Present :


Mr J R Adams (deputising for Mr C R Hancock), Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J F Howe, Mr P D Joyce, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr V J Morey, Mr I R Stephens

Apologies :


Mrs D Gardiner, Mr G P Price




THAT Mrs M J Lloyd be elected Chairman.



There were no declarations made at this stage.



The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support reported on a range of issues relating to the Constitution insofar as it related to the workings of Select Committees. As part of the CPA Improvement Plan a review of the Council’s overall Constitution was to be undertaken and any proposed amendments would form part of this.

The Committee discussed the size of Select Committees and whether there was a need to reduce membership from the existing 12. Members were reminded that at the last meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee the view that the size of Select Committees could be different to accord with their remit had been raised. The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support outlined the political proportionalities for Select Committees comprising 10, 9 and 8 members. The Committee debated how best to progress the range of options and believed that the views of each Select Committee should be sought. It was also believed that the commencement time might have a bearing on members ability to attend meetings.

The Constitution provided for the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council to be ex officio, non voting, members of each Select Committee. Members views on whether this should continue given the modernised committee structure were sought. The Committee believed that it enabled the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council to remain in touch with general council business when civic duties permitted.

The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support referred to there being no provision within the Constitution for two, or more, Select Committees to formally meet to discuss a topic of mutual interest. The Co-ordinating Committee would currently determine which Select Committee should assume responsibility for any cross cutting item. Members considered that there should be a formal process whereby joint formal meetings of Select Committees could be facilitated.

The Committee then debated the call-in process and in particular the period within which a Select Committee must meet following receipt of an appropriate notice. Although there had only been four call-in’s since 2001, the five working days had created difficulties in obtaining further information and ensuring that all relevant members and officers could attend. It was therefore suggested that the period be extended to a maximum of ten working days. The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support outlined a number of other minor amendments to the process and the introduction of a call-in form.

Consideration was given to several issues connected with the remit of Select Committees. The Environment and Transport Select Committee had, at its Awayday earlier in 2003, highlighted that rights of way had not been included within its remit but that for the Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee. The background to this matter was explained and members believed that rights of way formed an integral part of the highway network and should therefore be included with the Environment and Transport Select Committees remit so to assist in monitoring the delivery of targets within the LTP.

The Social Inclusion Strategy came within the remit of the Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning Select Committee. When the Select Committee last reviewed the delivery of the strategy it raised a query as to whether it was best placed to undertake this task. Members however considered that if a process for joint meetings of Select Committees was introduced this may overcome any difficulties.

The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support raised the need to review arrangements that were put in place for Health Scrutiny. When this had been added to the remit of the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee it was to be subject to a review after six months. It was believed that the arrangements should continue for a further 12 months.

Members then debated Question Time at Select Committees. There was a need to ensure that the public fully understood the procedures involved and that it was not an opportunity to raise personal issues or debate items. The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support also raised the possibility of seeking views from the public on areas where an issue should be scrutinised. One item could then be included in each Select Committees workplan based on the level of response received. A paper outlining how this could be achieved would be brought to the Co-ordinating Committee.

Members raised their concerns over late reports. The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support advised on the action taken in respect of this problem. The relevant Chairmen would be informed of any instance where difficulties were encountered with offices not complying with the deadlines set.



           (a)       THAT the period between the receipt of a call-in notice and a meeting of the relevant Select Committee be extended to a maximum of 10 working days.


           (b)       THAT rights of way be transferred from the remit of Economic Development, Tourism, Planning and Leisure Services Select Committee to that of the Environment and Transport Select Committee.


           (c)       THAT Health Scrutiny remain with the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee.



           (a)       THAT the views of each Select Committee be sought on the appropriate number of members and commencement time of meetings.


           (b)       THAT the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council remain as ex officio non voting members of all Select Committees.


           (c)       THAT the Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support prepare draft procedures for joint formal meetings of Select Committees.


           (d)       THAT the Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning Select Committee remain the lead Select Committee for monitoring delivery of the Social Inclusion Strategy.


           (e)       THAT the Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support draft a scheme for consideration by the Co-ordinating Committee relating to public involvement on submitting items for inclusion on Select Committee workplans.



The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support reported on a programme of training for members. This could comprise two separate elements and would be organised by the Learning Centre utilising the services of Mr Mark Palmer of South East Employers.

One element would involve training aimed at undertaking a Personal Development Plan (PDP) for each member. The other element would provide for specific Select Committee skills. The costs of the PDP element would be dependent upon the number of members involved, ranging from £6,800 for 10 members up to £14,600 for 40. The Select Committee training would be £5,525 irrespective of members attending.

The Committee debated a number of issues relating to the training proposals. It was noted that some members had undertaken a PDP as part of the member induction programme following the Council elections in 2001. Attendance at the proposed training would not be compulsory. The information obtained through the PDP process would assist in identifying members training needs.

The budget for member training was discussed. It was noted that this did not give a breakdown for Executive, Select or Regulatory training or for individual members.

Training related to the Select Committee process would be open to all members.



           (a)       THAT support be given to the principle of those members wishing to participate in training related to Personal Development Plans and Select Committees.


           (b)       THAT the Executive be requested to ensure sufficient funding is available for such training.



The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support presented a draft calendar of meetings for Select Committees in 2004. He indicated that this provided for each Select Committee to meet on a set day each month. Members were told all Directors would be advised of the dates in order to ensure that they did not arrange any other meetings that clashed.



THAT the calendar of meetings for Select Committees in 2004 be agreed.