Notes to assist interpretation of the Commission’s local authority statistics



1.         Complaints received


This information shows the number of complaints received by the LGO, broken down by service area and in total within the periods given. These figures include complaints that are made prematurely to the LGO (see below for more explanation) and which we refer back to the council for consideration. The figures may include some complaints which we have received but where we have not yet contacted the council.


2.         Decisions


This information records the number of decisions made by the LGO, broken down by outcome, within the periods given. This number will not be the same as the number of complaints received, because some complaints are made in one year and decided in the next. Below we set out a key explaining the outcome categories.


MI reps:  where the LGO has concluded an investigation and issued a formal report finding maladministration causing injustice. (The figures for the year 2002/3 may include reports which had a finding of ‘local settlement’. For legal reasons, the LGO no longer issues reports with this finding.)


LS (local settlements): decisions by letter discontinuing our investigation because action has been agreed by the authority and accepted by the Ombudsman as a satisfactory outcome for the complainant.


M reps: where the LGO has concluded an investigation and issued a formal report finding maladministration but causing no injustice to the complainant.


NM reps: where the LGO has concluded an investigation and issued a formal report finding no maladministration by the council.


No mal: decisions by letter discontinuing an investigation because we have found no, or insufficient, evidence of maladministration.


Omb disc: decisions by letter discontinuing an investigation in which we have exercised the Ombudsman’s general discretion not to pursue the complaint. This can be for a variety of reasons, but the most common is that we have found no or insufficient injustice to warrant pursuing the matter further.


Outside jurisdiction: these are cases which were outside the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction.


Premature complaints: decisions that the complaint is premature. The LGO does not normally consider a complaint unless a council has first had an opportunity to deal with that complaint itself. So if someone complains to the LGO without having taken the matter up with a council, the LGO will usually refer it back to the council as a ‘premature complaint’ to see if the council can itself resolve the matter.


Total excl premature: all decisions excluding those where we referred the complaint back to the council as ‘premature’. 


3.         Response times


These figures record the average time the council takes to respond to our first enquiries on a complaint. We measure this in calendar days from the date we send our letter/fax/email to the date that we receive a substantive response from the council. The council’s figures may differ somewhat, since they are likely to be recorded from the date the council receives our letter until the despatch of its response. 


4.         Average local authority response times 2005/06


This table gives comparative figures for average response times by authorities in England, by type of authority, within three time bands.