Client Group

Item Definition
Complex needs Complex needs
Frail Elderly Older people who are physically disabled or frail.
Homeless Families with Support Needs Families who have been accepted as statutorily homeless and are placed in temporary accommodation. This group includes homeless women with children.
Mentally Disordered Offenders Mentally Disordered Offenders
Offenders or People at risk of Offending Offenders, or people at risk of offending, who are homeless or who are having difficulties in relation to sustaining their accommodation or managing to live independently
Older people with mental health problems/dementia Older people with mental health problems including dementia.
Older people with support needs Older people with low to medium support needs.
People with a Physical or Sensory Disability People with mobility difficulties, sensory impairments and debilitating or long-term illness.
People with Alcohol Problems People with alcohol problems who are homeless or who are having difficulties in relation to sustaining their accommodation or managing to live independently.
People with Drug Problems People with drug problems who are homeless or who are having difficulties in relation to sustaining their accommodation or managing to live independently
People with Learning Disabilities People with mild to moderate learning disabilities, as well as those with more severe learning disabilities and/or challenging behaviour.
People with Mental Health Problems People with enduring but relatively low level mental illness or disability, as well as those who have been diagnosed as mentally ill and who have had, or are having, specialist treatment.
Refugees People who have been officially accepted as refugees, or who have been given indefinite or exception leave to remain, not the wider group of those seeking asylum who do not have access to public resources
Rough Sleeper A person bedded down for the night on the street
Single Homeless with Support Needs People who have been accepted as homeless and in priority need and also those single homeless people who have been turned down for re-housing or have not approached the local authority.
Teenage Parents Young single parents needing support and vulnerable young women in this age group who are pregnant.
Traveller Traveller
Young People at Risk Homeless young people (under 21) and those in insecure accommodation.
Young People Leaving Care Young people leaving local authority care who need support. (ref. Care Leavers Act and its definition of relevant children)