1.        Terms of Reference


The Council will appoint a number of overview and scrutiny committees which will be called Select Committees as set out in the left hand column of the table below. Their terms of reference will be as follows :



Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

Public parks, gardens and recreation grounds (excluding the Botanic Gardens); Seasonal facilities, concessions and other leisure services; Wight Leisure, Economic development; Events, tourism and marketing strategy; External relationships with the private sector and Europe, Planning policy, Countryside Management and Rights of Way.

Education, Community Development and Life Long Learning

The Council’s role as Local Education Authority; Sports development and promotion; Libraries, Museums, Archives; Ventnor Botanic Gardens; Theatres and the Arts; Dual use facilities. Social Inclusion Strategy.

Environment and Transport

Coast protection, harbours and seafronts; Waste Management and recycling; Grounds maintenance; Public conveniences; First time sewerage; Building control; All types of highways; County Transport; Public transport; Traffic management, Traffic education and road safety; Agenda 21 Strategy.

Fire and Public Safety

The Fire and Rescue Service; Emergency planning; Crime and disorder; Consumer protection; The Coroner; Land drainage; Bereavement Services; Environmental Health; Community Safety Strategy.


Information, technological and communications systems of the Council; All personnel matters within the Authority; The Council’s land and property portfolio; The Council’s corporate image; Civic, external and twinning affairs undertaken by the Council; Cross cutting contractual and legal Issues; Financial Management matters.

Social Services, Housing and Benefits

Housing services, Housing benefits, Support for the young, elderly and those with disabilities; Voluntary sector liaison; Health Improvement Programme Strategy.


2.        Chairmen


The Council will elect annually the Chairmen of each Select Committee.


3.        General Role


Within their terms of reference, Select Committees will:


           (a)       review and/or scrutinise decisions made or actions taken in connection with the discharge of any of the Council’s functions;


           (b)       make reports and/or recommendations to the full Council and/or the Executive in connection with the discharge of any functions;


           (c)       consider any matter affecting the area or its inhabitants; and


           (d)       exercise the right to call-in, for reconsideration, decisions made but not yet implemented by the Executive.


4.        Specific functions


           (a)       Policy development and review. Select Committees may:


                       (i)        assist the Council and the Executive in the development of its budget and policy framework by in-depth analysis of policy issues;


                       (ii)       conduct research, community and other consultation in the analysis of policy issues and possible options;


                       (iii)       consider and implement mechanisms to encourage and enhance community participation in the development of policy options;


                       (iv)      question members of the Executive and regulatory committees and Directors about their views on issues and proposals affecting the Isle of Wight; and


                       (v)       liaise with other external organisations operating in the Isle of Wight, whether national, regional or local, to ensure that the interests of local people are enhanced by collaborative working.


           (b)       Scrutiny. Select Committees may:


                       (i)        review and scrutinise the decisions made by and performance of the Executive and Council officers; the review should encompass individual decisions made;


                       (ii)       review and scrutinise the performance and pattern of decision making of Regulatory Committees;


                       (iii)       review and scrutinise the performance of the Council in relation to its policy objectives, performance targets and/or particular service areas;


                       (iv)      question members of the Executive and Regulatory Committees and Directors about their decisions and performance, whether generally in comparison with service plans and targets over a period of time, or in relation to particular decisions, initiatives or projects;

                       (v)       make recommendations to the Executive and/or the full Council arising from the outcome of the scrutiny process;


                       (vi)      review and scrutinise the performance of other public bodies in the area and invite reports from them by requesting them to address the Select Committee and local people about their activities and performance; and


                       (vii)      question and gather evidence from any person (with their consent).


           (c)       Finance. Select Committees may exercise overall responsibility for any budget made specifically available to them.


           (d)       Work Plan. Select Committees shall maintain a work plan setting out a rolling programme of the work they intend to pursue. The Chairman of the Select Committee will keep the work plan under review from time to time.


5.        Proceedings of Select Committees


Select Committees will conduct their proceedings in accordance with the Select Committee Procedure Rules set out in Part 4 of this Constitution.


6.        Establishment of Working Parties by Select Committees


Working Parties comprising of members set up by Select Committees will be bound by the same provisions that relate to all other Committees in relation to procedure rules and access to public and press. The guidelines for the establishment of such Working Parties are as follows :


           (a)       A Working Party must be established by formal resolution of a Select Committee.


           (b)       Membership of the Working Party should reflect the requirements of political proportionality unless there is agreement by the Group Leaders that it is not necessary for that issue.


           (c)       A Working Party will be subject to the provisions of the Council's Procedure Rules.


           (d)       The Select Committee must specify the terms of reference for the Working Party.


           (e)       A Working Party should be time limited.


           (f)        A Working Party shall submit a report of its work to the Select Committee on completion of its task.


           (g)       Site visits made by a Working Party will not be open to the public and press.


           (h)       A Working Party will receive the required level of support from officers and be administered by Committee Services.


The above will not preclude small informal member/officer task groups being established to investigate issues of a non controversial nature.