Pro-forma for Work Programmes



Name of Select Committee :                                                                                                       ..............................................................................



Time Period for Work Programme :                                                                                           ..............................................................................



Contact Officer for Work Programme :                                                                                     ..............................................................................




Category of Item


Time Period for Review of Item

(either by months or by meeting cycle)


Call-In Items





Executive Forward Plans





Items referred by :


Executive/Portfolio Holder


Full Council


Task Groups














Examination of Key Policies and Strategies


eg :      Consultation over Budget and Policy Framework








Policy Reviews :


Short Best Value Reviews


In-depth Best Value reviews


External Scrutiny Reviews















Criteria Checklist For Selecting Topics For Review



Potential Criteria for Selecting Items



4 or 6


Issue identified by members as key issue for public (through member surgeries and other contact with constituents)




Poor performing service (evidence from performance indicators/benchmarking)




Service ranked as important by Council’s community (eg through market surveys/citizens panels/complaints)




High level of user/general public dissatisfaction with service (eg through market surveys/citizens panels/complaints)




Public interest issue covered in local media




High level of budgetary commitment to the service/policy (as percentage of total expenditure)




Pattern of budgetary overspend




Council corporate priority area




Central government priority area




Issue raised by External Audit Management Letters/External audit reports




New government guidance or legislation




Key report or new evidence provided by external organisations on key issue








Potential Criteria for Rejecting Items



4 or 6


Issue being examined by the cabinet




Issue being examined by an officer group : changes imminent




Issue being examined by another internal body




Issue will be addressed as part of a Best Value Review within the next year (or more?)




New legislation or guidance expected within the next year



