Accommodation Type

Item Definition
Adult Placement - Registered Accommodation where a private landlord/lady or family provides support to one or more people living in the landlord's/lady's own home.
Alms Houses Alms Houses
Foyer for Young People Hostel or other accommodation for young people where work training and employment skills training are provided in addition to housing.
Homeless Hostel, B & B or other temporary accommodation Emergency or crisis accommodation, including direct access hostels and night shelters. The service may accommodate some long stay residents, although most will be short stay.
Hostel Short or Medium Accommodation (or temporary housing) for Homeless or groups with specific needs
Leasehold Schemes Leasehold Schemes and so on
Resident Adult Carer Accommodation where a private landlord/lady or family provides support to one or more people living in the landlord's/lady's own home.
Residential Care Home Accommodation (voluntary or private sector) registered as a residential care nursing home. Supported housing which is registered is included. Residential homes and hostels with 24 hour on-site staffing managed by statutory authorities (social services or health) are also included.
Sheltered Housing for older people Housing specifically identified for older people and provided with warden services (on-site or peripatetic). May have communal facilities and services. The accommodation may include flats, bedsits and bungalows.
Supported Housing (shared or self contained) Accommodation and support are both provided as an integral part of the service. It may include shared housing, self-contained housing clustered on a single site or dispersed self-contained housing which has been designated for the scheme.
Supported Lodgings Supported Lodgings
Teenage Parent Accommodation Accommodation specifically designed for teenage parents and teenagers who are pregnant.
Very Sheltered Housing for Older People Sheltered accommodation for frail older people, with warden support and enhanced communal facilities, specialist design features and the capacity to offer extra care services.