held between officers of the Council's Planning Department and English Nature and a revised application was submitted to the Authority in January 2000.


1.5       This final revised application seeks to deal with all of the matters arising from the earlier revised applications including clarification of the proposed road improvements and traffic flow figures for the junction of Wootton High Street. The new environmental review was prepared taking into account comments and input of English Nature, Isle of Wight Archaeological Trust and Council's Countryside Section together with expert advice on coastal erosion matters and protected species. This revised application reduced the proposed number of caravan unit to 260 and removed the proposed beach cafe from the application. This application included a revised environmental review, report on the stability and any coastal erosion predictions on Woodside Bay, a tree survey, an arboriculture report and a revised layout drawing.


1.6       Subsequent to this submission further details in respect of the specification for the construction and repair of New Road was submitted and copies of the proposal were incorporated into the revised application. Following further consultations with Highways clarification on trip generation rates used were supplied by civil engineers acting on behalf of applicant.


1.7       The 2002 revised application fundamentally changed the format of the proposed development from a self catered caravan park into (as claimed by the applicant) a high quality holiday village with holiday lodges in the style of Centre Parcs, Forest Holidays or the Langdale Centre in the Lake District with central facilities such as a leisure suite, reception and indoor sports building.


1.8       The number of units proposed was significantly reduced to 150 two bedroomed lodges and 36 one bedroomed apartments with total accommodation for up to 672 guests (150 x 4 person and 36 x 2 person accommodation). Furthermore, the location of the proposed units were concentrated in order to achieve a lower impact on both the current landscape and the problems related to both coastal erosion and impacts on specially designated areas. This has been achieved by clustering the units in blocks of 2 - 6 in order to lessen construction footprint and by moving all the development southwards (inland) away from the existing shoreline. This proposal provides for large areas of natural wild life corridor between foreshore and development sites.


1.9       The proposed holiday lodges would be two storey height with pitched roofs measuring either 8 metres by 4.5 metres (100 units) or 10 metres x 4.5 metres (50 Units) Lodges would be constructed in timber framed panels and set on concrete foundation pillars carrying treated timber ground beams. This reduces the need for cut and fill operations and lessens construction time and impacts on site.


1.10     The proposed accommodation interior layout will be set over two storey lodge construction with two bedrooms (one en suite) in each unit on one floor and a living deck comprising kitchen, dining room and lounge. The frontage of units will be largely glass panels to ensure maximum indoor/outdoor transition being maintained. 50 of the lodge units will be of slightly larger size to offer deluxe style lodge with spa bath and higher specification to interior. A further 36 one bedroomed units are proposed in three blocks of 12 units in line with the original application.


1.11     In terms of ancillary buildings, proposal remains as per the original application with the exception of beach cafe which has been removed and the proposed removal of the existing jetty and beach protection required by English Nature.


1.12     Detail refurbishment will involve the old gatehouse, the former dining room and kitchen building which will be renovated to provide a sports hall with various indoor facilities and to reconstruct former reception office and shop building adjacent car park.


1.13     The application includes a proposal to build new recreational building on site of former entertainment with indoor pool complex (only slab and retaining walls remain of this former structure). Proposed new two storey building will be smaller than original and will provide bar facilities and a clubhouse on first floor with restaurant and lounge adjacent front of building will provide patio for guests who enjoy views over pool area and across Solent. On the lower floor adjacent to the existing outdoor swimming pool it is proposed to establish leisure suite consisting of indoor pool, saunas, and spas with gym and health club.


1.14     The applicants estimate that some 70-80 permanent jobs will be created by completed development (whether these are all P/T or FTES is not stated) and economic benefits will be derived from guests spending in local economy. They advise that study prepared by economic consultants in respect of the Centre Parcs Holiday Villages contributed some £9 to £10 million per annum to local economies in their areas. Proposed development is approximately a quarter of the accommodation of a typical Centre Parcs village and clearly does not have range of year round wet weather facilities. However, they consider that even on basis of 6 months occupancy period, local economic impact could be in excess of £1 million per year.


1.15     In respect of commitments applicants are willing to enter into a legal agreement to ensure the following points are conditioned and covered in Section 106 Agreement.


·                     Unadopted section of New Road will be surveyed before any construction works commence and whilst temporary works may be carried out prior to commencement road will be upgraded on completion to specification laid out in report commissioned by applicants which accompanied first revised application.


·                     Safeguard environmental undertakings outlined in their report will be adhered to including setting up of liaison meeting with local residents to monitor impact of proposed development.      


·                     Woodland Management Plan attached will be fully implemented and the adjacent woodlands managed in accordance with this plan.


·                     Concrete jetty and all other concrete bases and hard concrete currently acting as beach defence on northern shoreline within site will be removed in their entirety subject only to be there no objections due to archaeological interest being disturbed.


1.16     Such other conditions as the Council may wish to impose to safeguard the environmental and other interests of the site will be considered.


1.17     In respect of Highway proposal, latest revision to proposal (October 2004) involved confirmation by applicants that their client had taken ownership of the estate roads within the former Wootton Manor Estate including the entire unadopted length of New Road from the entry into the former holiday village at Woodside down to the commencement of the adopted section at Tideways. As a result the applicants have submitted an amended site plan which includes within the terms of the application all the local access ways including the unadopted section of New Road and upper and lower Woodside Road. This inclusion within the terms of the current application considerably simplifies many of the issues in respect of issues relating to upgrading the highway system to accommodate the proposed development. Previously there had been protracted negotiations in seeking to establish how such works could be a subject of a planning obligation when ownership of roadway in question was not known. The applicant now controls the entire length of the unadopted section of New Road and has included it within the terms of the most recently revised scheme any works required by the Planning Authority can now be included within an appropriately worded Section 106 Agreement.


1.18     Highway works agreed by the Highway Engineer involved three elements namely:


·                     Works to the junction of New Road and High Street including the installation of traffic lights which include the proposed closure of the lay by in front of the butcher's shop and launderette in the High Street.


·                     Contribution to the repairs of the adopted section of New Road. This intended to deal with any works required to remedy damage that may occur during the construction phase and has been fixed at a £50,000 contribution.


·                     Works to the unadopted section of New Road from Tideways to the entrance of Woodside Bay Holiday Village. A specification has been agreed and it is enclosed in their report and includes installation of a footpath on the corner of the nearby holiday site.


1.19     The following represents a summary of proposed highway improvements:


·                     Traffic signals been funded by developer and installed at junction of High street, New Road prior to commencement of development. This work to be included in the Section 278 Agreement.

·                     Provide segregated margin for pedestrians along section of New Road (minimum 0.6 metres wide)

·                     Undertaking to carry out condition survey of whole length of New Road prior to opening of development.

·                     Appropriate conditions that require applicant to submit an improvement scheme for the unadopted section of New Road and for works to be agreed and completed prior to opening of development.

·                     Developer agreeing to fund remedial works to overcome any damage caused by construction traffic on the adopted section of New Road.


1.20     The application has been under consideration for a significant period of time due principally to negotiations with applicant, complex investigations into off-site highway land and several revisions which have been readvertised and reconsidered by both consultees and third parties. Briefly listed below are the details in respect of the original submission and subsequent revisions.


1.21     Original submission (February 1999) – proposal involved redevelopment of existing holiday village to provide 272 holiday caravans, 36 chalets, new leisure building ancillary facilities and alterations to roads and extension to car park. Application was accompanied by environmental statement and advertised as a major submission affecting a public right of way. The submission proposed development over majority of site together with diversion of public footpath which runs through site.


1.22     First revised Submission (January 2000) - revised scheme submitted with main amendments involving omission of proposed beach cafe, a reduction in the number of caravan units by 12 and repositioning of some units along southern and eastern boundaries of site. Revised application supported by an environmental appraisal, a coastal erosion study, revised site plan and tree survey.


1.23     Second revised Submission (October 2002) - further revised proposal submitted seeking to develop site with 150 two-storey holiday lodges and 36 one-bedroom apartments predominantly located on southern section of site.  Proposal incorporated in environmental review, revised site layout and woodland management plan.


1.24     Third and final revision (May 2004) - this proposal showed works to the junction of New Road and Wootton High Street, contribution to repairs to adopt this section of New Road and works to unadopted section from Tideways northwards. In October 2004 information was received from applicants that they had taken ownership of the estate roads including the entire unadopted length of New Road which is now to be included within terms of application.


2.         Location and Site Characteristics


2.1       Site formerly part of estate of Woodside House and was developed as holiday centre in 1963. This formerly comprised holiday accommodation comprising chalets of timber and block construction together with entertainment and other facilities including large dining hall and kitchens, main leisure building incorporating ballroom, bars, disco and indoor and outdoor leisure pools. Other ancillary buildings included reception, crèche and beach cafe. Due to declining UK market for fully catered holidays, village closed at the end of 1985 season and has remained closed since.


2.2       As site is located on northern shore between Wootton Creek and Osborne Bay at northern end of New Road, which is partly adopted, and its southern end where it adjoins High Street, Wootton.


2.3       Since closure substantial vegetation growth has enveloped site which is surrounded by woodland and is subject to a number of designations relating to site's importance in respect of nature conservation.


2.4       Former buildings and roads are partially obscured by overgrown vegetation and woodland regeneration.  Site slopes northwards towards coast.


2.5       In terms of designation site is within or adjoins various sites having special status. Firstly, site lies within Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty which in itself runs westwards from Wootton Creek along northern coastal strip. In terms of International importance, site adjoins RAMSAR site listed under convention on wetland of international importance and Special Protection Area classified under the E U Directive on the conservation of wild birds and lies close to a Special Area of Conservation designated under EC Directive on conservation of natural habitats. In respect of nationally importance sites, application site adjoins Kings Quay shore SSSI notified under the Wildlife and Countryside Act. In respect of land immediately adjoining application site, these woodland areas are identified as of local importance. The sites of importance for nature conservation include Horseground Copse to west, Woodside Copse to east and Aldeens Copse to south. Site is also subject to a Tree Preservation Order.


3.         Relevant History


 3.1      TCP/15117 L - application for reconstruction of 31 chalets permitted February 1979.


            TCP/15117 M - application for 60 chalets in 10 blocks of 6 to replace 74 existing units permitted November 1979.


            TCP/15117P - application for rebuilding of 192 chalets permitted October 1990.


            TCP/15117S - application for 216 units in 18 x two-storey blocks of 12 chalets to replace 230 existing units granted March 1985 subject to revocation of TCP/15117P


            TCP/20245 - outline application of holiday complex with 100 bedroom hotel, conference halls, sun dome, 220 timeshare units. Application treated as withdrawn in November 1997.


3.2       Local Planning Authority has confirmed that 1985 approval for 216 units has been commenced and remains extant consent. This consent involved construction of 216 chalets (non self-catering) with maximum accommodation for 648 persons.


3.3       Clearly existing holiday and staff accommodation units are in advanced state of dereliction and their replacement/rebuild would require further planning consent.  In respect of additional fall back position claimed by applicant, no specific comment is made on this issue which if necessary should be clarified by way of submission of Lawful Development Certificate.


4.         Development Plan Policy


4.1       National Policy Guidance.


            PPS1: Delivering Sustainable Development.


            Document emphasises requirement for and implementation of plan lead system. Document states that where Development Plan contains relevant policies applications for planning permission should be determined in line with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.


            PPS7: Sustainable Development in Rural Areas.


            Government objective seek to promote sustainable patterns of development, protection of countryside prior to be given to previously developed sites. Document advises that AONB have been confirmed by Government as highest status of protection in relation to landscape and scenic beauty. In respect of tourism document advises that the Local Planning Authority should recognise through development plan system that tourism and leisure activities are vital to many rural economies. Such policy documents should insure appropriate rural tourism which is not harm character of countryside and recognise that in areas statutorily designated for the landscape and nature conservation there will be scope for tourism and leisure related developments subject to appropriate control to ensure particular qualities or features are conserved. Also, it is noted to ensure that any plan proposals for large scale tourism development in rural areas has been subject to close assessment to weigh up their advantages and disadvantages to the locality in terms of sustainable development objectives.


            PPG9: Nature Conservation


            PPG13: Transport


            Objectives of this guidance is to promote more sustainable transport choices for people by reducing need to travel especially by car.


            PPG20: Coastal Planning


            PPG21: Tourism


            Document again reiterates Government's policy in respect of secure and proper balance between needs of tourist industry and safeguarding the environment. Guidance Note advises that for most major developments it may be appropriate to identify suitable general locations for such development sin either development plan process.


4.2       UDP Policy - of particular importance is fact that site is specifically identified as tourist development area wherein Policy T7G applies. Policy T7 advises that proposals for tourism use in this particular location will be acceptable in principle.  Appendix H of UDP which provides more detailed briefs advises that site has not been used for holiday purposes for some years and is currently vacant, derelict and overgrown.  Planning application has been approved subject to a legal agreement being signed for mixed tourism and recreation development. Any future development scheme would need to take into account the need for improved access to the site, the wooded character of the area, views from the sea and the potential impact on the Site of Special Scientific Interest.


            The following UDP Policies are also considered relevant:


S1 – New development will be concentrated within existing urban areas


S2 –Development will be encouraged on land which has been previously developed (brownfield sites) rather than undeveloped (greenfield sites)


G1 – Development Envelopes for Towns and Villages


G4 – General Locational Criteria for developments


G5 – Development outside defined settlements in particular criteria b and c which relate to recreation and sports activities appropriate to the countryside and appropriate rural tourism development. Subject to no adverse environmental impacts.


G10 – Potential Conflict between proposed development and existing surrounding uses.


D1 – Standards of Design


D2 – Standards for Development within site


D3 – Landscaping


TR1 – Promotion of Tourism and extension of season


T3 – Criteria for development of holiday accommodation


T7 – Sites Suitable for Tourism Related Development


T10 – Use of new tourist accommodation for permanent residential use.


C1 – Protection of landscape character


C2 – Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty


C3 – Development of the coast outside development envelopes


C8 – Nature Conservation as a material consideration


C9 – Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation


C10 – Sites of National Importance for Nature Conservation


C11 – Sites of Local Importance for Nature Conservation


C12 – Development affecting trees and woodlands


TR4 – Transport Statements Required for Major Development


TR7 – Highway Considerations for New Developments


G11 – Coastal Development


S4 - The Countryside will be protected from inappropriate developments


S5 – Proposals for Developments which on balance will be for overall benefit of island by enhancing economic, social or environmental position will be approved provided any adverse impacts can be ameliorated.


S6 – All development will be expected to be of a high standard of design.


S10 – In areas designated or defined scientific nature conservation or landscape value development will only be permitted if it will conserve or enhance the features of special characters of these areas


4.3       SPG - Wootton Village Design Statement. Document refers to beach, creek wetlands and woodlands representing jewels in the village crown.


4.4       Other relevant policy matters. Site is subject to extensive Tree Preservation Order. Application site is bounded by public roadway to south and foreshore which is public assessable and formal public right of way located in the vicinity of eastern boundary of application site.


4.5       In respect of coastal foreshore which is identified as RAMSAR site, Special Protection Area and within King's Quay Shore SSSI. Foreshore further west of application site is identified as Special Area of Conservation. Site itself is surrounded by Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) and forms part of Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty which in this locality comprises land located between lower Woodside Road and foreshore.


5.         Consultee and Third Party Comments


In view of significant number and range of comments received following numerous revision, most recent comments received are summarised unless it is relevant to refer to earlier submissions.


5.1       Internal consultees


            Following negotiation Highway Engineer has confirmed that highways/traffic signal issue has been resolved and subject to conditions is satisfied with the proposals, the supplied traffic data being verified by Traffic Section of Council. He is now in a position to condition the scheme accordingly.


·                     Rights of Way of Section advise that revisions to proposal and are pleased with favourable response in respect to request for improvement to surface the public footpath N206 as part of this development although it is outside scope of application. Now that public footpath N156 is no longer subject to a proposed diversion we would ask applicant to consider similar improvements to surface this route as it may also be subject to increased use if development proceeds.


·                     In respect of original submission, Countryside Section advises that application site is wholly within AONB falling within LCZ3, Landscape Improvement Area. Proposal falls within northern pasture and coast management zones. His general comments relate to the question of visibility of site particularly from the sea. It is particularly important because of the large number of people who have opportunity to view site form sea and relatively undeveloped aspect of existing coast. Examination of AONB boundary, I strongly suggest that primary reason for designation is protection of this particular view. Comments in respect of cafe and slipway re-developments are not now relevant.


            Buildings themselves will have no effect on the skyline. In landscape terms the most significant detrimental effect is likely to be effective lights and to a lesser extent noise on the side of the development facing the sea. He requires more information concerning nature, location, proposed use, pattern of external lights and any internal lights likely to be visible outside site. Other comments relate to density of caravans (original submission) and retention of trees which is commendable. Other comments have by and large been superseded by revisions to scheme.


·                     Council's Ecology Officer comments with regard to impact on SSSI, SINC and Protected Species.


In respect of SSSI impact he confirms English Nature advises that development is likely to have significant detrimental effect on King's Quay shore SSSI which lies adjacent to site. SSSI citation refers to the following features of interest namely woodland of great antiquity, active cliff faces colonised by an interesting mixture of shrubs and herbaceous plants, junction between ancient woodland and sea shore of particular interest representing interface between two natural climax ecosystems, intertidal mud flats which are feeding grounds for wading birds Herons and Brent Geese, King’s Quay shore is nationally important for its shore line exposure of Osborne beds in which abundant fossil fish remains are found and additionally King’s Quay is ecologically important estuary lying 1 kilometre along coast to north west. English Nature raise concerns about disturbance to wintering and roosting birds on intertidal muds and at King’s Quay estuary itself. Damage to geological exposure of fossil beds from construction works and disruption to natural processes and habitats, which would result from shoreline defences.


In respect of SINC impacts, site is surrounded by semi natural ancient woodland SINCs to the east and west and species which secondary woodlands SINC to the south. It could be damaging impacts from increased public pressure on these woodlands however, there are direct impacts from the proposal on Woodside Copse.


In respect of protected species, red squirrels and dormice are protected under Wildlife and Countryside Act and are known to use site. Areas of woodland or shrub would need to be checked for presence of these species before clearance work is undertaken.


In summary, there are Nature Conservation concerns affecting SSSI, SINC and Protected Species matters. Many of these concerns relate to a density and distribution of units across site and of periods of site operation.


·                     Coastal Section of Local Authority advises that shoreline management Plan of 1997 forecast erosion of between 130 – 180 metres over the following 75 years. The north east coastal defence strategy has reduced this estimate of erosion to closer to 50 metres in 50 years. Redevelopment of site should not be impetus to provide coastal defences for site. If approval can be condition to ensure removal of accommodation as each becomes threatened then approval could be granted. The strategy study which is approaching completion indicates that this length of coast should not be defended through new hard defences.


5.2       External consultees


·                     Environment Agency confirm they have no objection in principle to proposal but request any consent be subject to condition in respect of surface water drainage and submission of details in respect of foul water treatment and disposal. They agree with applicants view that public foul drainage system may need renewal and a new sewage pumping system established on site of existing pumping point. Storm water drains would be re-established and connected to existing outfall serving site. There have been several failures and other problems with public foul sewer within this vicinity during recent years and any additional loading on system may increase likelihood of further problems unless it is upgraded, hence suggested planning condition. In respect of surface water drainage Agency considers there is opportunity to create sustainable management techniques involving creation of ponds.


·                     Concerns of English Nature were wide ranging in respect of original submission and whilst environmental appraisal clearly identified some of the environmental impacts, the identification and analysis of mitigation had not been dealt with in sufficient depth to allay their concerns. Briefly these involved impact of coastal retreat on development, impact on wintering and roosting birds within SPA, impact on King’s Quay SSSI including management and operation of site and anticipated number of visitors and associated impact on specially designated areas. Further information was also required to support conclusion that geological interests of SSSI would not be adversely impacted on. Finally, more detailed information was required in respect of protected species.


In 2002 revision, English Nature updated their comments and advised that revised submission represented culmination of several years’ negotiation between Developer, English Nature and Council. At most recent meeting all nature conservation issues were agreed in principle and it was their understanding that there was now full informal agreement on way forward. All areas of informal agreement , bar the site management plan, are reflected within the formal revised planning application.


At August 2002 meeting it was agreed that details of management of site and adjacent woodland to meet requirements of protected (including European Protected) species would be drawn up other details would be best agreed within Section 106. A woodland management plan is extensive and detailed.


Most recent letter from English Nature advises that in respect of habitat regulations, areas of agreement set out within application need to be reflected within planning conditions and possibly Section 106 Agreement. English Nature advises that current application is likely to have a significant effect on European Sites and will require appropriate assessment under the regulations. All information to inform the appropriate assessment is provided within the application and they would advise that the assessment can be brief. The assessment should however include all necessary planning conditions and agreements that are required to offset impacts. In relation to the SSSI including geological exposures to the foreshore and shoreline these will be safeguarded through conditions that will be agreed in relation to European features above. English Nature advises therefore that development is not likely to have a significant detrimental effect on SSSI. In relation to protected species they have received additional information however information currently provided is still of insufficient detail for the DEFRA species licence. However, they are in a position to withdraw objection in relation to protected species providing condition can be included to insure that wildlife within site is protected during entire construction period, ie there is need for qualified ecologist to remain onsite to supervise works to insure species are adequately protected.


5.3       Parish Council Comments


2000 revision was subject to public meeting organized by Parish Council attended by both developer and officers of Planning and Highway Authority.


Letter of comment received from Parish Council (June 2003) advises that whilst the Parish Council have not yet formulated their formal comments, they advise that most concerns on this application have now been addressed but it is Highways plans which are of greatest concern to local residents.


Parish Council (then) current position was one of strong objection until satisfactory Highways plan is received. Issues of concern include St Edmonds Walk being used as a rat run, level of traffic generation and movement at High Street/New Road junction, plan to upgrade new road and on-going maintenance, potential for congestion on New Road, potential for congestion on High Street and wider area including Fishbourne and safety issues.


In their subsequent letter received in September 2004, the Parish Council repeated issue of local concern regarding new traffic arrangements at New Road/High Street junction which may result in rat running through locality. They also expressed extreme concern over possible use of lay-by opposite New Road/High Street junction which provides valuable free parking for village businesses. Further detailed recommendations are made in respect of highway issues requiring condition survey to be carried out by developer on both adopted and unadopted sections of highway an agreed improvement scheme, submission of financial bond, appropriate legal controls and pedestrian safety measures including traffic calming on unadopted section of New Road.


Most recent letter received in May 2005 advises that Parish Council has obtained a copy of Highway Engineers recommendation for approval. Concern is expressed in terms in lack of clarity in the recommendation which will give rise to problems. It is the view of the Parish Council that this stage of the development must be clear about road works involved which will have a huge impact on village. Therefore Parish Council strongly requests that detailed road plan be drawn up taking into account their previous recommendations and concerns in particular addressing issues and appropriate details in respect of highway improvements, provision of new pedestrian rural footway, char parking provision at junction outside entrance to the site, introduction of traffic management system to allow large vehicles and coaches to pass and requirement for bond to ensure completion of access road.


5.4       Neighbours


            Finally in respect of the various schemes the following correspondence was received from local residents:


·                     Original 1999 submission – 53 individual letters of objections received

·                     January 2000 revision – 51 letters of objection received

·                     October 2002 revision – 40 letters of objection received.

·                     May 2004 revision – 31 letters of objection received.


Notwithstanding revision to proposal objections to the various schemes can be summarized as follows:


·                     Over development of site, excessive density

·                     More intensive use than previous historic use of site

·                     Impacts on right of ways which on original application involved diversion, effect on wildlife and protected species

·                     Problems in respect of road upkeep and maintenance and adverse ground conditions experienced.

·                     Development having adverse impact on AONB

·                     Various issues relating to highway safety, in particular increased traffic movement and congestion, appropriate of access, creation of rat runs and associated disturbance from noise and vehicle movements.

·                     Inappropriate development

·                     Questions over infrastructure upgrades

·                     General increase in noise levels in locality

·                     Adverse impact on tree cover

·                     Adverse impacts on protected species

·                     Short term adverse impacts during construction of development site

·                     No particular economic benefit with provision of low wage jobs

·                     Increase in light pollution

·                     Adverse coastal impacts

·                     Likelihood of increased water borne activity

·                     Impacts on fishing community

·                     Inadequate traffic survey and data


Whilst many of these concerns are repeated in most recent correspondence in respect of May 1004 submission. Main points of concern are principally centered on impact s of traffic movement, highway safety and proposed alterations to unadopted section of New Road and maintenance thereafter. Substantial objection was raised in respect of provision of signal controls junction where New Road meets High Street. Detailed concern is also expressed at loss of lay by on opposite side of junction which would be removed to upgrade and install traffic lights at the junction.


5.5       Others


·                     Friends of the Earth object to application on grounds of inappropriate development given designations in locality. Other objections relate to disturbance to wildlife, possible requirements for coastal protection work, unacceptable level of traffic movement.


·                     Island Watch object to proposal and comment that area has changed a lot since it was last used and would suffer adversely from such development in terms of visual amenity, natural environment including protected species and larger volume of traffic. This is no longer a site suitable for this sort of tourist development.


·                     Wight Squirrel Project request that the following be taken into consideration. Firstly the site is adjacent ecologically sensitive areas which must not be disturbed or changed and secondly at least two protected species are present in the area. Red Squirrel and Dormice are protected and their nesting sites and route ways must be protected and it’s suggested that site be surveyed for TPO.


·                     Following the 2002 revision, the Ramblers Association note that line of right of way is unchanged and suggests improvements to existing right of way in terms of construction and drainage.


·                     Isle of Wight Local Access Forum expresses their support for coastal path section to be reinstated. Former agrees that having a section of path is very important and would benefit local users. Island coastal paths are a great asset which is highlighted by an annual walking festival. Taking advantage of coastal planning schemes to return some of this coastal path should be actively encouraged.


·                     Latest letter from National Federation of Sea Anglers also support any proposal which involves coastal access to be included. They reiterate that the most important access to coastline is maintained not only to local anglers but for casual access and potentially valuable tourist coastal path which would link up existing rights of way  and at least provide circular route through area.


·                     Most recent letter received from Woodside Residents Association advises that their residents are in favour of redevelopment of existing site in accordance with plan devised by English Nature. Currently site is derelict and redevelopment within existing boundary will be a positive benefit to local community. Residents concerns are wholly focused on access route to site and whilst previous users ran site with operation of coaches current operator would expect client to arrive by private car. Even with existing levels of traffic unadopted section of New Road is regularly blocked for periods at its narrowest points due to coaches visiting nearby tourist attraction and facilities. They suggest that to improve future traffic management, minimum width of reconstructed road should be at least sufficient to allow two coaches to pass one another and pedestrians in safety. Unadopted section of New Road should be retained as a rural highway without a pavement, street lighting, painted enforcement lines or traffic signs. They also make the point that residents of Woodside have together with the help of local businesses maintained some 700 metres of unadopted section of New Road for the past 14 years. With historic record in mind, residents request that sufficient legal controls are put in place to require developers to meet obligations in respect of maintenance of road. Various other highway measures are suggested in their letter.


6.         Evaluation


6.1       The main issues relating to this application are:


·                     Planning Policy

·                     Habitat regulations

·                     Potential impacts on both designated areas and locality in general

·                     Impacts on protected species

·                     Highways


6.2       In terms of policy there is no objection in principle to tourist development of this site given its allocation within the adopted Unitary Development Plan. By way of background when dealing with English Nature objection to such allocation at deposit draft stage enquiring Inspector recommended that the Council make no modification in response to this objection unless to bring up to date in accordance with the planning permission. In making this recommendation the Inspector reasoned that at the time of the enquiry the site was subject of a planning application to redevelop the holiday camp. The application included an Environmental Statement which took into account Nature Conservation and the issues of coastal erosion. However, he had no such details before him on which to assess the appropriate boundaries of T7. In principle, on the basis of its established use and from the site visit, he concluded that the site appears suitable for tourist related development. It may well be that as some time has passed there is now agreement about the extent of the development on the site.


6.3       Given the policy background, operating within a plan lead system, the planning history of this site and potential fall back position in respect of the extant consent I do not consider that in principle there is any objection to the development of this site for tourist related development. Principle concerns will focus on achieving appropriate level and scale of development which will not adversely impact on special characteristics of the site including specific nature conservation issues and wider issues relating to impacts on the locality in general and appropriateness of the existing highway systems to accommodate the development proposed. Members may consider that site should remain in one ownership to ensure that holiday  lodges are used for short term holiday occupation rather than second homes or other forms of occupation that could represent less intensive holiday use. This has been suggested within the terms of the legal agreement.


6.4       Members will appreciate from details contained within section 2 that site and adjoining land is subject to a number of special designations ranging from those of international importance to more localized influences. When considering development which lies within or adjacent SPAs or SACs, the decision taker must establish whether the proposed development when its directly connected with or necessary for site management purposes and whether it is likely to have a significant effect on the designated areas.


6.5       Having establish that such significant effect is likely as required by Regulation 48 of the 1994 Habitat Regulations an appropriate assessment has been undertaken of the implications of the proposal in view of the site’s conservation objectives.


6.6       Council’s Ecology Officer has undertaken this assessment in conjunction with English Nature to arrive at the latest revised plan which is subject to this appropriate assessment.


6.7       Assessment has looked in detail at specific issues such as international site features of interest (SPA, SAC and RAMSAR) and international conservation objectives in respect of designated sites. Specific impacts on those designated areas have also been assessed and it is recommended that specific conditions be attached to any consent issued on this site. Further conditions are suggested in respect of mitigating disturbance to SPA birds species. The assessment of impacts has been carried out on both the stand alone basis and in combination with other plans and projects in the vicinity.


6.8       Assessment concludes that in the light of close involvement with English Nature throughout the evolution of this plan, together with the proposed mitigation to off set any small residual impact, it is concluded that the proposal will not have an adverse impact on the integrity of the SPA and SAC European sites or upon the RAMSAR site.


6.9       In the light of this conclusion Regulation 48 (5) states that projects may only proceed if the competent authority has ascertained that it will not adversely affect the integrity of the European site.


6.10     In respect of potential impacts on AONB whilst comments of Countryside Section are appreciated, the latest revised proposal seeks to place all development within densely wooded southern section of site, which will help minimise visual impacts, particularly when viewed from sea. It is considered that potential conflict between land use allocation and AONB status has been satisfactorily resolved by latest revision. Particularly as other foreshore development previously proposed has been withdrawn from proposal. Lighting of site can be controlled by a way of planning condition which will control impact.


6.11     Council’s Ecology Officer concludes that overall affect of disturbance impacts within the SSSI component of the SPA would be de minimise and that effective visitor management should greatly reduce potential threat of increased access and damage to Kings Quay SSSI. This is supported by developers expressed willingness to work with owners of Kings Quay shoreline to explore ways of deterring unauthorized public access to shore. Therefore attached conditions and legal agreements are likely to result in proposal not having detrimental effect on this site of national importance.


6.12     In respect of SINC impact, while site is surrounded by such areas it is considered that requirement for management plan as part of legal agreement, would address issue of ensuring no increased public pressure on these woodlands. 


6.13     Protected species red squirrels and dormice are protected under Wildlife and Countryside Act and are know to use site. Council’s Ecology Officer suggests that developer employ Ecologist to over see works on site to ensure appropriate action is taken and appropriate licences obtained. This can be contained within proposed legal agreement.


6.14     Regarding highway issues, application has been subject to extensive negotiations with Highways Section and recent inclusion of unadopted roads within terms of application have simplified legal matters in respect of ensuring such works to those section of highways are carried out under legal agreement. As applicant states proposed improvements to New Road (unadopted section) are detailed in agreed specification of works. This specification sets out road works to be carried out through entire length of unadopted section. Carriageway width proposed at 4.1 m generally is to be completed to satisfaction and approval of Council. Detailed assessment and drawings will be required in respect of new alignment at south western corner of former Pontins Little Canada site. Applicant also confirms that his clients are willing to carry out works in advance of development to bring unadopted section of New Road within their ownership up to acceptable standard before commencement of construction works on site. Whilst works and any reinstatement following construction will need to be surveyed and repairs commissioned to finalize road specification following completion. This could if required be subject of a bond. Contribution to New Road unadopted section is also agreed at set at £50,000, this section of road is public highway and as such is maintainable by the Highways Authority. His clients have also agreed to meet costs of off site improvements requiring involving requirement for traffic signals at junction. Matter of lay-by has been discussed with Highways Authority and the removal of such has been a requirement in respect of traffic light installation.


6.15     As previously mentioned proposal involves works to new junction of New Road and High Street including installation of traffic routes. Secondly a contribution to repairs of adopted section of New Road and this has been fixed at £50,000 contribution. Thirdly, works to unadopted section of New Road from Tideways to entrance of Woodside Bay Holiday Village. A specification has been agreed with Highways including installation of a footpath on corner of 3D Holiday’s site.


6.16     Highway Engineer recommends conditions should consent be granted and including requirement for new rural footway to be constructed from the end of the adopted footway to access the proposed development site. It is also stated that developers will enter into a Section 278 with Council for provision for traffic lights at junction of New Road and High Street. Works will include relocation of pedestrian crossing on High Street.


7.         Conclusion and Justification for Recommendation


7.1       Appropriate assessment has been carried out under habitat regulations which concludes that proposal will not have adverse impact upon integrity of internationally important sites and with appropriate conditions/legal agreement measures impacts on other Nature Conservation issues are acceptable or can be mitigated.


7.2       Highway Engineer is now in a position to support proposal given off site works which can be adequately controlled/enforced by Council.


7.3       Following considerable negotiations and discussions with all interested agencies involved, it is considered that the scheme as now revised (May 2004) and subsequent inclusion of unadopted roads within applicants control a decision has now been reached whereby scheme can be presented to Members with favourable recommendation, subject to a Section 106 Agreement to cover:


·                     Section 278 Agreement under the Highway Act to carry out off site highway works to the adopted section of New Road and its junction with the High Street.

·                     Off site highway works to the unadopted section of New Road to a specification agreed by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Engineer.

·                     Operational management plan for site to include Visitor Management Scheme and Visitor Information Procedure to ensure no undue adverse impacts on sensitive areas and habitats.

·                     Maintenance of boundary treatments and planting within northern section of site and long term management thereof.

·                     No future coastal protection works to be undertaken.

·                     Employment of qualified ecologist to oversee works on site in respect of protected species and appropriate licence applications.

·                     Removal of off site car parking provision to reduce pressures on foreshore usage.

·                     Keeping of register of occupiers/visitors which is to be kept available for inspection on request of the Local Planning Authority.

·                     Implementation of Woodland Management Plan.

·                     Revocation without compensation of planning permission TCP/15117/S

·                     Retention of holiday lodges within one ownership.

·                     Prohibition on use of site for parking/use of caravans, tents, camper vans and mobile homes.


8.         Recommendation


Subject to applicants entering a Section 106 obligation, (to be completed within 3 months of the issue of the first draft) the heads of which are set out in paragraph 7.3 above and Section 278 Agreement under the Highways Act that the application be approved subject to the following conditions.





Time limit - full   -   A10


The detailed siting and design and external appearance of the each individual holiday lodge and all other buildings to be refurbished or rebuilt shall be submitted for approval and agreed with the Local Planning Authority before the development hereby approved commences. Such agreed details shall be implemented in full prior to occupation of any of the buildings.


Reason: In the interests in the amenities and character of the area and to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.


Plans submitted in accordance with condition 2 of this permission shall indicate the location of all trees on the site of or within 5 metres of the siting of the proposed holiday lodges and on or within three metres of any existing or proposed internal access. Such details shall specify which trees are to be removed and which are to be retained together with the species, the girth and spread of each tree.


Reason: To enable the Local Planning Authority to consider the layout of the site in relation to existing trees and to comply with Policy C12 (Development Affecting Trees and Woodlands) of the IOW Unitary Development.


Details of hard and soft landscaping   -   M10


Details of soft landscaping   -   M11


Landscape implementation   -   M11B


Landscape implementation and maintenance   -   M12


No building hereby permitted shall be occupied until details of any floodlighting and any external light sources have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and implemented in accordance with the agreed details.


Reason: In the interests of the amenities of the area and to comply with Policy D14 (Light Spillage) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan..


Before any development commences on site the existing slipway and concrete defences on the northern foreshore shall be removed in their entirety and any proposed disposal of such material within the application site shall be agreed by the Local Planning Authority prior to such works being carried out.


Reason:  To ensure natural coastal erosion processes are maintained and to accord with Policy C6 (Coastal Protection Works) of the of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.


The northern boundary of the site shall be fenced in accordance with a scheme to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority prior to any development commencing on site.


Reason: To minimise impacts on tentative designated sites and to accord with Policy C8 (Nature Conservation as a material consideration) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.


Prior to any development commencing on site additional planting shall be carried out on the northern boundary of the site in accordance with a scheme to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To minimise impacts on tentative designated sites and to accord with Policy C8 (Nature Conservation as a material consideration) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan


All planting carried out in compliance with Condition No. 10 shall be carried out in the first planting season. Seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.


Reason:  To ensure the appearance of the development is satisfactory and to comply with policy D3 (Landscaping) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.


Details of roads, etc, design and constr   -   J02


Timing of occupation   -   J11


Visibility and sight lines   -   J20


Vehicular access   -   J30


No building shall be occupied until the new rural footway has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans. The new footway shall continue from the end of the adopted footway to the access of the proposed development. 


Reason:  To ensure adequate safe provision of facilities for pedestrians and cyclists wishing to gain access to the site and to comply with policy TR6 (Cycling and Walking) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.


Provision (loading, unloading & parking   -   K01


Prior to being discharged into any water course, surface water sewer or soakaway all surface water drainage from parking areas and hardstandings shall be passed through an oil interceptor, designed and constructed to have a capacity and details compatible with the site being drained. Roof water shall not pass through the separator.


Reason: To prevent pollution of the water environment.


No development approved by this permission shall be commenced until a scheme for the improvement and/or extension of the existing sewage disposal works have been agreed with the sewerage undertaker to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. No buildings (or uses) hereby permitted shall be occupied or commenced until such improvements and/or extension have been commissioned and agreed by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To prevent pollution of the water environment


The occupation of the lodges hereby approved shall be limited to holiday use only and they shall not be used as permanent or main residences.


Reason: To ensure that the development remains for holiday purposes and to comply with Policies T1 (Promotion of Tourism) and T3 (Criteria for Development of Holiday Accommodation) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.





TCP/26650/A   P/00434/05  Parish/Name: Newport  Ward: Newport South

Registration Date:  01/03/2005  -  Outline Planning Permission

Officer:  Mr. J. Fletcher           Tel:  (01983) 823598

Applicant:  A J Flower


Outline for a block of 12 flats (revised scheme)

land adjacent 1st Newport Scout Group Hall and Nine Acres Lane, St. Johns Road, Newport, PO30


The application is recommended for conditional permission.





This application is a major submission involving a number of significant issues and is submitted by the Isle of Wight Council and therefore falls to be determined by the Development Control Committee.



1.         Details of Application


1.2       This is an outline application with all matters reserved apart from means of access.


1.3       Proposal is accompanied by a site plan which indicates an L-shaped three-storey block of flats to be located within the south-western area of the site, having a south facing elevation onto the adjoining development to the south and a west facing elevation fronting Nine Acres Lane.


1.3       Submitted layout also indicates a total of 19 parking spaces, 12 of which immediately abut the eastern boundary with the remaining 7 wrapped around the boundary to the fenced area which serves the 1st Newport Scout Group Hall.


1.4       Proposal to be accessed off the existing access off St Johns Road further to the east.


1.5       Application also contains information in illustrative form, indicating a three-storey development consisting of 12 one-bedroom flats served off two central staircase facilities and includes two lifts. Indicative plan also indicates a section through the site showing the levels of the proposed building relative to the adjoining Housing Association development to the south, extended through to the road levels of Elm Grove, along with its relationship to the mainly single-storey/two-storey building being within the Scout Hut curtilage to the north.


2          Location and Site Characteristics


2.1       Site in the form of a generally uneven area of land which, until recently, has been used as a site compound for the Housing Association development to the south.


2.2       Site has an irregular shape and extends to the east in the form of the existing access of St Johns Road, part of which has been metal surfaced to serve the adjoining Housing Association development. Also includes a 10 metre strip some 55 metres in length which directly fronts Nine Acres Lane and accommodates established landscape growth, but also includes a narrow footpath link between the main area of the site and Nine Acres Lane.


2.3       The remaining area of the application site is in the form of a mainly roughly surfaced area which stands both to the south and east of the enclosed compound which serves the Scout Hall to the north.


2.4       The site has a gradual slope from south to north and rises steeply towards the adjoining recent development.


2.5       The Medina Housing development both to the south and east of the lane area of the site consists of a total of 41 units in a mixture of mainly houses with some flats.  The development is accessed by way of a cul-de-sac using, in part, the upgraded access of St Johns Road.


2.6       To the north of that extended access road and therefore to the northeast of the main area of the site is a development of two blocks, three storeys in height, providing a total of 23 units, mainly in the form of flats.


2.7       Nine Acres Lane, which abuts in part the western boundary, is an important pedestrian route between Elm Grove and Trafalgar Road to the north. Also provides a valuable access to Nine Acres Primary School.


2.8       The main area to the south of the Scouts compound is used on a regular basis by parents, both dropping off and picking up pupils who attend Nine Acres Primary School and users of the adjoining recreation ground.


3.         Relevant History


3.1       An earlier outline application for 10 one-bedroomed flats abutting the southern boundary, which included a provision for four parking spaces, was withdrawn in December 2004 in order to enable a second scheme to be submitted addressing the issue of parking provision for the local school’s use.


3.2       The adjoining recent residential units were subject to planning consents within the past three years, with the most recent approval in respect of the development to the south being granted in June 2004. Members are advised that these developments replaced commercial uses on the adjoining land in the form of a Builders Merchants and Electrical Suppliers, both of which have relocated to the Dodnor Industrial Estates.


4.         Development Plan Policy


4.1       National policies covered in PPG3 – Housing as follows:-


·                     Provide wider housing opportunity and choice, including better mix of size, type and location of houses

·                     Give priority to re-using previously developed urban land within urban areas, taking pressures on green field sites.

·                     Create more sustainable patterns of development, ensuring accessibility to public transport, jobs, education, etc.

·                     Make more efficient use of land by adopting appropriate densities with 30 to 50 units per hectare quoted as being the appropriate levels of density with even greater intensity of development being appropriate with good public transport, accessibility such as town centre sites, etc.

·                     New housing development should not be viewed in isolation, but should have regard to the immediate buildings and the wider locality.

·                     More than 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling are not likely to reflect the Government’s emphasis of sustainable residential development.


4.2       Unitary Development Plan policies to be considered within the application are as follows:-


·                     G1 - Development envelopes for Towns and Villages

·                     G4 - General locational criteria for development

·                     H4 - Unallocated residential development to be restricted to defined settlements.

·                     TL16 – Parking policies and guidelines

·                     TR7 – Highway considerations for new development.

·                     TR6 – Cycling and walking

·                     U11 – Infrastructure and services provision.

·                     U2 – Ensuring adequate education, social and community facilities.


4.3       Sizes within Zone 2 of the Council’s Parking policy, thus requiring parking provision that shall not exceed 0 to 50% of parking guidelines.


5.         Consultee and Third Party Comments


5.1       Internal consultees


·                     Highway engineer recommends conditions should application be approved. Those conditions relating to details of the roads, timing of occupation, need to provide turning facilities on site and ensuring appropriate visibility is available.


·                     The Environmental Health Department recommends appropriate conditions in respect of possible contamination on the site.


5.2       External consultees


None received.


5.3       Town and Parish Council comments


Not applicable


5.4       Neighbours


Application has been the subject of five letters of comment and objection, two from Newport residents, two from residents of St Johns Road and one on behalf of the adjoining Scout Group. Points raised are summarised as follows:-


·                     Proposal fails to provide sufficient parking for the regular users of this area, these being parents dropping off and picking up children attending Nine Acres Primary School, those using the adjacent recreation ground and those attending the adjacent Scout Group.

·                     No safe alternative parking is available particularly in respect of the school parking with parents being forced to park illegally within the vicinity of the school causing serious safety issues.

·                     One writer notes that proposal does provide a level of parking provision but considers that specific number of spaces should be set aside exclusively for general parking purposes.

·                     One local resident is concerned that further development will attract further traffic with the recent residential development having resulted in an increase in a number of vehicles entering this area.

·                     Concern that the proposal will attract anti-social behaviour.


·                     Adjacent Scout Group raise a number of concerns which are itemised as follows:


o        They question the increase in density from 10 to 12 units which will increase the pressures on parking spaces available for general use.

o        They assess land area currently is capable of accommodating 30 spaces (current proposal indicates a total of 19 spaces).

o        Area often full in terms of parking at weekends reflecting the use of the adjoining recreation ground.

o        The area is also used for parking by those attending the Scout Group.

o        The area provides little or no manoeuvring space.

o        If the spaces are not provided there will be traffic chaos in Trafalgar Road.

o        Some events run by the Scouts will have to be counselled due to the close proximity of development.

o        Concern that there will be noise complaints from residents in respect of Scouting activities.

o        Serious concerns regarding surface water drainage with there being a number of examples of flooding events resulting from the current situation.

o        Evidence that damaged fencing has taken place by the parking of vehicles with the current scheme not addressing this concern.

o        The area has become a place for abandoned vehicles.

o        Lengthy reference has been made to legal right which the Scouts have over the land and any development would require a release of these rights, should approval be granted.

o        Writer refers to monies that are available from the adjoining development for surfacing of the area.

o        Proposal appears to pay little regard to the continuance of the Scout Group which it is suggested could be put into doubt if this development goes ahead.


·                     Writer concludes his letter as follows:


            “This is an ill thought out application with no thought or consideration given to neighbours. If allowed to proceed it will create on-going problems for Nine Acres Primary School, football clubs and general public and not least us as well respected Scout Group. Open space and green areas are important and any area to park for the playing fields is too. What use is the field itself if you cannot park anywhere near it? Children of this community need our help not our hindrance, if this application proceeds it shall be engraved on the conscience of all Council Members as to the detrimental effect it will have on the youth in our community.


·                     Writer suggests that Members carry out a site inspection prior to determining the application.


6.         Evaluation


6.1       This is an outline application seeking the principle of this type of development on this site with the only detail issue to consider being that of access.


·           I am advised that the illustrative proposal indicating 12 one bed flats are for use by persons with learning difficulties. It will provide a facility for these persons to live more independent lives although under the supervision of either the Council and/or Social Services.


·         Obviously this use has implications in terms of parking for this type of occupancy will be extremely unlikely to attract car ownership by the occupants although some visitor spaces will be required.


·         In order to control this use, I am advised that a contractual arrangement will be set in place setting up a strategic partnership involving the Council and the Social Services. Members will appreciate that this could not be covered by way of a Section 106 Agreement bearing in mind that the Council are the applicants in this case. (The Council cannot enter into a legal agreement with itself).


6.2       In pure planning terms this is an application for development on what is effectively a brownfield site close to the town centre and as such would be appropriate for high density style development. Indeed flatted development reflects the two schemes which have been completed adjacent to this site.


However, the historic use of the site as outlined above in terms of parking provision is a matter that needs specific attention and reflects a constrain on the site’s development.


6.3       Parking


Not surprisingly, parking provision and allocation has been carefully considered in respect of this proposal with the application providing a total of 19 spaces.


Clearly this is far in excess of what would normally be required for a development in this location but does reflect the attention that has been given to providing the parking spaces for the historic users of this area.


I consider that this represents a reasonable compromise although it is accepted that the site itself in is undeveloped form is capable of accommodating 30+ parking spaces and this proposal will reduce that availability by at least a third.


This apart however, the pattern of parking on this site is specific to certain users with the use being dispersed throughout the day, limited to week days in terms of the adjoining school and limited to certain times of the day. It is important to appreciate that this parking is fairly informal in nature but obviously provides a valuable facility. I am advised that the school encourages the use of this facility particularly for those children too far away to walk or children who have special needs. It is also important to appreciate that Nine Acres Primary School does not allow safe parking outside the school.


It is also recognised that the area is used for parking by users of the nearby recreation ground however, the level of that parking is unknown and is likely to vary being dependant on what type of sporting activity is taking place on the recreation ground.


The question of management of the parking spaces has been raised and I understand that the parking spaces themselves will be controlled by way of chains and/or posts and there will be on site indications in the form of lettering and notices indicating the restrictive use of this area for parking purposes and hopefully providing a deterrent to any more long term parking that may take place.


Clearly there needs to be some control for the site’s location does provide a temptation for unofficial all day parking to take place given that it is within walkable distance of the town centre.


7.         Conclusion and Justification for Development


7.1       I consider that the principle of development on this site particularly in the form indicated is acceptable. Application has clearly addressed as far as it is able the need to provide an element of parking provision for use as described. Obviously, there will be occasions when the parking provision is not enough but it would be extremely difficult to ensure spaces are always available for every occasion.


7.2       Members are advised that in planning terms it is not possible to condition occupancy however, I am satisfied from the information that has been provided that the site will be used for purposes indicated and therefore will not impact on parking provision issues.


7.3       Members are also advised that the 19 parking spaces provided far exceed what would be required under policies for a development of this type and in this location. Therefore in strictly policy terms the parking provision of 19 units for the flats alone would be contrary to the zonal parking policies within the Unitary Development Plan. However, given the unique circumstances of this site, I considered a justifiable exception to those policies is appropriate in this case.


7.4       Having given due regard and appropriate weight to all material considerations referred to in this report, it is considered that outline approval is appropriate subject to appropriate conditions.


8.         Recommendation  


            Conditional permission






The development hereby permitted shall be begun either before the expiration of 5 years from the date of this permission, or before the expiration of 2 years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved, whichever is the later.


Reason:  To comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.



Application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission.


Reason: To comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.



Approval of the details of the siting, design and external appearance of the building(s), and the landscaping of the site (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development is commenced.


Reason:  In order to secure a satisfactory development and be in accordance with policies S6 (Standards of Design), D1 (Standards of Design), D2 (Standards of Development Within the Site), D3 (Landscaping), TR7 (Highway Consideration for New Development) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



Before the development hereby permitted is commenced a detailed management scheme of the 19 parking spaces indicated on the plans hereby approved shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Such scheme shall include mechanisms by which the use of the parking spaces shall be controlled with such mechanism including site notices restricting the use of parking spaces to identified groups or persons. Such management plan shall indicate management responsibilities and maintenance schedules and shall be carried out as approved.


Reason: To ensure an adequate provision of parking for both the development and identified persons or groups to comply with Policy TR7 (Highway Considerations) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.



Development shall not begin until details of the design, surfacing and construction of any new roads, footways, accesses and car parking areas, together with details of the means of disposal of surface water drainage there from have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason:  To ensure an adequate standard of highway access and drainage for the proposed dwellings and to comply with policy TR7 (Highway Considerations) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



No development shall be occupied until the parts of the service roads which provide access to it have been constructed, surfaced and drained in accordance with [the approved plans/details which have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To ensure an adequate standard of highway and access for the proposed dwellings and to comply with policy TR7 (Highway Considerations) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



No building shall be occupied until the means of vehicular access thereto has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans.


Reason:  To ensure adequate access to the proposed development and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



Development shall not begin until details of the sight lines to be provided at the junction between the access of the proposal and the highway have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall not be occupied until those sight lines have been provided in accordance with the approved details.  Nothing that may cause an obstruction to visibility shall at any time be placed or be permitted to remain within the visibility splay shown in the approved sight lines.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy TR7 (Highway Considerations) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



No building hereby permitted shall be occupied until space has been laid out within the site and drained and surfaced in accordance with details that have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing for cars/bicycles to be parked and for vehicles to be loaded and unloaded and for vehicles to turn so that they may enter and leave the site in forward gear.  The space shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than that approved in accordance with this condition.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy TR7 (Highway Considerations) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



Any development on this site shall ensure maintenance of the pedestrian access to Nine Acres Lane (FP152) located in the north western corner of the site. Prior to occupation of any development on this site improvements to that access shall be carried out in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Such improvements shall include the provision of lighting.


Reason: To ensure pedestrian access is retained in compliance with Policy TR17 (Public Rights of Way) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.



Any development on this site shall not exceed three storeys in height.


Reason: In the interests of the amenities and character of the area and to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.



A minimum 0.6 metre wide margin shall be provided where parking spaces abut existing boundary fences. Such margins shall be retained and maintained thereafter.


Reason: In the interest of the amenities of the adjoining land and property owners in compliance with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.



The existing hedge which abuts the western boundary (adjacent Nine Acres Lane) shall be retained and reinforced where necessary to a minimum height of two metres and to a standard consistent with good arboricultural practice.


Reason: To ensure the maintenance of screening to the site and to protect the appearance and character of the area in compliance with Policy D3 (Landscaping) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.



In this condition "retained hedge or hedgerow" means an existing hedge or hedgerow which is to be retained in accordance with the approved plans and particulars (hedgerow abutting western boundary).


a)         No retained hedge or hedgerow shall be cut down, uprooted or destroyed, nor shall any retained hedge or hedgerow be reduced in height other than in accordance with the approved plans and particulars, without the written approval of the Local Planning Authority.


b)         If within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development the whole or any part of any retained hedge or hedgerow is removed, uprooted, is destroyed or dies, another hedge or hedgerow shall be planted at the same place and that hedge or hedgerow shall be of such size and species, and shall be planted at such time, as may be specified in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


c)         The erection of fencing for the protection of any retained hedge or hedgerow shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved plans and particulars before any equipment, machinery or materials are brought onto the site for the purposes of the development, and shall be maintained until all equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been removed from the site.  Nothing shall be stored or placed in any fenced area in accordance with this condition and the ground levels within those areas shall not be altered nor shall any excavation be made or fire be lit, without the written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To ensure the continuity of amenity afforded by existing hedges or hedgerows and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



Prior to occupation of any development of this site, a lighting scheme shall be implemented in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Such scheme shall include future management and maintenance responsibilities of the lighting.


Reason: In the interests of the amenities of both the occupiers of the proposed development and the adjoining development in compliance with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.





TCP/05907/V   P/00958/05  Parish/Name: Shanklin  Ward: Shanklin South

Registration Date:  24/05/2005  -  Full Planning Permission

Officer:  Miss. L. Scovell           Tel:  (01983) 823552

Applicant:  Isle of Wight Council


Alterations and change of use of St. George's Hall to provide additional classrooms and associated facilities; alterations and single storey extension to improve facilities

Shanklin C of E Primary School and St George's Hall, Albert Road, Shanklin, PO37


The application is recommended for conditional permission




This application was made by the Isle of Wight Council and due to its nature must be determined by the Council’s Development Control Committee.


1.         Details of Application


1.1       This is a full application.


1.2       The proposal comprises of alterations and change of use of St. George’s Hall to provide additional classrooms and associated facilities; alterations and single storey extension to improve facilities to the existing school complex.


2.         Location and Site Characteristics


2.1       Shanklin Church of England School is situated at the Furze Hill Road and Albert Road junction within the development envelope of Shanklin. The school complex is located in a predominantly residential area and adjoins the recreation ground. There is an existing vehicular and pedestrian access via Albert Road.


2.2       Located immediately adjoining Shanklin C of E School, St. George’s Hall is a detached building occupying a small site with pedestrian access only by a shared footpath onto Garfield Road. The schools playground is situated to the side of this property, whilst there is an area of semi-detached dwellings to the other. Garfield Road is terminated adjacent to the eastern boundary of this property and is of a narrow construction with little off-street parking facilities. Originally it was used as a community facility but more recently it has become unoccupied.


3.         Relevant History



·                     TCP/05907/R. Related to extension to form two classrooms, staff room and toilets; alterations to vehicular access and extend paved playground area. Granted on 26 March 1997.


·                     TCP/05907/S. Related to the siting of a double mobile classroom; single storey extension to provide covered link and extension to playground to include 2.4 metre high fencing. Granted 25 January 1999.


·                     TCP/05907/T. Related to a proposed extension to the car park. Granted 6 April 2001. 


·                     TCP/05907/U. Related to alterations and single storey extension to enlarge pre-school accommodation. Granted 13 May 2003.


4.         Development Plan Policy


4.1       Unitary Development Plan policies as follows:


·                     S1 – New Development will be Concentrated within Existing Urban Areas

·                     S2 – Development will be encouraged on land which has been previously developed (brownfield) sites, rather than undeveloped (greenfield) sites.

·                     G1 – Development Envelopes

·                     G4 – General Locational Criteria

·                     G10 – Existing Surrounding Uses

·                     D1 – Standards of Design

·                     D2 – Standards for Development within the Site

·                     TR7 – Highway Considerations for New Development

·                     U5 – Schools Provision


5.         Consultee and Third Party Comments


5.1       Internal Consultees


·                     Highway Engineer is satisfied that there will be no highway implications as a result of this application.


5.2       External Consultees


·                     NATS (En-route) Plc. has no objection to the proposal.


5.3       Town or Parish Council Comments


·                     Shanklin Town Council made no comment.


5.4       Neighbours


·                     None received.


6.         Evaluation


6.1       Main issues relating to this application are:


·                     Policy and;

·                     the impact on adjoining residential properties.


6.2       With regard to policy, there is no objection in principle as the proposal complies with policies previously listed in particular policy S2 (Development will be encouraged on land which has been previously developed, as the proposal seeks to redevelop a now redundant community facility. The proposal also complies with policy U5 (School Provision) as it seeks to ensure that the existing primary school can continue to maintain an appropriate level of service with an increasing student population.


6.3       With regard to the impact on the adjoining residential properties, the proposed change of use of St. George’s Hall to classrooms will extend the site of the existing school adjacent the property known as 14 Garfield Road. Main consideration is whether the use of St. George’s Hall is going to adversely affect the occupants of number 14 Garfield Road in particular and the adjoining residential properties along Garfield Road.


7.         Conclusion and Justification for Recommendation


7.1       The determining factor is whether the change of use of St. George’s Hall is going to result in any adverse impact upon the adjoining residential properties. The existing building lends itself well to being incorporated into the existing school complex, and access to the hall will be via existing school playground with the existing steps to the hall being removed and being replaced with fencing to prevent access from Garfield Road. The proposed extensions to St. George’s Hall are to the elevation facing the existing primary school and therefore I am of the opinion that these will not cause any effect on the property known as number 14 Garfield Road. The building itself is situated roughly 8 metres off the boundary with 14 Garfield Road and therefore I am satisfied that with sufficient boundary treatment the proposal is unlikely to cause any adverse affect on the property known as number 14 Garfield Road in terms of overlooking.


7.2       With regard to the alterations to the existing school building, these are of a minor nature and therefore I am satisfied that they will not cause any adverse affect upon the building itself or the immediate locality.


7.3       Having given due regard and appropriate weight to all material consideration the proposed development is acceptable and complies with the relevant policies of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.


8.         Recommendation


            Conditional Permission. 





Time limit - full   -   A10


Matching materials   -   S01





TCP/10338/N   P/00543/04  Parish/Name: Freshwater  Ward: Freshwater Afton

Registration Date:  11/03/2004  -  Full Planning Permission

Officer:  Mr. A. Pegram           Tel:  (01983) 823575

Applicant:  Mr & Mrs Finch


Demolition of existing building of 8 flats; construction of 2 storey building to provide 9 flats with associated parking & landscaping

St. Martins, Afton Down, Freshwater, PO409TY


The application is recommended for conditional permission.




The site is located outside the development boundary, within and adjacent areas with special designations for landscape and nature conservation value thereby raising issues which require careful consideration against the background of relevant policies within the Unitary Development Plan.


1.         Details of Application


1.1       Application seeks consent for demolition of existing building containing eight flats and construction of two storey building to provide nine flats with associated parking and landscaping.


1.2       Proposed building would occupy site of the existing structure, having virtually identical footprint. The replacement would be two storeys in height under shallow pitched roof.               


1.3       Seven of the proposed flats would provide accommodation comprising lounge, kitchen, two bedrooms (one with en suite facilities) and bathroom/wc and two would provide accommodation comprising lounge, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom/wc.


1.4       Submitted plans indicate that existing access and parking area will be altered and enlarged to serve the proposed development with additional landscaping around the parking area and between the parking bays.


2.         Location and Site Characteristics


2.1       Application relates to roughly rectangular site located on southern side of Military Road almost directly opposite junction with Southdown Road, occupying elevated position above Freshwater Bay. Site is bounded on southern side by public footpath which runs along edge of cliff top.


2.2       Site is located in area of sporadic development with building types comprising predominantly bungalows and large detached houses, although the application site itself and property to west provide flatted accommodation.


2.3       Existing building on site provides accommodation on two floors although rooms at first floor level are accommodated within the roof space with large number of dormer windows on all elevations which dominate the roofscape. Elevations of building are finished in render under a concrete tiled roof. The building has been used as holiday flats, although there is no planning restriction to prevent them being occupied as permanent residential units.


3.         Relevant History


3.1       TCP/10338C/RD/6320W – Planning permission for conversion of roof space to form five holiday flats conditionally approved January 1970.


3.2       Land adjoining the application site has been subject of several applications for residential development which have been refused.


4.         Development Plan Policy


4.1       The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, Part 4, Section 85, requires that, in exercising or performing any function in relation to or so as to affect land in an AONB, a relevant authority shall have regard to the purpose of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty of the AONB


4.2       Site is located outside the development boundary as defined on the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan, within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Heritage Coast. In addition site is located adjacent an area designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and a candidate Special Area for Conservation. Relevant policies of the plan are considered to be as follows:


·                     S1 – New development will be concentrated within existing urban areas.


·                     S4 – The countryside will be protected from inappropriate development.


·                     S6 – All development will be expected to be of a high standard of design


·                     S10 – In areas of designated or defined scientific, nature conservation, archaeological, historic or landscape value, development will be permitted only if it will conserve or enhance the features of special character of these areas.


·                     G1 – Development Envelopes for Towns and Villages.


·                     G4 – General Locational Criteria for Development


·                     G5 – Development Outside Defined Settlements


·                     D1 – Standards of Design


·                     D2 – Standards for Development Within the Site


·                     D14 – Light Spillage


·                     H4 – Unallocated Residential Development to be restricted to Defined Settlements


·                     H9 – Residential Development Outside Development Boundaries


·                     C1 – Protection of Landscape Character


·                     C2 – Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty


·                     C4 – Heritage Coast


·                     C8 – Nature Conservation as a material consideration.


·                     C10 – Site of National Importance for Nature Conservation


·                     TR7 – Highway Considerations for New Development


·                     TR16 – Parking Policies and Guidelines


5.         Consultee and Third Party Comments


5.1       Internal Consultees


·                     Highway Engineer recommends refusal on grounds of inadequate access by reason of inadequate width and visibility. He notes that on submitted drawings, boundary hedging is to be retained at maximum of one metre in height, although the hedges are currently around two metres high. He considers that even if hedges are to be reduced to one metre, visibility would still be inadequate due to curvature of the road and the site’s proximity to a blind summit. Although the site is just within a 40 mile per hour speeds restriction, approach speed from the brow of the hill tend to be in excess of that limit which, together with the steep gradient on the A 3055 will greatly increase the normal stopping distance of approaching vehicles. In addition, the access width is inadequate for two vehicles to comfortably pass each other. Whilst he appreciates that the access is already in use, and that the number of units within the development is virtually unchanged from the existing, he considers that the current building has a very run down appearance and as the proposed flats will be larger, occupancy rates should be higher, resulting in increased level of vehicle movements.


·                     AONB partnership initially objected to the proposal on grounds that increase in height and footprint of building and the excessive use of glazing would detract from the special qualities of the Isle of Wight AONB and Tennyson Heritage Coast. In particular, they commented that recent developments within Freshwater Bay area are already likely to result in incremental increases in illumination in this area.


Following submission of revised plans and additional information providing a comparison of the glazed areas within the existing building and the proposed development, further comments were received from the AONB Partnership advising that the changes to the scheme were, in their opinion, an improvement and have addressed their main concerns in terms of level of glazing and potential for excessive light pollution. It was also noted that, whilst the overall bulk is still greater than the existing building, it was agreed that the proposed replacement will generally result in an improvement.


5.2       External Consultees


None received.


5.3       Town or Parish Council Comments


Freshwater Parish Council object on ground of over development of the site and consider that the height of the proposed building would be excessive and would have a detrimental visual impact in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. In addition, the Parish Council consider that the Council should look at a geotechnical report for the area and that the amount of parking provided should be increased.


5.4       Neighbours


Four letters received from local residents who, whilst not objecting to proposal, raise the following issues/concerns:


·                     Pitched roof will be great improvement but height of elements running north south ending in glass atrium makes building excessively high and obtrusive from Freshwater Bay.


·                     Insufficient parking provision.


·                     Use of existing access requires great care – additional traffic may prove to be hazard.


·                     Questions raised regarding boundary treatment.


·                     One letter received from local resident objecting to the proposal and raising additional issues to those detailed above are as follows:


·                     Replacement of holiday flats with permanent residential flats constitutes a change of use.


·                     Other development in the locality has already eroded character of area.


·                     Given elevated position of site, close to brow of hill, building would dominate the Bay and overwhelm the approach into the Bay.


·                     Development will infringe landscape of the area designated as an AONB where existing buildings are low lying.


·                     Loss of privacy.


5.5       The National Trust advise that they own Brook, Compton and Afton Downs, Freshwater Cliffs and nearby Tennyson Down. The purpose of this ownership is for the preservation of the integrity of important areas of landscape for the benefit of the nation through public enjoyment.


            The National Trust does not object to the principle of a replacement building on this site. However, they do object to the scale of the building in the current proposal and express the view that this is considerably larger than the one it is replacing. They consider that this will create a dominating effect against neighbouring buildings and will be out of keeping with the general area of Freshwater Bay. In addition, they consider the design includes an unacceptable amount of glass which is out of keeping with the area and will create unnecessary glare in sunlight making the building easily seen from surrounding countryside, particularly Tennyson Down.


6.         Evaluation


6.1       The main issues in considering the application  are considered to be as follows:


·                     The principle of redevelopment of the site with nine residential flats.

·                     The scale, mass and design of the building and its impact in the landscape.

·                     Matters of highway access and car parking


6.2       Existing building is arranged as eight flats which have been used as holiday accommodation. However, there is no planning restriction applicable to this building limiting occupation of the flats for holiday purposes only. Consequently, the Local Planning Authority has no control over the occupation of these flats as permanent or main residences. Therefore, I am satisfied that use of this site for residential purposes has already been established.


6.3       Site is located outside the development boundary as defined on the Unitary Development Plan. Therefore, more restrictive policies will apply in this area which seek to prevent development within the countryside and restrict new development to areas within existing settlements defined by the development boundaries. However, certain categories of development may exceptionally be permitted outside development boundaries and, in particular, Policy H9 of UDP specifies the type of residential development which may be permitted. These include proposals for a replacement dwelling of similar scale and mass to the existing. Whilst St Martin’s is sub-divided into flats, it is nevertheless a relatively large building within the countryside and I consider it would be appropriate to apply the replacement criteria in this instance. A similar approach was adopted on a site closer to Freshwater Bay involving the demolition of a building, formerly known as Promenade Flats, and redevelopment of the site with residential flats now known as Tennyson View.


6.4       Site occupies position elevated above Freshwater Bay and it is accepted that any building on this site will be visually prominent. Therefore, careful consideration is required with particular regard for the effect of the proposal on the designated landscape. In this respect, whilst the proposed building would be higher than the existing structure, it is considered that proposal would result in significant improvement in terms of the design and general appearance of the building. Therefore, I consider the proposal would make a positive contribution to the landscape character of the area.


6.5       Concerns were initially raised by the AONB Partnership that the development may have an adverse impact on dark skies in this area arising from level of illumination from the site and, in particular, the level of glazing proposed. Original submission incorporated a glazed atrium above a central stairwell. However, following negotiations, this element has been omitted from the scheme. In addition, surveyor acting on behalf of the applicants submitted information detailing the area of glazing within the existing building and a comparison with the proposed development. This information showed quite a significant reduction in the area of glazing in the proposed building and, following consultation with the AONB Partnership, it is understood that the provision of this information has overcome their concerns in this respect. It is also accepted that external lighting on the building and within the car parking area could present a source of light pollution in this area. However, should Members be minded to approve the application, I would recommend that consent is subject to a condition controlling the installation of external lighting.


6.6       Whilst noting the objection from the Highway Engineer, I consider that a number of factors should be taken into account in determining whether refusal of the application on grounds of inadequate access would be sustainable. In this respect, Members should note that site is presently occupied by building containing eight flats and proposal would increase the number of units on site by one. Highway Engineer accepts that increase in number of units is not significant but expresses view that flats proposed would attract higher level of occupancy leading to increased levels in vehicle movements. Concern has also been expressed that the access is of inadequate width to enable two vehicles to pass. Following discussions with the applicants agent, it is understood that his client would be agreeable to widening the access to overcome this issue and, in addition, confirms that the existing hedgerow along the roadside frontage of the site, currently two metres high, would be reduced and thereafter maintained at a maximum height of one metre. Therefore, I consider that proposal would result in significant improvements to access arrangements at this site and do not consider that refusal on grounds of inadequate access would be sustainable.


6.7       Concern has also been expressed by local resident and the Parish Council that proposal makes inadequate provision for parking of vehicles. In this respect, submitted plans show formal layout providing parking for a total of 12 vehicles, one for each flat, one disabled bay and two visitor parking spaces. I consider that this level of parking is acceptable for the type of development proposed and that this would comply with the Council’s parking policies and guidelines. In addition, I consider that any increase in the size of the parking area, to accommodate additional parking spaces, would have a consequential impact on the amenities and landscape character of the area.


6.8       In response to concern raised by Freshwater Parish Council regarding ground stability issues, consultations have been carried out with the Council’s Principal Coastal Engineer. He has confirmed that site is not in an area of known or potential instability, although a longer term risk may exist from coastal erosion.  Consequently, he agrees that it would not be necessary to require the applicant to submit a detailed geotechnical report for the purpose of considering the planning application. However, he agrees that it would be appropriate for any approval for development on this site to be the subject of a planning obligation which would prevent the applicant or any successors in title seeking construction of or improvement to the existing coastal defences in the area.


7.         Conclusion and Justification for Recommendation


7.1       Having given due regard and appropriate weight to all material considerations referred to in this report, I am satisfied that redevelopment of the site as proposed represents an acceptable form of development. In particular, I consider that the building will be of superior design and appearance to the existing structure on the site and would make a positive contribution to the landscape character of the area. Furthermore, I am satisfied that proposal reduces the potential for light pollution from window and door openings and that installation of external lighting, for example on the building or within the parking area, can be adequately addressed through imposition of relevant conditions.


8.         Recommendation


Conditional permission (subject to Section 106 Agreement ensuring that site owner and successors in title will not seek any improvement or extension of the existing coastal protection works and also no development of any kind or changes in levels on land coloured in yellow on a plan to be attached to the Agreement).





Time limit - full   -   A10


Prior to works commencing on site, details of a full levels survey, providing existing and proposed levels within the site, finished floor level of the building and finished ridge height, shall be submitted for the approval of the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: In the interests of the amenities of the area and to comply with strategic policy S10 (Defined and Designated Areas) and Policy G4 (General Locational Criteria for Development), D1 (Standards of Design), C1 (Protection of Landscape Character) and C2 (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.


No development shall take place until samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason:  In the interests of the amenities of the area and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


All materials resulting from the demolition of the existing building or excavated as a result of general ground works, including site leveling, installation of services or the digging of foundations, shall not be disposed of within the area identified in red on the submitted plans. The material shall be removed from site prior to the construction of the approved building proceeding beyond damp proof course level.


Reason: To ensure that finished ground levels and height of building complies with details submitted pursuant to condition 2, in the interests of the amenities of the area and to comply with strategic policy S10 (Defined and Designated Areas) and Policy G4 (General Locational Criteria for Development), D1 (Standards of Design), C1 (Protection of Landscape Character) and C2 (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.


Prior to work commencing on site, the access to the site shall be increased in width to 4.5 metres in accordance with the plan attached to and forming part of this decision notice. Thereafter, the access shall be retained and maintained in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interest of highway safety and to comply with policy TR7 (Highway Considerations for new development) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.


Development shall not begin until details of the design, surfacing and construction of any new accesses and car parking areas, together with details of the means of disposal of surface water drainage there from have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason:  In the interests of the amenities of the area and to ensure an adequate standard of highway access and drainage for the proposed dwellings and to comply with policy Strategic Policy S10 (Designated and Defined Areas) and Policies G4 (General Locational Criteria for New Development), C1 (Protection of Landscape Character), C2 (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and TR7 (Highway Considerations) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Visibility and sight lines   -   J20



Prior to occupation of any of the flats within the development hereby approved, the hedgerow on the roadside boundary of the site shall be reduced in height and thereafter maintained at a maximum height of one metre above the level of the adjacent carriageway.


Reason: In the interest of highway safety and to comply with Policy TR7 (Highway Considerations for New Development) of the IOW Unitary Development Plan.



Prior to any work commencing on site details of any lighting to be installed, either mounted on the building or freestanding within the site, shall be submitted for the approval of the Local Planning Authority.  Thereafter, development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved details and no additional lighting shall be installed/erected without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  In the interests of maintaining the amenity value of the area and to comply with strategic policy S10 (Designated and Defined Areas) and policies G4 (General Location Criteria for Development), D1 (Standards of Design), D14 (Light Spillage), C1 (Protection of Landscape Character) and C2 (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Withdraw PD rights structures/fences etc   -   R01


Development shall not commence until details of the facilities to be provided for the storage of refuse have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  No flat shall be occupied until the facilities have been provided in accordance with the approved details and the facilities shall thereafter be retained.


Reason:  To safeguard the amenities of the locality and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.










TCP/26902/ - P/00450/05        Ward: Brighstone & Calbourne

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Murray-Smith


Demolition of garage; construction of detached house with detached garage;  detached garage, (application to be determined by the Council's Development Control Committee)

Sunnymeade, Moor Lane, Brighstone, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 4DL



This application is recommended for conditional permission.





The applicant is an employee of Planning Services and, in accordance with Standing Orders which applied at the time this submission was received, the application falls to be determined by the Committee.



1.         Details of application


1.1       Full planning consent is sought for a detached house and garage and single garage for existing dwelling.


1.2       The dwelling will be accessed from an existing entrance off Moor Lane to the east of the site.


1.3       The proposed dwelling would provide accommodation comprising, entrance lobby/hall, lounge, dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, utility and w.c. at ground floor level with three bedrooms, one with an ensuite, family bathroom and study at first floor level.


2.         Location and Site Characteristics


2.1       The site is located to the east of Sunnymead, within an area currently used as a side garden to that property on the corner of Moor Lane at the point at which the road forks.


2.2       Moor Lane contains a variety of dwelling types, predominantly bungalows to the east of Moor Lane with two storey dwellings neighbouring the site.


3.         Relevant History


3.1       No relevant history.


4.         Development Plan Policy


4.1       Planning Policy Guidance note 3: Housing.


4.2       Site is located within development envelope as defined in Unitary Development Plan and is within a landscape designated as an AONB. Relevant policies of the plan are considered to be as follows:


                        S1 – Development will be concentrated within existing urban areas

                        S6 – Development will be expected to be of a high standard of design

                        S7 – Provision of housing units on the Isle of Wight

                        G1 – Development envelopes for towns and villages.

                        G4 – General Locational Criteria

                        D1 – Standards of Design

                        D2 – Standards of Development within the Site

                        H4 – Unallocated Residential Development to be restricted to defined settlement

                        H5 – Infill Development

                        C1 – Protection of Landscape Character

                        C2 – Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty

                        TR7 – Highway Considerations for New Developments

                        TR16 – Parking Policies and Guidelines


4.3       In determining this application consideration has been given to the adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance on Infill Development.


5.         Consultee and Third Party Comments


5.1       Internal Consultees


·                     The Highway Engineer considers there to be no highway implications

·                     Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Partnership have no objection to the proposal, and consider the design to be sympathetic to the character of the area and local vernacular.


5.2       External Consultees


None received.


5.3       Town Council Comments


The Town Council are in agreement with application being granted.


5.4       Neighbours and Local Residents


None received


6.         Evaluation


6.1       Determining factors in considering this application are:


·                     Compliance with Unitary Development Plan Policies

·                     Assessment of proposal against Supplementary Planning Guidance

·                     Design of proposed dwelling and Impact of proposal on the area.


6.2       Site is located within the development envelope for Brighstone and is therefore considered acceptable in principle.  The size of the plot is considered to be adequate to accommodate a dwelling of the size proposed.


6.3       The application complies with Supplementary Planning Guidance on Infill Development specifically paragraph 2.1 on appropriate infill sites and 4.1 and 4.2 on suggested garden space.


6.4       This proposal has been carefully designed in order to harmonise within the streetscene with a front elevation appearing as a traditional cottage with a more contemporary design to the other elevations which have little impact on the streetscene. The proposal incorporates high level windows and roof lights in order to minimise any potential impact on neighbouring properties, although the size of the site and the position of the proposed dwelling is such that any overlooking unlikely.


6.5       The proposed garages are simple in design incorporating similar materials to the proposed dwelling and would have minimal impact on the character of the area.


7.         Conclusion and Justification for Recommendation


7.1       Having given due regard and appropriate weight to all material considerations referred to in this report, I am satisfied that the proposed development of a detached dwelling with detached garage can be accommodated on this site without having an unacceptable impact on the environment or neighbouring properties and would not detract from the visual amenities and character of the locality. The proposal sits comfortably within the streetscene with sufficient space on site to accommodate the proposed dwelling with adequate amenity space and retain sufficient amenity space for the existing dwelling. In view of the above, I am satisfied that proposal does not conflict with the policies of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.


Conditions and Reasons:




Time limit - full

The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 5 years from date of this permission.


Reason:  To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.




No development shall take place until samples of materials and finishes including mortar colour to be used in the construction of external surfaces of the development hereby approved have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason:  In the interests of the amenities of the area and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.




All material excavated as a result of ground works including site leveling, installation of services or digging of foundations, shall not be disposed of within the site indicated in red on the submitted plans.  The materials shall be removed from the site prior to the construction of the dwelling proceeding beyond damp course level or such other timescale as to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  In the interests of the amenities of the area and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



Boundary details

No development shall take place until details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority of the positions, design, materials and type of boundary treatment to be erected.  The boundary treatment shall be completed before the building hereby permitted is occupied in accordance with a timetable agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.  Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason:  In the interests of maintaining the amenity value of the area and to comply with policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.





TCP/20191/C-P/003/05           Parish/Name: Newport Pan Ward

Applicant:  Mrs J Harvey


Demolition of building; outline for residential development of 7 units; alterations to footpath between Robin Hood Street and Ash Road, Newport


This application is recommended for conditional permission. 





Following consultation under the agreed delegated procedure, the local Member, Councillor G Lumley, has requested that this application is considered by the Development Control Committee for the following reasons:


1.         Proposal represents overdevelopment of site.

Loss of privacy for neighbouring properties.

Lack of amenity area for future occupants.



1.         Details of Application


1.1       Application seeks consent for the demolition of the existing dwelling within the site and outline planning permission (including siting only) for development of 7 residential units with alterations to footpath between Robin Hood Street and Ash Road.  With the exception of the siting of the building, all other matters are reserved for subsequent approval.


1.2       Although seeking outline planning permission only, submission was accompanied by floor plans and elevational details, which the applicant’s agent has confirmed are for illustrative purposes only.  These plans show 7 flats, predominantly one and two bedroom with 1 three bedroom unit.  Accommodation is shown to be arranged on two floors, although westernmost element of building has appearance of a single storey unit when viewed from the adjacent footpath, with accommodation in the roof space.


1.3       Site is defined by area edged red on submitted plans and includes the public footpath which runs between Robin Hood Street and Ash Road.  Covering letter which accompanies application indicates that it is applicant’s intention to enhance this footpath, to include widening where possible and provision of additional lighting along its length.  It is considered that this should help secure the safer use of the footpath and encourage more people to use alternative forms of transport other than the motor vehicle.  Relevant notice has been served on the Council, as owner of the land over which the path passes, and applicant’s agent suggests that requirement for zone 2 car parking (£750 per unit) is used to contribute to this.


2.         Location and Site Characteristics


2.1       Main body of site is rectangular with frontage onto Robin Hood Street of approximately 18 metres and depth of some 22.5 metres.  Site is presently occupied by detached dwelling, which has fallen into state of disrepair and is need of renovation.  Site is bounded on southern side by footpath linking Robin Hood Street with Ash Road.


2.2       Application site is located in area which is residential in character and surrounded by buildings of varying types and design.  Site is located close to town centre of Newport and is within approximately 75 metres walking distance of the upper Coppins Bridge Car Park.


3.         Relevant History


3.1       TCP/20191/A-P/01524/04 – Application for demolition of dwelling and outline planning permission for block of 9 flats refused in September 2004 on grounds that proposal would represent an overdevelopment of the site at an excessive density, which in turn would create conditions likely to give rise to overlooking, loss of outlook and be of an overbearing nature to the detriment of occupiers of neighbouring properties and the prospective occupants of the proposed development, as well as being out of character with the prevailing pattern of development in the surrounding area.  No appeal was lodged.


4.         Development Plan Policy


4.1       Planning Policy Guidance Note 3: Housing, sets out Government’s policies on a range of issues relating to the provision of housing and outlines the Government’s objectives in this respect, which include to promote more sustainable patterns of development and make better use of previously developed land, focusing additional housing within existing towns and cities.


4.2       Site is previously developed and therefore classified as a brownfield site, which is located within the development envelope as defined on the Unitary Development Plan.  Relevant policies of the plan are considered to be as follows:


S1 –     New development will be concentrated within existing urban areas.

S2 –     Development will be encouraged on previously developed (brownfield) sites rather than undeveloped (greenfield) sites.

S7 –     There is a need to provide for the development of at least 8,000 housing units over the planned period.  While a large proportion of this development will occur on sites with existing allocations or planning approvals, or on currently unidentified sites, enough new land will be allocated to enable this target to be met and to provide a range of choice and affordability.

G1 –    Development Envelopes for Towns and Villages.

G4 –    General Locational Criteria for Development.

D1 –     Standards of Design.

D2 –     Standards for Development Within the Site.

H4 – Unallocated residential development to be restricted to defined settlements.

H5 –     Infill development.

TR16 –Parking Policies and Guidelines.


5.         Consultee and Third Party Comments


5.1       Internal Consultees


Highway Engineer recommends conditions should application be approved.


5.2       External Consultees


None received.


5.3       Town Council comments


Not applicable.


5.4       Neighbours and local residents


Application has attracted 6 letters from local residents objecting to proposal on grounds which can be summarised as follows:


·                     Overdevelopment at an excessive density, out of character with surrounding area.

·                     Loss of privacy.

·                     Lack of parking facilities on already busy road.  Road leads to a local school and concerns have been expressed regarding highway safety.

·                     Loss of light.

·                     Lack of amenity area for future occupants.

·                     No significant change from previous application which was refused.

·                     Adequacy of drainage is questioned.


6.         Evaluation


6.1       Determining factors in considering this application are as follows:


·                     Whether redevelopment of site as proposed is acceptable in principle.

·                     Ability of site to accommodate development with 7 units with particular regard to its size and character of the surrounding area.

·                     Whether absence of any on-site parking provision is considered acceptable in this location.

·                     Any other relevant technical matters which need to be addressed.


6.2       Site is classified as a brownfield site within the development boundary as defined on the Unitary Development Plan and, consequently, its redevelopment for residential purposes is considered to be acceptable in principle.


6.3       Previous application sought outlining planning permission for development of site with 9 flats and was accompanied by illustrative plans showing a two and three storey building on the site.  Building was shown to be in close proximity to common boundary with neighbouring properties and it was considered that proposal represented over-development of the site and would have detrimental impact on amenities of neighbouring properties, including overlooking and loss of privacy.


6.4       Current application, while seeking outline consent only, was again accompanied by floor plans and elevational details, which applicant’s agent has confirmed are for illustrative purposes only, showing 7 units within a building providing two storey accommodation.  However, when viewed from adjacent footpath, westernmost element of building is shown to have appearance of single storey unit with accommodation in the roof space.  Plans indicate that majority of units would have one or two bedrooms with 1 three bedroom unit.  Whilst I have some reservations regarding the details shown on these plans, I would emphasise that they are for illustrative purposes only.  Notwithstanding these concerns, I am satisfied that site is of adequate size to accommodate 7 flats without having excessive or adverse impact on amenities currently enjoyed by neighbouring property occupiers.  Should Members be minded to approve the application, I would recommend that decision notices accompanied by covering letter addressing those matters of concern shown in the illustrative plans.


6.5       Site is located within zone 2 of the Council’s Parking Policies and Guidelines where 0 to 25% of the non-operational parking requirement would be applicable.  The site is located close to the town centre of Newport and other facilities and is within easy walking distance of the upper Coppins Bridge Car Park.  Many of the properties in Robin Hood Street, to south of application site, have benefit of off road parking.  Furthermore, with exception of relatively short section of road at northern end of Robin Hood Street where parking restrictions (double yellow lines) apply, on street parking is available in the road and, apart from certain times of day, for example start of the school day, there does not appear to be a congestion problem.  Having regard to these factors I consider that development of the site as proposed with no provision for off-street parking would be acceptable.  In particular, I consider that development of this site is likely to result in the provision of one or two bedroom units which are unlikely to generate high demand for parking facilities.  In the absence of any objection from the Highway Engineer, I do not consider that refusal on grounds of insufficient parking would be sustainable.


6.6       I consider that proposal satisfies objectives of making most efficient use of land within urban areas providing accommodation for which there is an identified need.  Given nature of development, i.e. provision of flats, which are likely to be more affordable one and two bedroom units, I do not consider that refusal on grounds of lack of amenity area would be justified.  Modest size amenity area would be provided to rear of building which could be made available for communal purposes, including the secure parking of bicycles.


6.7       Concern has been expressed that proposal is out of character with the surroundings and will result in overlooking and loss of light to adjoining properties.  The presence of the footpath provides an opportunity to provide a secondary frontage to this development and would, to a certain extent, mimic the orientation of the bungalow to the west, which aspects onto this path.  With regard to issues of overlooking and loss of light, I would remind members that this is an outline application and that these are detailed matters more appropriate to the consideration of an application for approval of reserved matters or full planning permission.


6.8       Applicant’s agent has submitted results of a capacity check on drainage system carried out by Southern Water.  This indicates that there is sufficient capacity in the foul system to accommodate foul flows from the proposed development.  However, Southern Water suggests that surface water flows should be taken out of the combined system.  This could be disposed of by some other method, for example by soakaway, subject to building regulation approval, or to a highway storm water system.  In this respect, I understand following discussions with a Highways Technician Engineer that a highway storm water drain runs under the path along the southern boundary of the site and eventually discharges into the river Medina.  I consider that this would provide an acceptable alternative means of disposing of surface water from the proposed development.


7.         Conclusion and Justification for Recommendation


7.1       Having given due regard and appropriate weight to all material considerations referred to in this report, I am satisfied that proposal for redevelopment of this site for residential purposes is acceptable in principle and that site is of sufficient size to accommodate 7 units without having excessive or adverse impact on neighbouring properties.  Furthermore, I am satisfied that, given location of site close to town centre and within easy walking distance of local parking facilities, development without provision for off-street parking is acceptable in this instance.  I consider that proposal satisfies objectives for making efficient use of land within existing settlements and do not consider there to be any sustainable reasons for refusal of planning permission.


8.         Recommendation


Approval.  (Covering letter to accompany decision notice addressing matters of concern arising from illustrative plans)


Conditions and Reasons:




Time limit - outline



Time limit - reserved


Approval of the details of the design and external appearance of the building(s), the means of access thereto and the landscaping of the site (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development is commenced.


Reason:  In order to secure a satisfactory development and be in accordance with policies S6 (Standards of Design), D1 (Standards of Design), D2 (Standards of Development Within the Site), D3 (Landscaping), TR7 (Highway Consideration for New Development) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Surface water drainage from the development hereby approved shall be disposed of to the existing storm water drain or to soakaways and shall not be disposed of to the foul/combined sewer.  Details of the method of disposal of foul and surface water shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority prior to any work commencing on site, indicating connection at points on the system where adequate capacity exists, or shall provide for attenuation measures to ensure any additional flows do not cause flooding or overload the existing system.  The development shall not be occupied until such systems have been completed in accordance with the approved details.


Reason:  To ensure adequate system of foul and surface water drainage is provided for the development in accordance with policy U11 (Infrastructure and Services Provision) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Prior to any work commencing on site, including demolition of the existing property and site clearance, a scheme for the widening of, improvements to and provision of lighting along the footpath adjacent to the southern boundary of the site, which links Robin Hood Street with Ash Road, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.  Such scheme shall be implemented in full prior to occupation of any of the flats within the development hereby approved and thereafter maintained in accordance with the approved details.


Reason:  To ensure adequate safe provision for facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and to comply with policy TR6 (Cycling and Walking) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


No flat within the development hereby permitted shall be occupied until space has been laid out within the site in accordance with details that have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority for the secure storage of 7 bicycles.  The space shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than that approved in accordance with this condition.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety and to encourage alternative means of travel and to comply with policies TR6 (Cycling and Walking) and TR16 (Parking Policies and Guidelines) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


An application for approval of reserved matters submitted pursuant to this outline consent, or for full planning permission, shall make provision for 7 one and two bedroom flats only and shall not include units with 3 or more bedrooms.


Reason:  In the interests of the amenities of future occupants of the development and to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.


Any windows to be installed at first floor level in the northern elevation of the building shall be high level, with minimum cill height of 1.7m above floor level, or shall be fixed shut and finished with glass panels which have been rendered obscure as part of the manufacturing process to Pilkington Glass classification 5 standard (or equivalent for glass supplied by an alternative manufacturer and shall be stained to this specification thereafter).


Reason:  In the interests of the amenities and privacy of adjoining property occupiers and to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.





Head of Planning Services