Present :


Cllr Arthur Taylor (Chairman), Cllr Henry Adams, Cllr Ivan Bulwer, Cllr William Burt, Cllr George Cameron, Cllr Charles Chapman, Cllr Mike Cunningham, Cllr Barbara Foster, Cllr Muriel Miller, Cllr Brian Mosdell, Cllr Lady Pigot, Cllr Susan Scoccia


Apologies :     


Cllr David Whittaker, Cllr Julian Whittaker


Also Present (non-voting):


Cllr Barry Abraham, Cllr Gill Kennett, Cllr Geoff Lumley, Cllr Ian Stephens



6.                  MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 June 2005 be confirmed, subject to Cllr Arthur Taylor’s name being removed from the named vote in Minute 4 (a) 14.


7.                  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST


Interests were declared in the following matters:


Cllr Henry Adams declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 3, Appuldurcombe Holiday Park, Appuldurcombe Road, Wroxall, as the person speaking on behalf of the agent was known to him.


Cllr Ivan Bulwer declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 3, Appuldurcombe Holiday Park, Appuldurcombe Road, Wroxall, as the person speaking on behalf of the agent was known to him.


Cllr Charles Chapman declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 3, Appuldurcombe Holiday Park, Appuldurcombe Road, Wroxall, as the person speaking on behalf of the agent was known to him.


Cllr Mike Cunningham declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 3, Appuldurcombe Holiday Park, Appuldurcombe Road, Wroxall, as the person speaking on behalf of the agent was known to him.


Cllr Barbara Foster declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 3, Appuldurcombe Holiday Park, Appuldurcombe Road, Wroxall, as the person speaking on behalf of the agent was known to her.


Cllr Muriel Miller declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 3, Appuldurcombe Holiday Park, Appuldurcombe Road, Wroxall, as the person speaking on behalf of the agent was known to her.


Cllr Arthur Taylor declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 3, Appuldurcombe Holiday Park, Appuldurcombe Road, Wroxall, as the person speaking on behalf of the agent was known to him.

Cllr Ivan Bulwer declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 4, Woodside Bay Holiday Village, New Road, Wootton Bridge, as he knew one of the objectors and the person speaking on behalf of the Parish Council.


Cllr Muriel Miller declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 5, Land adjacent 1st Newport Scout Group Hall and Nine Acres Lane, St Johns Road, Newport, as she knew the objector who is a member of the Council’s staff.


Cllr Ivan Bulwer declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 7, St Martin’s, Afton Down, Freshwater, as the applicant’s agent was known to him.


Cllr George Cameron declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 7, St Martin’s, Afton Down, Freshwater, as he was a member of Freshwater Parish Council.


Cllr Gill Kennett declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 7, St Martin’s, Afton Down, Freshwater, as she was a member of Freshwater Parish Council.


Cllr Muriel Miller declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 8, Sunnymeade, Moor Lane, Brighstone, as she knew the applicant who is a member of the Council’s staff.


Cllr Henry Adams declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 9, Between Robin Hood Street and Ash Road, Newport, as the applicant’s agent was known to him.


Cllr Charles Chapman declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 9, Between Robin Hood Street and Ash Road, Newport, as the applicant’s agent was known to him.


Cllr Mike Cunningham declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 9, Between Robin Hood Street and Ash Road, Newport, as the applicant’s agent was known to him.


Cllr Barbara Foster declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 9, Between Robin Hood Street and Ash Road, Newport, as the applicant’s agent was known to her.


Cllr Muriel Miller declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 9, Between Robin Hood Street and Ash Road, Newport, as the applicant’s agent was known to her.


Cllr Arthur Taylor declared a personal interest in Minute 8 item 9, Between Robin Hood Street and Ash Road, Newport, as the applicant’s agent was known to him.




Planning Applications and Related Matters


Consideration was given to items 1 - 9 of the report of the Head of Planning Services.




THAT the applications be determined as detailed below :


The reasons for the resolutions made in accordance with Officer recommendation were given in the Planning report.  Where resolutions are made contrary to Officer recommendation the reasons for doing so are contained in the minutes.


A schedule of additional representations received after the printing of the report were submitted at the beginning of the meeting and were drawn to the attention of Members when considering the application. A note is made to that effect in the minutes.







Outline for residential development


Part OS parcels 1238, 0135 and 0952, land between Weeks Road and, Ashey Road, Ryde


Site Visit:

The site was visited by Members of the Development Control Sub Committee on Monday, 11 July 2005

Public Participants:



Additional Representations:


An additional 22 letters of objection had been received.






Deferred at Officers request.


Officers asked that the application be deferred to enable them time to prepare a paper which addressed the issues raised in respect of highways and vehicular access, many of which were technical in nature and would involve diagrammatic evidence.  The additional letters of objection that were received contained detailed reasons for the concerns being expressed and it would clearly be inappropriate for Members to determine the application without a thorough investigation taking place and to enable Members to have all the necessary facts before them to consider the application as a whole.


Not applicable   (Item 1)






Proposed use of land for touring pitches from March to October;  outline for log cabins and toilet block;


Appuldurcombe Holiday Park, Appuldurcombe Road, Wroxall


Site Visit:

The site was visited by Members of the Development Control Sub Committee on Monday, 11 July 2005


Public Participants:

Mr Underwood (Objector)

Mr Wiggins (Objector)

Mr Morris Barton (on behalf of the agent)

Additional Representations:






The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report and resolved:

Refusal of planning permission, for the reasons set out in the Part II Register.



As per report (Item 3)





Re-development of existing holiday village to provide 150 two storey holiday lodges, 36 one bedroom apartments, new leisure building, refurbishment of existing buildings, alterations to internal roads and extension to car park, (revised scheme)(details of proposed highways and access arrangements);


Woodside Bay Holiday Village, New Road, Wootton Bridge


Site Visit:

The site was visited by Members of the Development Control Sub Committee on Monday, 11 July 2005.


Public Participants:

Mr Peter Foister (Objector)

Mr Tony Williams (Objector)

Mrs Jackie Milne (Objector)


Mrs Wendy Jacobs (On behalf of the Parish Council)


Mr Michael Strickland (Agent)


Additional Representations:

Comments from the Crime and Disorder Officer were received.


The Tree Officer had recently visited the site and advised the site consisted of three woodland Tree Preservation Orders, two group Orders and 225 individual Tree Preservation Orders.


A letter from the Clerk to Wootton Parish Council was read out.



The Local Member spoke on this application.



The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report and resolved:


Conditional planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in the Part II Register and subject to the applicants entering into a Section 106 obligation, (to be completed within 3 months of the issue of the first draft) the heads of which are set out in paragraph 7.3 of the report and a Section 278 Agreement under the Highways Act.


The cost of surety to the highways works to be added to the Legal Agreement.


The involvement of the Chairman of the Development Control Sub-Committee and the Local Member in the Section 106 Agreement be only in respect of the proposed highway works.


The removal of the off site parking provision be removed from the proposed Legal Agreement.


No clearance works to be carried out until the Section 106 has been signed and the ecology officer is on site.


Additional Conditions as follows :


22.  No development shall commence on the site until a survey of the development site as existing shall have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority concurrently with the submission of the site layout drawings and including, as appropriate, the following information at a suitable scale :


(a)     Location, species, girth or stem diameter, accurately plotted crown spread and reference number of all trees on site with a stem diameter of 75 mm or greater.


(b)     A numbered tree schedule including an assessment of the condition of all trees on the site together with proposals for surgery or other works, where applicable.


(c)     Existing levels.


(d)     Location, spread and other relevant details of existing hedgerows, hedges and other significant vegetation.


(e)     Location and dimensions of existing watercourses, drainage channels and other aquatic features with water, invert and bank levels as appropriate.


(f)      Existing boundary treatments and forms of enclosure.


(g)     Existing structures, services and other artefacts, including hard surfaces together with any proposed infrastructure work.


(h)     Details of the specification and position of any measures to be taken for the protection of any retained tree from damage before or during the course of development, with any such agreed protection being implemented prior to any other construction works being commenced.


(i)      The erection of fencing for the protection of any retained tree shall be maintained until all equipment, machinery and surplus material have been removed from the site.  Nothing shall be stored or placed in any area fenced in accordance with this condition and ground levels within those areas shall not be altered, nor shall any excavation be made, without the written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason : To allow the proper consideration of the impact of the proposed development on the amenity value of the existing site and to comply with Policy C12 (Development Affecting Trees and Woodlands) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.


23.       No development including site clearance shall commence on the site until all trees/shrubs, not previously agreed with the Local Planning Authority for removal, shall have been protected by fencing or other agreed barrier along a line to be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.  Any fencing shall conform to the following specification :



B.S.5837 (Trees in Relation to Construction)


Such fencing or barrier shall be maintained throughout the course of the works on the site, during which period the following restrictions shall apply :


(a)               No placement or storage of material.

(b)               No placement or storage of fuels or chemicals.

(c)               No placement or storage of excavated soil.

(d)               No lighting bonfires.

(e)               No physical damage to bark or branches.

(f)                 No changes to natural ground drainage in the area.

(g)               No changes in ground levels.

(h)               No digging of trenches for services, drains or sewers.

(i)                  Any trenches required in close proximity shall be hand dug ensuring all major roots are left undamaged.


Reason :To allow the proper consideration of the impact of the proposed development on the amenity value of the existing site and to comply with Policy C12 (Development Affecting Trees and Woodlands) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.


As per report (Item 4)









During the following item Mr C B W Chapman, Mr M J Cunningham, Mrs B E Foster, Mrs M J Miller and Mr A A Taylor declared a personal interest as they knew the applicant.





Outline for a block of 12 flats (revised scheme)


Land adjacent 1st Newport Scout Group Hall and Nine Acres Lane, St. Johns Road, Newport


Site Visit:

The site was visited by Members of the Development Control Sub Committee on Monday, 11 July 2005

Public Participants:

Mr Rod Warne (Objector)


Additional Representations:








Deferred to allow an investigation into whether the land was subject of a hard standing surface condition attached to a previous planning consent.



Not applicable (Item 5)






Demolition of existing building of 8 flats; construction of 2 storey building to provide 9 flats with associated parking and landscaping


St. Martins, Afton Down, Freshwater


Site Visit:


Public Participants:

Mr Ian Bawden (Agent)

Additional Representations:


Further representations were received from Freshwater Parish Council.



The Local Member spoke on this application.



The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report and resolved:


Conditional planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in the Part II Register and subject to Section 106 Agreement ensuring that site owner and successors in title will not seek any improvement or extension of the existing coastal protection works and also no development of any kind or changes in levels on land coloured in yellow on a plan to be attached to the Agreement.



Condition to be added ensuring that no windows or fan lights be put in the roof of the tower.


As per report (Item 7)






(During the debate Mrs M J Miller declared a personal and prejudicial interest as she knew the applicants neighbour and left the room)





Demolition of building; outline for residential development of 7 units; alterations to footpath


Between Robin Hood Street and Ash Road, Newport


Site Visit:

The site was visited by Members of the Development Control Sub Committee on Monday, 11 July 2005


Public Participants:

Mr Steve Smyth (Objector)


Mr Glen Hepburn (Agent)

Additional Representations:




The Local Member spoke on this item.


The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report and resolved:


Conditional planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in the Part II Register.


(Covering letter to accompany decision notice addressing matters of concern arising from illustrative plans)



As per report (Item 9)






Four/five/six storey development comprising 48 flats; two retail units (Class A1), one retail/bistro unit (Class A1/A3); formation of vehicular access and parking provision (aorm)


The Boat Yard, Shepards Wharf, Medina Road, Cowes


Site Visit:


Public Participants:



Additional Representations:


Additional drawings and photographs were circulated to members.



The application had been deferred for further negotiations at the 15 June 2005 Committee meeting.


A letter from the applicant’s agent was read out.



The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report and resolved:


Conditional planning approval, subject to the conditions set out in the Part II Register.



As per report (Paper B2)






Demolition of north end of factory; construction of 21 houses, three storey building to provide six flats; alterations to vehicular access, parking provision;


Clark Masts 18-20, Ringwood Road, Ryde


Site Visit:

The site was visited by Members of the Development Control Sub Committee on Monday, 11 July 2005

Public Participants:



Additional Representations:





The Local Member spoke on this item.


Members of the Committee were extremely concerned that the trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order had been cut down within the site without consent and two further trees were unlikely to survive if the works were carried out.  They asked that the Council’s Tree Officer take the strongest possible action that the Authority can take against whoever removed the trees without consent, including prosecution if Legal Services deemed the evidence adequate for such action.



The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report and resolved:


Conditional planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in the Part II Register.


A Section 106 Agreement for substantial trees (not saplings) to be planted off site to replace any trees that have been removed without authorisation, after authorisation or which are to lost as a result of the development.  The Section 106 is also to cover education contributions and affordable housing.


The strongest possible action that the authority can take be taken against whoever removed the protected trees without consent.



As per report (Item 2)






Alterations and change of use of St. George's Hall to provide additional classrooms and associated facilities; alterations and single storey extension to improve facilities


Shanklin C of E Primary School and St George's Hall, Albert Road, Shanklin


Site Visit:

The site was visited by Members of the Development Control Sub Committee on Monday, 11 July 2005


Public Participants:



Additional Representations:








The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report and resolved:


Conditional planning approval, subject to the conditions set out in the Part II Register.



As per report (Item 6)






Demolition of garage; construction of detached house with detached garage; detached garage


Sunnymeade, Moor Lane, Brighstone


Site Visit:


Public Participants:



Additional Representations:








The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report and resolved:


Conditional planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in the Part II Register.



As per report (Item 8)